For some reason this am I am having massive anxiety that if we are pregnant I’ll have to clean out and organize our third bedroom which is currently our pack rat room of papers and clothing that doesn’t fit (for all 3 of us). I’ll have to go through DDs clothes to either re-use or sell/donate if we have a boy (a massive job she has so much as I’m a shopaholic). I have so much that doesn’t fit and need to consign or donate. All a massive job! Plus going through the papers and collected junk. Will take at least a few days! Plus buying a dresser for new baby and setting it all up. We always wanted to sort our basement too (full of more crap hahah we are terrible at being organized and keep too much, plus we’ve been here for 11years). I got overwhelmed thinking of it all to do with a toddler being pregnant...? Ahh!