Olivia Laura Betty...17 March 2009


WTT for a possible no4???
Jun 27, 2008
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OK OK so I know it's mega late, but better late than never.

Now all my regular pregno journal followers will know that I have a tendancy to waffle and write long posts so I will try very hard to keep it brief. It's headed so you can readthe bits you want to failing reading for an hour the whole lot. lol

So on Saturday 14 March, I woke at 5 am waiting for DF to get in from work and went to the toilet feeling very damp. (but thought nothing new here been waking up damp a fair few times. Anyway got to the toilet and had about three dribbles drip down my leg, just three dribbles! I mentioned it to DF and thought perhaps it might have been remains of our session late friday afternoon! But he laughed at me and said I didn't have that much. He suggested I went to the hospital, which was our local one, no the one I had wanted to give birth in (the horrible one, those readers of my journal will know.) I kind of protested thining it was pointless, as there wasn't enough liquid to be my waters, as even when it trickles out I've been told there's still quite alot.

So off I headed to the maternity triage, took my son with me thinking I'd be coming home within a couple of hours. HAHA how wrong was I, The midwifes looked and said it sounded like a rumpture to membranes but weren't sure, so they called a doctor in to check, he did an internal and said I was 1 cm dillated and there was a watery substance a top of my cervix but it was still very high. However after they had had a discussion the midwife came back to tell me I was being admitted, I laughed at her and didn't believe her and remember saying no your having a laugh aren't you? She was laughing to so I really didn't believe her, it took three midwives and the doctor to have me believe it. So a surge of excitement went through me, as I was told I'd be induced within 24 hrs if labour didn't start by itself, as they thought it might have kicked off being as I was 1 cm already.

Action stations, I phoned my Mum no answer, I phoned my Dad no answer, I phoned my DF no answer! LOL I couldn't believe it. I kept trying got through to my Dad, told him I needed them to be on there way to us, to look after my son. I finally got through to my DF who had fallen asleep on his hearing ear, so was deaf ear up, lol he too had been convinced nothing would happen today. Then finally got through to my Mum, so all were well on there way on the 150 mile journey to get to us. Df was showering and getting dressed ready to come and pick my son up as we had acertained that nothing would be happening imminently as they would be waiting 24 hrs until inducing me. And if it all kicked off, then I knew it would be a few hours away yet.

So onto the ward I went all full of joys of spring realising my baby would be making an appearance really soon. DF arrived and we had a coffee, just before he tookmy son home, and I suddenyl started to get a bit scared thinking the worst and worrying, hoping the bay would be ok seing as I was only 37+3, worrying, wondering if I should have just gone home and said no I'll wait for 24 hrs at home and then gone to the hospital I had originally wanted to go too. DF was shell shocked but said I'd made the right decision, if I was too be induced it must have been for a good reason. Neither of us really knew why I was being induced but we guessed it was because of the risk of infection due to waters braking. Although I still wasn't convinced it actually had been my waters so I started to doubt the decision.

So on ward later that evening my Mum had arrived and brought my suitcase up, I was gearing up for an over night stay. with prospect of labour ward Sunday night.

fIRST PESSARY PALAVA: Well I walked and walked and jumped about for ages, hoping labour would start itself, but nothing so the night passed unevenfully. Sunday morning DF came back and stayed for the whole day. There was a change over of staff and I asked what was suppost to be happening cos I had been led to believe if nothing had happened within 24 hrs, I was being induced. The Midwife read the notes and said "I don't think so, I think we're sending you home," I was getting a bit stressed cos worrying about my Mum coming all the way down, my Dad taking unpaid leave and my DF taking his last weekend of holidays as we'd been told things would defo be happening by sunday night. I asked her to check as the doctor had definately said I needed inducing but I didn't know exactly why. She checked my notes and sure enough said I was due for induction at five thirty am I and would need the first pessary (24 hrs after waters broke). The midwife simply said that that had not been in her handover and she had not realised. I was a bit annoyed by this but thought fare enough understaffed busy busy weekend, ok we'll let it go but surely my notes should have been read through rather than relying on word of mouth. Anyway it was done and dusted and she was giving me my pessary note she did a bit of an inspection first to see where my cervix was and commented it was posterior, but successfullly inserted it with a little discomfort but quick and mostly painless, (this was at abt nine am) to get things going, I was told these need to be given every six hours in order to be best effective but some women it works after just one dose, So my next one was due at 3pm.

