Hi Ladies
I'm back from the Brit Awards - was it good? -

it was bloody amazing -

So I've tried to catch up with you chatty ladies
VJ -

congratulations mama - that is a fantastic line -
Sis - Good luck at your scan today - maybe there might be two that's why you're feeling the cramps - sure its just little one(s) settling in
Smile - Glad hubby finally had test - MEN urgh! - mine refused the SA (still not quite forgiven him

SPP - What are you watching on Netflix - we have watched Breaking Bad, Dexter and Orange is the New Black and now we are watching 4400 (agreed to watch this as a treat for my son - hmmmm he failed to tell me it had many many episodes)
ER - Sorry to say I'm just your average Joe

we bought a ticket and went - we was looking to see where the band Basteille were playing next and they had sold out - but there was still tickets for Brit Awards (were they were playing) with10 minutes those tickets had gone as well - so we consider ourselves very lucky.
Radkat - Sorry hun - waiting sucks BIG
Neesaw - BIG

to you as well hun - we will all be here when you feel stronger
AFM - Did you know I went to the Brit Awards

it was an amazing atmosphere and so sureal being in the same room as so many stars I mean Kylie, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Ellie Golding oh wow I was star struck

for those of you who watched it on the TV (I did when I got back and relived every moment) when the camera zoomed out a little and you saw the stage but couldn't make out faces that was my view (but there were the big tv screens all around anyway).
During the day when we went to collect the tickets the 02 arena was packed (people hanging around just in case a star popped by) there were people sat with flasks and blankets (again I felt quite good to be walking upto security for my ticket)

we collected our tickets after going through 6 lots of security and finally got a wristband put on - yeah we were going to the Brits
Hubby and I went for a bite to eat as time was ticking on and we needed to be back by 6

so we was walking out of the arena and I saw a big group of security with a man in the middle I said to hubby isn't that er......oh whats his face...... as we was walking by - when I finally remembered it was only Nile Rogers

anyway not to worry.
We got to the hotel - eventually and checked in - London is a nightmare to drive around it takes forever. I sent hubby out for a bottle of wine thinking there had to be a corner shop near by - and I went to bed (still had a fever

) Half an hour later he came back (no corner shop in sight

) and I was starting to feel a little bit better the

must have done me some good
We got ready and I must say I think we scrubbed up well - hubby took a pic of me on the red carpet so I will see if I can get it to show you
As we was going into the O2 we saw what looked like some men in helmets (takes all sorts I guess) hmmm not Dr Who fans - we had only just walked past DAFT PUNK
Also I felt really good about how I looked (not often I get a chance to dress up) and we passed this group of teenage lads (obviously star spotting) and one of them said to me "you look fabulous darling"

cheeky little man!
The only down side about the Brits (and it is only a small thing - but when you get to my age

) we were told we had 3 minutes to get to the loo and back - or security may hold you out of the arena for a while

well if Harry out of One Direction can't get back in time - what chance have us ladies got - have you seen a queue for a ladies loo
We left the Brits on a high and was up dancing - we then got the ferry back to the hotel - I went into the bathroom changed into my sexy undies (from Valentine) and came out all ready to find hubby

Never mind there was always tomorrow - we weren't due to check out until 12.00

- I was starting to feel feverish again - so didn't sleep to well (besides I was on a high)
Morning came - we were both a bit groggy (him through drink) me just generally aches all over - but I was determined and hubby said oh my did you sleep in them last night and I missed it (result) until............ the fire alarm went off (sheesh we was in the Hilton what

) so we had to get up get dressed and meet at the point - there had been someone smoking in their room - great! - so I have decided the sexy undies are going away for a very long time (they must be jinxed) although I still had the bottom half on (as I had to get dressed quickly) and guess what it worked

he saw them at bedtime - I was shattered - he was wide awake - he won.
So for now I am at CD 13 and no clue whether or not I have Ovulated - one thing though my fever has broken but it has left me feeling

would love to go back to bed but with two children to look after (on their holidays) that isn't going to happen
Have a great day ladies sorry my update wasn't more exciting