Oh My God


3 Boys and an Angel Ava
Nov 22, 2009
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Remember me always saying how scared I was to see my Sister in Law cause she is 16 weeks pregnant , well today she lost the baby :cry: My husband said that she went today and there was no heartbeat. How can this happen to the both of us 6 weeks apart? I just don't know what to say. :cry::cry::cry::cry:
I lost mine at 18 weeks and now her, I am in complete shock
I'm sorry to hear about your loss and now this...I have no advice but I will give you *hugs*
I am so sorry to hear of her loss. I imagine it also hard and brings up a lot for you too. You are both in my thoughts.
awe hun thats so awful to happen. the only comfort is at least you can be there for her as someone who knows what she's going through. ye can help each other through this and theres always this site too if she needs it. sending you both :hugs: xxxxxx
My prayers and thoughts are with you both xxx
Her last appointment was 3 weeks ago and yesterday she found out so who knows how long the baby has passed. They are telling her she needs a D and E but I think my BIL does not want to do this, he knows that I almost had to get that but I didn't make that procedure cause I had Ava in the bathroom and he doesn't want that D and E for her, what other options are there. And another question I have noticed a lot of ladies not in the United States get the option of a pill, they don't do that here , why? What else can they do for her maybe induce her and make her give birth? Please help?
XOXOXOXO :hugs::hugs:
:hugs: how awful :cry: for both of you!!!
I don't really know what a D and E is sorry...
i wasn't offered anything other than to be induced and give birth!!, i don't know whether its different at different gestations? :shrug: did the baby die 3 weeks ago? maybe if its smaller ?? i don't know sorry..:( her consultant should be able to answer her questions!!...

Big hugs to u both it must be bringing it all back for u too!! :hugs:
OMG... Andrea! I couldn'd believe my eyes when I saw this post ...

I don't know what to say ... I am sorry but that means squat : ) ... You know, she is lucky to have you in her life, you are gonna be an amazing support system for her, and as days pass , she will be for you as well.... Did she find out what she was having? Boy or Girl? I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers as well...

As far as options, I don't know what a D&E is...BUT I was given a pill... I am in the States... They placed a pill up into my cervix, or somewhere way up there & it made me deliver everything all at once.. I had to take a pill 2 weeks later to get remaining lil blobs but I woudn't have any complaints about that pill or anything ...

Keep me posted sweets ....

How are YOU doing today?? Well, other than shock from her tragedy ... How are YOU feeling and doing?? I think of your lil Ava when I think of my Emma... ♥ Now, I hope they behave themselves & show your lil niece or nephew around & play nicely : ))

:hugs: how awful :cry: for both of you!!!
I don't really know what a D and E is sorry...
i wasn't offered anything other than to be induced and give birth!!, i don't know whether its different at different gestations? :shrug: did the baby die 3 weeks ago? maybe if its smaller ?? i don't know sorry..:( her consultant should be able to answer her questions!!...

Big hugs to u both it must be bringing it all back for u too!! :hugs:

They are not sure when the baby died the last time she went to the doctor was 3 weeks ago./ D and E are performed when the baby is over 15 weeks :cry: it's a really terrible thing, the baby comes out in pieces :cry: that is what they do 15 to 24 weeks. I doubt they will induce her, although I pray they would. :cry:
:shock: really!!??? thats terrible.so distressing.:cry:...... i'm glad thats not whats done here... :cry:....
Could she not insist on induction, seems kinder on mother and baby.....
AWWW I am so sorry :hugs:

Here, it is quite sad, the babies that die in utero have to undergo a D&E under same circumstances, if under 24ish weeks and right at 14 weeks they have to have the D&E. Its AWFUl. I know from experience. My baby was passed at 16 weeks, and I was told the only way to get her out was to have the D&E. I cried for a whole day. I begged my mom to not allow them to take her that way. It was the worse day of my life. My only baby girl. She wasnt forming properly, chromosone issues back in September 1999. :(
:shock: really!!??? thats terrible.so distressing.:cry:...... i'm glad thats not whats done here... :cry:....
Could she not insist on induction, seems kinder on mother and baby.....