The Doctors came round at lunch time an asked why I was there, I explained they thought my waters had broken and needed to induce me and had given me one pessary already, but it seemed people were still not entirely sure if my waters had broken or not. The doctor then said she wasn't entirely sure I should be being induced because it was a bit early and told me not to let anyone give me anymore pessary's until she was back and she was called away on emergency c-sect. So then me and DF were left in limbo, told not to have anymore pessaries and to basically sit around doing nothing waiting to see what she was gonna do next.I was getting a little bit concerned cos I had already had one and surey the delay would cause problems if I needed a induction or would do 'something' if I didn't.

SENT HOME PALAVA: Come four O'clock twelve hours later I started to have pains and they getting stronger and seemed to be coming every few minutes. I asked for some paracetamol but it didn't touch the pain, so I was swinging about on my bed and swaying to and fro. The Doctor finally came back and did an internal, she said I shouldn't have been booked in and shouldn't of had a pessary, she said it didn't sound like my waters cos I hadn't filled a pad and on inspection said i was 1.5 cm dillated and she could see the mistake because their was alot of watery discharge, which could be mistaken for membranes. I told her I as having pains and she said it was just the head coming down, so she sent me home with two co-drydamol, not even a few, literally two to take then for the journey home. So I took them and she said I cldn't take anything else for six hours. She also said she would give us a form for a scan to check the waters just as a precaution but really felt that it was by no chance my waters. I left the hospital barely able to walk with the pain and she said it was just the head, by now I was so mad with everyones contradicting advice, I just thought sod it I'll go home until my waters break.

I got home for about six pm and was so upset, the emotions I'd been going through, the yes your having your baby, not your not, the way I'd been made to feel like an idiot because everyone kept saying have you filled a pad, "No I haven't it was just a few dribbles down my leg." The way they had insisted I stay in when on Saturday I had asked them if I could go home and wait. Finally and it sounds awful but the inconvenience, it's not cheap for both my mum and dad to get to me and we needed both one to have my son and mum to come into labour with me. Plus the fact my DF had just used his last weekend holidays because they had told us we'd be in labour sunday night.

DF and Mum went out to get a KFC and my pains were getting worse and worse, I was adament I was not going in until I had this huge gush they kept telling me I NEEDED to have to qualify for membranes rupturing. Mum was just watching me and we were counting them they were on and off, and I knew by this point hey were contractions, there was no mistaking them, However, I went to bed and for a couple of hours couldn't sleep, the co-drydamol hadn't touched he pain, and was breathing through the pains, they weren't bad but i knew they must be doing something. Even though docs said 12 hrs later was too late to be a reaction to the pessary. I went to sleep and woke at three am with nothing!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it, I was so upset. I knew they'd been contractions and couldn't understand why they had stopped.

MONDAY MORNING SCAN TIME: Df got really protective and said he wasn't happy with the pain I was in and wanted me to go straight into hospital first thing for my scan rather than wait for a phonecall which we had originally been told, so off we trotted to the hospital first thing, Walked in to get a scan appointment, and got one within the hour as doc had put it as urgent.

