wow do we have some SMART ladies on this thread...

and as for the TWW threads - sometimes I actually cringe when reading those...but I try to stay away...but some days I actual read the pregnancy test threads (is this a BFP or not?) ... till it gets too much (like I cannot see the lines these people see - I SEE NOTHING) ... I am very happy to stay here with my over 35 crowd... much calmer and wiser...
so Sis - why don't you just start an over 35 pregnancy thread... we will all join you shortly!!! FX
so most of you know I am in the Army.

I am a Chief Warrant Officer 3. I am in the personnel field (pay, promotions, reductions, etc). I currenty serve as the Casualty Operations Branch Chief - so I am in charge of all casualty operations for the state of Illinois (casualty notifications/assistance), funeral and honors, survivor outreach services and the suicide prevention program manager. FUN TIMES!!! I have served for 21 years this month. I have done two casualty notifications where I told two mommas their sons were not coming home alive.

I have went to Dover and watched the Dignified Transfer of Remains with the last family. The absolute hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.
anyway... no reason to be sad - or bring down the thread... I love my job, I love the Army...
I hope everyone is having a great day!!!