On the road again graduates

Thinking of you Susie and red! Big boobs is a great sign. Even if they aren't tender...(yet) cause like left said- it's probably coming! From weeks 11-20 they were pretty much a no touching zone so poor DH would just have to stare. Hahahahah left I'm in a similar boat.. I was a C cup before this and now I'm a double D maybe even gonna surpass that! My nipples are also a tad large. Ha ha ha biology is so cool.
Mine used to hurt going over speed ramps !!

OMG YESSSSS! This has totally happened to me. Also, when I was about 10 weeks (before we had announced) one of my good guy friends hugged me goodbye and he squeezed wicked tight. I thought I was going to cry!!!
Thinking of you today, Red!!! Let us know how everything goes!!!
Still no update on Red here, either? Really thinking of her today!!

I loved boob play during pregnancy. Just nothing on the nips. ha ha! Mine got achey but still liked the touching but my sex drive during my son's pregnancy was through the roof and i was on a sex ban by doctor's orders. It was my uterus that was ultra sensitive to bumps so you can imagine driving down country dirt roads at 9 months pregnant. Yikes!

Carry on....hope you don't mind a TTC'er butting her head in. ;)
Starry, please! You're ALWAYS welcome here!!! It's just a pre-cursor for when you'll be joining us for real! :winkwink:

No, no word from Red yet. I'm anxious for news!!

And that's so funny about your sex drive! Both times I've been pregnant, I have NO sex drive!!! I normally have a super high drive, so the difference is really, really noticable. This time, I haven't even felt nearly as physically affectionate toward DH as normal (hugging, hand holding, etc). It's all coming back a little bit since I hit second tri, but still not at normal levels.
Gosh today was exhausting but I've made it home and for once I'm not sobbing hysterically in my bed mourning the loss of yet another baby. That's right my peanut is alive and doing well!!! Heartbeat was 157 bpm, and he/she measure a perfect 7 weeks and 2 days. How's that for guessing my O date?? I feel sooooo relieved and happy.

Red - so super please for you! :)

Topanga - my drive is already high so I'm super-charged when pregnant. I think my last pregnancy it went down but the other 3 I was like a ravenous beast. But with my history I have to avoid it. *sighs* lol

And I hope my turn is coming soon. I think I'm in the TWW. I'd normally ovulate this coming weekend but I got all my signs last weekend. I've been so hormonal my mom asked if I was pregnant but I had to say, "nope...just ovulating". ha ha
Hahaha Starry. I hope you'll be joining us soon. Stupid TWW is rough.
Starry I so hope you will join us soon. You are a rockstar and you deserve it so much.

RED I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Beautiful picture!! Hearing/seeing the heartbeat is the most beautiful thing. Yayayayayayayyaya man oh man I am relieved and so incredibly happy for you!!!!!!
The horrible thing with having such a hormonal fertile window is that I have to ignore every single "sign" I get in the TWW because I've been getting those already! I've even gotten morning sickness! Though that stopped once my ov signs stopped. But early ov means I'm already 2 or 4 dpo and AF will be due when I test rather than only being 11dpo (I have a doctor's appointment on the 19th so want to know the verdict before I go). I could even test earlier guilt-free! I just wish I could pinpoint the exact date of ov. I got ov signs from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday morning.
Red- that is the best news! So pleased for you :)
Fab scan pic too! Hope u got a really good nights sleep after your big day
Yay Red!!!! I knew it would all be fine!!! What an awesome picture too... the little bean looks so big already!!
RED I'm so so thrilled , our broadband was down so only getting to check in now . That deserves a very special HAPPY DANCE ;) :wohoo::wohoo:
I am SO happy for you :) you can now exhale !! So what was it like hearing the HB ? Did ya shed a tear ? I bawled and had to be asked to stop so they could take measurements lol

Starry you a free to come hang out with us here :happydance: I think the only reason the thread separated was to spare the feelings of those feeling a little raw and sensitive . We all had periods like that where the last thing we wanted to be a part of was talk of pregnancy . I for one would love if you were a regular lol.....
Thanks, Left. I think I may still give my detailed TTC updates in the TTC thread and once/if AF shows I'll probably prefer staying there but right now I feel like I'm talking to myself over there at this point. lol
Left I love those dancing faces! haha

My reaction was very underwhelming from the outside. One tear ran down my face as I smiled at the hb. Inside my heart was sighing with relief and just blooming with love. I'm not sure why I didn't respond more dramatically on the outside but I guess that's not who I am. I hide things until I can let be by myself. But it was such a sweet moment for me easily one of the best moments of my life so far.
Starry you can talk to us whenever you'd like. I love having you. I have so much faith that you'll get your rainbow.

Man red I can't stop smiling for you. And it's okay you didn't have some huge reaction on the outside. I didn't either at the first HB appt- just a few tears and a smile. The appointment I had a big reaction was the 12 week appt & the 20 week one. When you see the baby move around on the monitor.. Gosh it left me speechless. I am sooooo happy for you!!!!!

How is everyone else?
Anchor?? I want to know how she's doin. She must be ready to pop!!
Red - that sounds like me. I internalize a lot of my emotions when in public but at home I'm a stormy mess! With my son I'd tend to laugh and giggle at the scans especially when they came after a major bleed. I'd scold my little baby for scaring me and make dumb jokes because that's what I do to cope.

I've been thinking about anchor too. I totally forget when she was due. I feel like she got pregnant shortly before I did with my latest angel. I had been due early December so that would make her EDD very soon!
I'm here, I'm here! I keep up with these threads all the time but for some reason haven't been writing. 30 weeks today, so I still have a ways to go but it's moving along very quickly. I just had an appointment with an independent midwife with a birthing suite at her offices that one of my friends highly recommended, so I'm planning to be there if all goes well, and she also has a good working relationship with my gyn. in case anything goes wrong and I have to transfer. It's crazy to be actually planning labour! Thinking about it being 7-12 weeks away is blowing my mind. I'm not ready at all yet, but so excited at the same time.

Red, I am SO SO excited for you! What a beautiful picture. I know for me that first successful appointment was amazing but it didn't take all the fear away by a long shot, so we're all still here with you taking it one day at a time. I hope you are celebrating though, even if it's in a quiet way.

Starry, I can't help getting so excited for you with all the crazy preggo signs, such a roller coaster! You are so strong, and I'm really inspired by your steady hope. I'm praying this is the month for you!

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