The sonographer looked at it all and said my waters were zero in two quadrants and the other ones were one and two. Now I don't know what is normal but guessed zero one and two weren't. She confirmed my waters had broken and it was probably a slow leak, she said baby was fine gave us an estimated weight of 7lb 10 oz said baby was fine and yes we should have an induction, 37 weeks was full term she was all fully formed and would have no problems that she could predict, everything was healthy and in good size, this eased my mind alot and I got in frame of mind to not take no for an answer, I knew I needed induction at this point esp cos of the pains caused by pessary and also cos now it had been confirmed my waters had gone and the sonsographer had said it doesn't have to fill a sanitary towel. So back to triage we trotted where we waited for a bed on labour ward.

BACK IN AND SECOND PESSARY PALAVA: Admitted onto ward again and given a pessary at two pm, monday 15th march. By a lady who hurt me like hell, and gave me the excuse I had a very posterior cervix??? I got told to stay lied down for a while and then get up and walk, so this is what we did. Once again we psyched ourself up for a baby arriving soonish, ad we even allowed ourselves to get a bit excited albeit the mistakes already been made. Come seven pm when I woke up part of the pessary and fallen out and had been burning me bits at the front. I knew this hadn't happened with the first one on sunday, so knew it hadn't been put in properly.

THIRD PESSARY PALAVA: we waited expecting another pessary at eight pm ish and just after df left at eight pm. We were told there was a handover and all would be dealt with, the midwife in charge just leaving said I would have another one abt ten pm possibly early hours of tues morning, as there was a bit of a backlog and staff had been late in handover.
Fare enough, so I stayed awake waiting for this pessary come ten pm I was wondering whether I should be pushing the fact it had been over six hours, and the doctor had previously told me it had to be every six hours to be effective. So finally at one am I actually asked what was going on, the midwife another change over said why are you in? So I had to go though the whole sage of waters etc, then she asked how many pessary's I had, I told her two but I had been given the first one more than 24 hrs before this one, so was under the impression this was a new course of pessaries, she said she wasn't sure, I insisted this was what I'd been told and she went to speak to a doctor. She came back, told me I was a clever girl and yes I did need another pessary but once again IT HAD NOT BEEN IN HER HANDOVER, HELLO WHAT ARE NOTES FOR!!!!!!!!!!

But first baby had to be monitered and obs recorded, so at 1.15am I was put on moniter and baby being recorded, I finally got the pessary at 2.00 am and once again it hurt like hell, I was in tears it hurt so much again was told my cervix was very posterior set. OK but it hurts like hell. I was told the next one would be due for eight thirty am. (however guess what this fell on handover time again.) I went to asleep hoping to god this one was gonna work, but got not pain or anything,
By now I was getting very very frustrated because every time a handover was made they asked me what was going on, and they had been given incorrect info at point of handover, when they all had my notes in their hands. Surely it really doesn't take much longer to open the notes as a handover is done,so you have two points of reference, also the pessary's had been so far apart my body must have been getting well mixed up! Plus the disapointment of this one not working!

So guess what 8.30am on tues 17 march came and low and behold nobody came to see me, I kept asking and they kept saying it's handover time someone will be with you shortly, then when someone finally came they said I had to see the doc as I had had three already and needed to see a doc before another one was done.
So at nine am the doc came to see me, asked me what was going on, I told her I was getting very annoyed cos everytime a handover was done nobody knew anything, I had been given my pessaries a minimum of 12 hrs apart, nobody seemed to be taking responsibility and I had already been sent away once in pain. She said she would make a plan and clearly write it on my notes to be followed to the t, she asked when my pessaries were given, and told me it was ridiculous as I had been given pessary's like smarties and it was no wonder nothing was helping, she said she would give me one in a moment and then make a plan to give me two more and if nothing works keep me in for observations until friday and then send me home for the weekend and bring me back in on monday to start all over again.
By now I was completly disheartened and told her well if two haven't worked why should it now. She said not to worry and keep positive, yeah hard when you've had so many internals, your in pain and have lost count, pessaries inserted willy nilly and pants handovers, with no one as it appeared taking responsibility or reading notes. ALL THIS BEFORE LABOUR, bear with me girls it gets better now!

