Atty maybe u have to take the Naughty school girl approach :haha: MEN!!! ;)


me as a naughty school girl! Jeeze couldn't stop laughing at that!

garfie oh I bet you scrub up well... and the Hilton... not bad! Have an amazing time lady, you deserve it!:flower:

VJean Oh honey understand how hard it can be to be away from your baba for the first time... :hugs:

Sis4Us Going to get another coffee and have a read of your Journal :coffee:

Terri way to go on getting down and dirty wink! :happydance: Gonna have to work really hard on this man of mine.... lol
Ok... I'm a bad girl for two reasons. I've been MIA from this thread for days. Sorry ladies. It will be impossible for me to completely catch up. Second reason I'm bad... I POAS this morning at only 8dpo (wtf?). It was obviously negative, but when I read Vjean's post about testing yesterday at 8dpo (yep, I'm guilty too!), I didnt feel too bad! ;) I usually manage to wait until much closer to my 14dpo rule. This cycle is proving to be much more difficult.

SPP, I was SOO pleasantly surprised by your BFP, yay!!!!! Congrats Hunny, I'm SO happy for you!!! :happydance::happydance: It is true, this thread must be a lucky thread, my goodness! So many BFPs coming out of it.

Sis, your numbers seemed pretty great to me! Happy to see that. :)

Terri.... I bet you're excited for this cycle right after the HSG, huh? I know I would be. I'm feeling good for you this time, Lady!!!!! Bring on that BFP!

Atty, so glad you're back with us after your exile. I'm so disappointed in that FS you saw. :( Why do they always want to wait until "another" miscarriage?? Isn't it best to be proactive and prevent another one? Ugh! And besides... I was thinking you'd already had three miscarriages anyway, haven't you??

Garfie, how were the Awards?? Did you enjoy, even though you didnt feel well? I bet you looked stunning. :) You should share a pic. :thumbup:

Oldermom, how are you feeling?

AFM, I'm not being very relaxed this cycle. Hate when I get like this. I'm being very impatient, while I'm usually able to keep my cool until at least 11-12dpo. As for the temping after BFP thing (I noticed many of you were chatting about it), I kept temping after mine, and planned on temping until I got a good beta from my Dr., and then I was going to stop. That never did happen obviously, but that was my plan. I was actually looking SO forward to tossing the thermometer in a drawer and not having to worry about it again!!
Atty, so glad you're back with us after your exile. I'm so disappointed in that FS you saw. :( Why do they always want to wait until "another" miscarriage?? Isn't it best to be proactive and prevent another one? Ugh! And besides... I was thinking you'd already had three miscarriages anyway, haven't you??

Yes I have had 3 but only 2 in a row, apparently I need to have 3 in a row?!!
I am going to to see my GP and have a chat with her and see if or what we can do......
Sweet....yes, I'm guilty of STILL taking my temps. Lol. I think I'll stop after I'm out of the 1st trimester which will be in 3 weeks. Then again maybe until the 2nd trimester. Lol

Sis....your numbers look great and I totally feel you on having a constant fear. It's holding me back from being overly excited even though I really want to.

I'm an emotional wreck since Monday. Let me try and make it short. Found out a couple weeks ago I have hemoglobin c trait...no biggie right? Well it can be a problem if my husband tests positive for sickle cell trait- which is a whole other story! He was supposed to go on the 7th to get his blood drawn so I hadn't heard from the dr so I called on Monday and they called me back and said they couldn't find his results....odd because he TOLD me he was going that day. Well the nurse puts me on hold for like 10 minutes and during that time I called my husband from my phone at my desk and asked him " didn't you go to the Dr's on the 7h to have your blood drawn they can't find your results" he said " no I never went". WTF?!?!! I damn near lost it! I said " it's the 17th and you still haven't gone! I told you how important it was how could you not go?!" He said " we'll I just didn't go that day then wanted to during that weekend but didn't then we had the snow and I had to work". Steam must have been coming out of my ears at that point! I just hung up on him and when the nurse came back on I told her he never went in and he never told me he didn't! She was all panicked thinking they lost his results and she just reiterated how important it was for him to come in. He was lucky I had dinner plans Monday after work so I had time to cool my heels before I got home. I swear sometimes he doesn't have the sense god have a goose! The reason I am all bent out of shape about him getting the test done is because sickle cell trait runs in my family and me my niece actually had sickle cell disease because my brother and wife both had the trait. Well my niece passed away July 2012 at the age of 28 and she was 5 months pregnant at the time and through her entire life I saw how much pain she went through and I NEED to know sooner than later if we have a chance of bringing a child into the world who may have the same disease. All this time I was thinking no news is good news from the dr and he never went. I told him Monday he better go as soon as he gets off work today and that I didn't want to hear again that he didn't go! To top it all off my niece's birthday is on the 28th of this month ( well she was born on a leap year but we celebrate it on the 28th when it's a non leap year) so my emotions are all over the place.