My husbands doctor made this comment about the doctors NOT ALL but most in the United States. This doctor that made the comment is one of the best in his fields. He said first these doctors perform cesarean more in the United States even when the women does not need it just to make more money and that in the United Kingdom the pill is rather than the D and E so much easier on the woman in order to give birth to a baby that has either died or is going to be very sick cause of severe problems . I almost had to get the D and E they put these things up there in order to open the cervix so the extraction can be performed easily.
Then when you go into surgery for this D and E most of the time the women is out under anesthesia , the baby is broken up and then pulled out into pieces . I didn't know this, my doctor never told me this, my friend who is a nurse said they would have had to explain it before you went in for the surgery and before you went into surgery you have to sign papers and there is also a risk of the doctor puncturing your uterus . I was never at ANY time offered another way of Ava leaving my body, no pill no nothing. I thank God everyday that when the doctor put those things up me to open my cervix and then scheduled this procedure for the next day , Ava came out on her own in my home, if this would have NOT happened I would NOT have went through this surgery I don't care what would have happened to me I would not have done it. With my sister in law her last visit before finding out the baby died was 3 weeks ago so they don't know when the baby passed ,there is a chance when the baby is there in you not alive for infection to set in, so at this point I don't know what their options are, I am sick over this.
The United Kingdom seems a lot more better than the United States where this is concerned , why can't they just induce her, she is 16 weeks , let her deliver this baby and then go from there.
This procedure is also used for disgusting people probably most are prostitutes that wait 15 weeks to 24 weeks to have an abortion so they do this, it's terrible and they should be put in jail. I understand when it is for a woman who has no choice because of her baby dying or having severe problems i am NOT putting these women in that category .
I am ashamed that I live in a state where you can have an abortion at 24 weeks that is disgusting. Not all states allow this but New York does. '
If you discover you are pregnant and don't want the baby then decide that right away don't wait till the baby is 12 weeks or over to do this. I am just sick right now, I was never ever offered any kind of pill I was only offered this D and E and I thank God everyday my AVa came out on her own. :cry:
AWWW I am so sorry :hugs:

Here, it is quite sad, the babies that die in utero have to undergo a D&E under same circumstances, if under 24ish weeks and right at 14 weeks they have to have the D&E. Its AWFUl. I know from experience. My baby was passed at 16 weeks, and I was told the only way to get her out was to have the D&E. I cried for a whole day. I begged my mom to not allow them to take her that way. It was the worse day of my life. My only baby girl. She wasnt forming properly, chromosone issues back in September 1999. :(

I am so deeply sorry you went through this. I am sorry , but please don't blame yourself ever I know it had to be done. I am so sorry for your loss :cry: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
AWWW I am so sorry :hugs:

Here, it is quite sad, the babies that die in utero have to undergo a D&E under same circumstances, if under 24ish weeks and right at 14 weeks they have to have the D&E. Its AWFUl. I know from experience. My baby was passed at 16 weeks, and I was told the only way to get her out was to have the D&E. I cried for a whole day. I begged my mom to not allow them to take her that way. It was the worse day of my life. My only baby girl. She wasnt forming properly, chromosone issues back in September 1999. :(

I am so deeply sorry you went through this. I am sorry , but please don't blame yourself ever I know it had to be done. I am so sorry for your loss :cry: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I dont talk about it much cus I had to go through it alone. My ex (father to my older 4) said I deserved it cus I didnt take any birth control to prevent it and we had one already and he didnt want any more so when he found out I miscarried he was happy and left me there so he could go out drinking. I asked to find out the gender of the baby and was a girl. I was so heartbroken, ever since then I have tried for a girl, only to have a girl angel. Thanks for the hugs. I am here reading all the other womens stories and just get so sad for them. No one should have to go through a loss, not to mention have their baby chopped up just because thats the way it is. But I thank god my baby didnt suffer wehn it happened. I did have a rainbow baby after her, hes so precious. Hes now 10.
AWWW I am so sorry :hugs:

Here, it is quite sad, the babies that die in utero have to undergo a D&E under same circumstances, if under 24ish weeks and right at 14 weeks they have to have the D&E. Its AWFUl. I know from experience. My baby was passed at 16 weeks, and I was told the only way to get her out was to have the D&E. I cried for a whole day. I begged my mom to not allow them to take her that way. It was the worse day of my life. My only baby girl. She wasnt forming properly, chromosone issues back in September 1999. :(

I am so deeply sorry you went through this. I am sorry , but please don't blame yourself ever I know it had to be done. I am so sorry for your loss :cry: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I dont talk about it much cus I had to go through it alone. My ex (father to my older 4) said I deserved it cus I didnt take any birth control to prevent it and we had one already and he didnt want any more. I asked to find out the gender of the baby and was a girl. I was so heartbroken, ever since then I have tried for a girl, only to have a girl angel. Thanks for the hugs. I am here reading all the other womens stories and just get so sad for them. No one should have to go through a loss, not to mention have their baby chopped up just because thats the way it is. But I thank god my baby didnt suffer wehn it happened. I did have a rainbow baby after her, hes so precious. Hes now 10.

