Hey Dinky - no updates on this end. Still no AF, but I think she is just around the corner. I am starting to get the symptoms I used to get before it came.Any updates yet? I still haven't o'd. Still getting ewcm though it's been 6 days nowstill getting faint lines on hpts though, they are getting fainter so hopefully I will o soon! X
Fingers crossed for you Dinky. Just a feeling but I think things will be looking up for us all this week. Not sure what that means for everyone, exactly - but I think we'll be hearing some good news.That's good that your appointment had been brought forward! Nothing worse than waiting is there? I also think my af might be on its way. I'm very achy today all over and just can't be bothered to do anything like I normally am before af! On a positive note though my tests are almost bfn, the line is very light now hardly any colour at all I'm sure it will be pure white tomorrow!