Sorry for the long post but I just needed to get that off my chest. :cry:
Oh Smiles, I'm so sorry you have this new worry now... :( And to top it off, your DH didn't even go for the blood test, and didnt think to mention to you that he didn't make it that day? MEN. I sware, sometimes I wonder about them. Love them to death. But omg.

I bet you guys will be fine! I'm sure he'll get his bloodwork, and it will come back just fine, and you'll look back on all this worry and just feel SO much better that its behind you. :) I dont know much about the disease, but isn't it rare?
Sweet....yes, I'm guilty of STILL taking my temps. Lol. I think I'll stop after I'm out of the 1st trimester which will be in 3 weeks. Then again maybe until the 2nd trimester. Lol

Sis....your numbers look great and I totally feel you on having a constant fear. It's holding me back from being overly excited even though I really want to.

I'm an emotional wreck since Monday. Let me try and make it short. Found out a couple weeks ago I have hemoglobin c trait...no biggie right? Well it can be a problem if my husband tests positive for sickle cell trait- which is a whole other story! He was supposed to go on the 7th to get his blood drawn so I hadn't heard from the dr so I called on Monday and they called me back and said they couldn't find his results....odd because he TOLD me he was going that day. Well the nurse puts me on hold for like 10 minutes and during that time I called my husband from my phone at my desk and asked him " didn't you go to the Dr's on the 7h to have your blood drawn they can't find your results" he said " no I never went". WTF?!?!! I damn near lost it! I said " it's the 17th and you still haven't gone! I told you how important it was how could you not go?!" He said " we'll I just didn't go that day then wanted to during that weekend but didn't then we had the snow and I had to work". Steam must have been coming out of my ears at that point! I just hung up on him and when the nurse came back on I told her he never went in and he never told me he didn't! She was all panicked thinking they lost his results and she just reiterated how important it was for him to come in. He was lucky I had dinner plans Monday after work so I had time to cool my heels before I got home. I swear sometimes he doesn't have the sense god have a goose! The reason I am all bent out of shape about him getting the test done is because sickle cell trait runs in my family and me my niece actually had sickle cell disease because my brother and wife both had the trait. Well my niece passed away July 2012 at the age of 28 and she was 5 months pregnant at the time and through her entire life I saw how much pain she went through and I NEED to know sooner than later if we have a chance of bringing a child into the world who may have the same disease. All this time I was thinking no news is good news from the dr and he never went. I told him Monday he better go as soon as he gets off work today and that I didn't want to hear again that he didn't go! To top it all off my niece's birthday is on the 28th of this month ( well she was born on a leap year but we celebrate it on the 28th when it's a non leap year) so my emotions are all over the place.

Sorry for the long post but I just needed to get that off my chest. :cry:

Ugh. I'm so sorry Smiles. I'm sure everything will work out fine but I wish you didn't have this additional stress. I would be FURIOUS with my husband. In my house, I'm totally the worrier and I think women in general just have so much more emotional involvement (in the beginning at least). It's infuriating sometimes.
On a completely unrelated note, I have to make a cake for a bunch of family birthdays this weekend and I can't decide on one. Which would you prefer for your birthday (or would you prefer a variety of cupcakes as part of a cupcake tower)? See attached.


Smiles-I am so sorry your hubs didn't go to get his bloodwork. What was he thinking? The good news is that he can still get it done, and hopefully all is well. I can't imagine your thought process right now with all the worry about the what ifs, BUT, you just have to take things as they come, and cross the bridge when you get to it.
So sorry about your niece and the 28th coming up and on and on. We are here for you no matter what. :hugs:

kfs1-Our state (MD) dessert is Smith Island cake, which is similar to the yellow cake with a million chocolate layers. That's my favorite!

EROse-Glad you made it back online. I missed you, babe. I am feeling super positive about this cycle too. I'm back on my prenatal bandwagon, but I haven't been so good about not drinking. I've had a glass of wine the past two days. And if it makes you feel better, I did an early OPK the other day but had user error. Your HPT is my OPK. HA!!HA!! I only have one FRER at the moment, so I'm definitely going to save it.
Smiles :hugs: OMG Men r Douches sometimes!!! ;)

I know ur worry my DS1 was tested when he was 2 cuz he was sick all the time but Luckly he came back negative!! I hope he gets his butt in there or maybe u should take him Like a Child to prove a Point!!! :haha:

I know how u feel on every aspect of FEAR I don't even feel Preggo cuz I think I'm blocking it from my mind so I'm not emotional About it!! So I don't worry day to day .... Maybe once I get more symptoms I will feel better who knows!!
Smiles :hugs: OMG Men r Douches sometimes!!! ;)

I know ur worry my DS1 was tested when he was 2 cuz he was sick all the time but Luckly he came back negative!! I hope he gets his butt in there or maybe u should take him Like a Child to prove a Point!!! :haha:

I know how u feel on every aspect of FEAR I don't even feel Preggo cuz I think I'm blocking it from my mind so I'm not emotional About it!! So I don't worry day to day .... Maybe once I get more symptoms I will feel better who knows!!
KFS not sure how old they will be Bit the heaven and hell sounds yummy!!!