Your X husband is a pig and should have never said that to you, I m so sorry for that, i know it must have broken your heart :cry::cry: I am sorry for all that has happened to you and if you ever need to talk I am here. Don't ever ever blame yourself, This country needs to change this and do like they do in the United Kingdom , this breaks women's spirit and they never forget this.
AWWW I am so sorry :hugs:

Here, it is quite sad, the babies that die in utero have to undergo a D&E under same circumstances, if under 24ish weeks and right at 14 weeks they have to have the D&E. Its AWFUl. I know from experience. My baby was passed at 16 weeks, and I was told the only way to get her out was to have the D&E. I cried for a whole day. I begged my mom to not allow them to take her that way. It was the worse day of my life. My only baby girl. She wasnt forming properly, chromosone issues back in September 1999. :(

I am so deeply sorry you went through this. I am sorry , but please don't blame yourself ever I know it had to be done. I am so sorry for your loss :cry: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I dont talk about it much cus I had to go through it alone. My ex (father to my older 4) said I deserved it cus I didnt take any birth control to prevent it and we had one already and he didnt want any more so when he found out I miscarried he was happy and left me there so he could go out drinking. I asked to find out the gender of the baby and was a girl. I was so heartbroken, ever since then I have tried for a girl, only to have a girl angel. Thanks for the hugs. I am here reading all the other womens stories and just get so sad for them. No one should have to go through a loss, not to mention have their baby chopped up just because thats the way it is. But I thank god my baby didnt suffer wehn it happened. I did have a rainbow baby after her, hes so precious. Hes now 10.


i'm so sorry u had to go thru that xxxxxx
:shock: really!!??? thats terrible.so distressing.:cry:...... i'm glad thats not whats done here... :cry:....
Could she not insist on induction, seems kinder on mother and baby.....

My husbands doctor made this comment about the doctors NOT ALL but most in the United States. This doctor that made the comment is one of the best in his fields. He said first these doctors perform cesarean more in the United States even when the women does not need it just to make more money and that in the United Kingdom the pill is rather than the D and E so much easier on the woman in order to give birth to a baby that has either died or is going to be very sick cause of severe problems . I almost had to get the D and E they put these things up there in order to open the cervix so the extraction can be performed easily.
Then when you go into surgery for this D and E most of the time the women is out under anesthesia , the baby is broken up and then pulled out into pieces . I didn't know this, my doctor never told me this, my friend who is a nurse said they would have had to explain it before you went in for the surgery and before you went into surgery you have to sign papers and there is also a risk of the doctor puncturing your uterus . I was never at ANY time offered another way of Ava leaving my body, no pill no nothing. I thank God everyday that when the doctor put those things up me to open my cervix and then scheduled this procedure for the next day , Ava came out on her own in my home, if this would have NOT happened I would NOT have went through this surgery I don't care what would have happened to me I would not have done it. With my sister in law her last visit before finding out the baby died was 3 weeks ago so they don't know when the baby passed ,there is a chance when the baby is there in you not alive for infection to set in, so at this point I don't know what their options are, I am sick over this.
The United Kingdom seems a lot more better than the United States where this is concerned , why can't they just induce her, she is 16 weeks , let her deliver this baby and then go from there.
This procedure is also used for disgusting people probably most are prostitutes that wait 15 weeks to 24 weeks to have an abortion so they do this, it's terrible and they should be put in jail. I understand when it is for a woman who has no choice because of her baby dying or having severe problems i am NOT putting these women in that category .
I am ashamed that I live in a state where you can have an abortion at 24 weeks that is disgusting. Not all states allow this but New York does. '
If you discover you are pregnant and don't want the baby then decide that right away don't wait till the baby is 12 weeks or over to do this. I am just sick right now, I was never ever offered any kind of pill I was only offered this D and E and I thank God everyday my AVa came out on her own. :cry:
some terrible things do happen ..it makes me sick too :( i would do anything to still have my baby boy...:cry:

I hope your SIL can get someone to listen to her...:hugs:

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