DF arrived, I asked for the doctor again as knew I was suppost to be having another pessary, was told doctor had gone to labour ward and would be back later when she'd write my plan, so we waited patiently, by now it was getting on for twelve O'clock and I was thinking what the hell is going on, she said she would be doing one immediately so it was within six hours and once again we were getting on for twelve hours since the last one. I asked for my next one and nobody seemed to be helping, Once again I'd been forgotten. DF went down to the reception it and by chance caught the doctor who had spoken to me, it was then discovered she had said she's not due until two pm and DF then pointed out to her she'd said she was doing it immediately, and she then said she read it wrong and thought I'd had one at seven am it was confirmed by the mw by chance again that it had indeed been two am not seven am.

Well as you can imagine DF came back told me the news and I got hysterical, I was crying my eyes out even swore a few times, the doc came back and walked right back out again, saying she'd leave us for a few minutes to calm down. I was sooo angry and soooo upset, this was like the maternity ward head of section and even she had hashed it up, I cldn't believe it. I was devastated.
Eventually she came back and apologised and said she'd get it sorted here and now her phone even went and she didn't answer it. She said she would put the pessary in herself, but had to do an internal inspection first, so there's me so apprehensive about it all very tender already before my baby's even come close to entry and worried about her doing an inspection.
She checked and I was 3 cm dillated, my cervix was still high but open and she said she could see some waters so didn't think they had gone, but with all the hassle and being 3 cm she was shipping me down to labour ward then and there. Literally only had time to grab stuff and they moved us into our own room, I had my own room and funnily enough after all the hassle also got the head of section mw, as my attending mw.

FINALLY WE'RE IN LABOUR WARD!: SO 12.30 pm and we're in the labour room with a plan, to see how I go break my waters, see what happens and attach my drip. The mw who was lovely said I'd have the baby before she went off shift at nine pm that night. It was soo weird as soon as we got there my pains started, I was convinced the doc from upstairs and done something, and the MW slipped that she had given me a sweep. Without me knowing, I reckon it was a case of oh dear lots of mistakes with this one we better make this go fast and efficiently. So pains started to get regular and had to sway just like before and once again was about twelve hours after my third pessary. I can't remember how long it went on for, but I had to have gas and air it was getting to be so painful, and then it all stopped again, literally I was fine, no pains at all. I was soo gutted and though oh man this is gonna be a long one. They'd attached a drip which I thought had been the synotrin but turns out was just water lol, so we had a it of a giggle over that. Then I thought I'd made it all up in my head as how could the pains just stop, anyway the attending mw, tried to do an inspection to break my waters, but even breathing on gas and air it hurt like hell and I was crying my eyes out, the mw said she would get someone else to do it for me as she didn't want to hurt me. So after a few minutes the doc from upstairs came to see me and said right lets have a look as it appears I'm the only one who can do this. So she got ready, and told me to breathe on the gas and air, and onc again she did it fine with no pain, and she said I was now 4.5 cm, (I think this must have been about three pm,) so the pains had obviously done something, she then said there was a tiny bit of water under the baby's head and she would burst it, and then attach the drip in a bit.
Well she burst the waters and there was such a little amount I didn't feel it at all and barely filled the sheet she had under my bum, so just goes to proove finally it had been my waters that had broken now a good three days ago! It was basically the little amount at the front, like an air bubble below her head there was none above her or surrounding her.
Within seconds my pains came back and I was back on gas and air, and they were getting stronger and stronger, I don't know times by this point cos I was just so relieve to be in labour and things actually happening. I thought they had attached the drip by now but they hadn't which Mum pointed out to me that the pains had come and I wasn't even attached to the drip yet.