I wouldn't be able to eat it right now but it sounds yummy!!! :haha:
Well ladies I got a 2-3wks PG will diluted Noon pee so that makes me feel better not good enough to stop temping but better!! :haha:

Ive noticed headaches here and there I'm guessing when my hCG doubles food aversion more at nite and almost nauseous a few times around 6Pm!! :)
SPP where r ya don't make me nervous :haha:

U r my Bumpkin Buddy gotta keep in touch!!! :)
Well ladies I got a 2-3wks PG will diluted Noon pee so that makes me feel better not good enough to stop temping but better!! :haha:

Ive noticed headaches here and there I'm guessing when my hCG doubles food aversion more at nite and almost nauseous a few times around 6Pm!! :)

YAY!!! Something about that digital just makes things feel so much better! And yay for headaches and food aversions! LOL. That sounds so funny, but when TTC, I think I'm dying to feel those things, ha!!
Thanks for the support ladies....I'm still feeling a bit blah about everything and won't feel better to my husband's bloodwork us done and results are back. I'll TRY not to think about it too much though.

Erose....sickle cell trait is common with like 1 in 12 African Americans having it and the diease itself is 1 in 400 or so. BTW, I'm African American....lol. With sickle cell trait and now with my hemoglobin c trait -(which btw I was never told I had with my other pregnancies) it's really important my husband find out his trait status. If just one of us had either trait it would be no big deal, but he doesn't even know if sickle cell trait runs in his family at all. So we'll see.

Kfs.....I would go with the 14 layer vanilla cake with chocolate frosting or the heaven and hell. OMG, they all looked delicious but those are most appealing to me. Yummy!

Sis...I'm sure I won't have to take my husband, I think between me hanging up on him and then I sent him a text and when I got home later that night he looked like he didn't know what to say to me. He apologized for not going. The dr was closed today so he'll be there tomorrow since he's off. HE BETTER!!!!! :growlmad:
Thanks for the support ladies....I'm still feeling a bit blah about everything and won't feel better to my husband's bloodwork us done and results are back. I'll TRY not to think about it too much though.

Erose....sickle cell trait is common with like 1 in 12 African Americans having it and the diease itself is 1 in 400 or so. BTW, I'm African American....lol. With sickle cell trait and now with my hemoglobin c trait -(which btw I was never told I had with my other pregnancies) it's really important my husband find out his trait status. If just one of us had either trait it would be no big deal, but he doesn't even know if sickle cell trait runs in his family at all. So we'll see.

Kfs.....I would go with the 14 layer vanilla cake with chocolate frosting or the heaven and hell. OMG, they all looked delicious but those are most appealing to me. Yummy!

Sis...I'm sure I won't have to take my husband, I think between me hanging up on him and then I sent him a text and when I got home later that night he looked like he didn't know what to say to me. He apologized for not going. The dr was closed today so he'll be there tomorrow since he's off. HE BETTER!!!!! :growlmad:

Ah gotcha! So, much more common than I thought. Well, we will all be thinking about you Hun!!! I'm sure everything is gonna turn out just fine!
Smiles-I'm glad your hubs knows he's in the doghouse and yes, he better go tomorrow!!! I'll say a special prayer for you that everything turns out ok too. :)

Sis-What is CPAL status? hee hee. You've been changing things up all day! hee hee.
Ugh, I'm so sorry your DH flaked on the blood draw Smiles then on top of that didn't tell you about it :dohh: . I think men may not understand the urgency of certain matters sometimes. They also seem to do what they can, consciously or not, to get out of tests that have the potential to make them feel some kind of way :shrug: . Will be thinking of your niece on the 28th :hugs: .

Yes indeed ERose, the last little bit of a cycle is so :sad2: . Mellow :dust: as you ride it out!

Keep firin' up those parties then terri! :D

Yep, the fear can be a muther Sis. I keep going toe-to-toe with it and forcing it down/back/away, trying to enjoy the right now. It's always lurking though, stupid fear :hugs: .

I hope you had such an incredible time in your fancy dress, hanging out at the Hilton, that your fever got lost trying to keep up with you garfie! :)

Sounds like you need to put a hurt on your DF atty! Yep, time to break out the extra sexay big guns, bow~chicka~bow~now :lolly: .

Aww, it's so hard that first night away from them VJean :hugs: . I hope your DD and DH end up having a blast. Maybe if she has one of your shirts or something that smells like you to cuddle up with she'll be more apt to rest better. Sorry about the BFN (even early ones suck! :haha: ) I get AFB but what does TDY stand for?

Alright, gotta go get the bath ready for the younguns!
Dang, I still missed stuff since I started working on this post this morning :rofl: . Back in a bit!

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