My hubby and I have had kind of a long "journey", so sorry if this post is a little long!
My DH and I are 37 and 39 (in 9 days), respectively.
We were married in 2003, and decided we should start trying a few months after I turned 30. We thought it would be simple and straightforward (as most people do), in fact we were worried that it would happen too quickly and we would not be financially set. *snort* Ah, youth.
We tried for a year and a half, then went to see an OB/GYN, who ran an HSG. All things were found to be normal, and he said "...maybe try for another six months?".
Bad advice.
So I ended up changing jobs, and we moved down to the Atlanta region from Albany. Found a good OB in short order, and we started clomid. Then clomid +IUI's. Then femara. Then femara + IUI's. I don't even remember how many we tried, but all were BFN- no hint of a line, ever. He referred us to a Reproductive Endocrinologist, who tried a few different femara+IUI's as we saved up for IVF (all BFN). At about the four year mark we tried IVF #1- which was cancelled due to the oversuppression of my ovaries. IVF#2- cancelled just before egg retrieval, due to my estrogen remaining low, and my progesterone spiking. Since my estrogen remained low (indicating to them that I was a low responder and possibly had egg issues), they were unwilling to do any more IVF's with my eggs. We considered IVF with donor eggs, but at that point had no more money. DH then changed jobs, and we ended up in the Middle East. We saved up enough money to try some FET's with donor embryos. Cycle 1- BFN (poor quality embryos), cycle's 2 and 3- CP's. Cycle 4 (the last we were allowed), BFP, followed by a blighted ovum.
I had a D&C to remove the "products of conception" (hate that term).
Miraculously, the cycle after our D&C (at about year 6.5 into TTC), used clomid to start my cycles again, and got pregnant with our miracle daughter.
Breast-fed my daughter until six months, when my cycles fully resumed and my milk production fell dramatically. This was also the month I had my first chemical pregnancy after DD's birth. The only pregnancy we ever had without meds at all- turned into a CP. In August of 2013, had another IUI and this was also a CP. In November and December, two more CP's (using clomid). Had my FSH checked again in early January- a whopping 51 (menopausal). I mean, how the blubbins am I still getting pregnant with an FSH so high I am considered menopausal???
Called an expert in RPL, and he heard my history, and decided that the tests we have wanted for 5+ years were warranted (I likely have an immune issue of some sort). We are travelling to NYC at the end of February to complete these tests and meet our new RE.