The drip was finally attached and the pains were getting more intense, as they got closer together I asked for some more pain relief and they gave me a shot of pethidine, now I know everyone says this does nothing, but in my experience it wasn't the pain relief it helped with as such but it relaxed me inbetween contractions, as without it even inbetween I was tensing up just waiting for the next one, but once pethidine was there it made it barable by rleaxing me inbetween. However soon got to the point where the pains weren't spacing inbetween and at this point, I nearly jumped off the bed in absolute agony, it took the mw, my df and my mum to hold me back and calm me down so that I didn't hurt myself by pulling out all the lines. I don't know what time I started crying for an epidural, but I was in abs agony and needed pain relief, I didn't really want one and asked mum how much longer di she think it would be cos I might be able to cope a little longer but not a long amount of time, she asked midwife and she looked at the contraction bit (toco) on the machine and said oh well it doesnt look like your uterus is doing much, man that hurt I began thinking it would be just like my first labour non pregressive, anyway the mw said she'd do an internal and I don't really remember this bit cos I was in abs agony, the pain was soooo bad, I didn't have that amount with my son's labour, but i'd had a epidural. But the midwife said she'd go and get the aneathesist, and she disapeared for a bit, it turns out she was having us on, she brought the stuff in but she knew I was mega close and just got the stuff to humour me. She did an internal and I remember her saying eight cm and then I suddenly remember the feeling of baby being there and the need to push, I tried to get my words out but the pains were so thick and fast I cldn't speak, then suddenly pain eased off, and with the contractions I was pushing and they didn't seem to hurt half as much. Two pushes and my little girl was out, it was announced she was a girl and she was held up, I cooed at her for ages, crying cos I'd done it myself without epidural and the disbelief I had bene right all along and she was indeed a girl. They placed her on my chest and DF cut the cord. DF was crying his eyes out, they took her off the other side did checks and basically was all ok, weighing 7lb 3.5 oz at 20.27, labour was 5 hours woopppee, what a huge relief,

So basically my labour was wonderful, really fast, intense but fast and very fulfilling! However I had to write in the beginning bit as was my whole induction process. The hospital really fell short and I will be writing a complaint letter about it all, i know mistakles are made their busy etc, but continous error and miscommunication and completly useless handovers along with failure to read notes, it was all appauling.

I'm soo sorry it's long but couldn't shorten it any other way.

thanks for reading!

Congrats on the birth of your baby! (If I may make one suggestion, the font size is a little hard to read :D)
OMG hun what a time! But worth it in the end hey!
gosh what a story. That hospital was a real nightmare!
Congratulations on getting through all that, Shining!!
Wow that was a long one! But managed to read it all the way through! I bet your so relieved its all over now and you can enjoy your time with your baby. I know just how you feel with hospital miscommunication, and incompetence, I had a hell of a traumatic time when I had an ectopic pregnancy and nobody seemed to know anything and what they were doing, and with all the handovers it was a huge mess up! Anyway congrats hun glad shes here safe and sound in the end x
Congrats on getting through all that hun!

After the hassle of the induction, I'm glad your actual labour was short! Sounds a bit like what I'm expecting with my hospital... no midwives actually know the reason why you're in but then nobody will discharge you or keep you informed of what's happening..!

Going off on a bit of a rant here, but hope you send off that complaint - that's disgusting of them xx
Congratulations again on Olivia, she is an absolute darling :hugs:

As for your birth story :shock: I can't believe how they ballsed up the induction/the handovers and your internals sounded agonising!! Definitely get a complaint letter sent off as your treatment was ridiculous!! On the plus side the actual labour sounded not too bad....5hrs and 2 pushes, well done you!! :hugs:

Wow the longest one I have read I think.... congrats she is worth it all x
Congratulations hun loved reading your story x
Phew Rach i just read it all too! I really hope you have sent off that complaint letter hun, that's just wrong, yes busy, but double the time between pessaries and none of the midwifes knowing what you were there for is apalling. x
Congratulations! x

Although sounds like you've been through the wars with the induction process! It's a good job you're complaining... they should have better lines of communication. Like you say - what are the notes for?!

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