Hi everyone Finally getting 10min to catch up !
So hope ye don't mind sharing my birth story , ill keep it brief cause I could be here for days. So was 10 days over and brought in at 7am for scheduled induction . On the labour ward by 7.45 and examined by midwife . Was 1cm still and " favourable " they also discover that my back waters had broken oops I completely didn't notice when so had to get IV anit biotics four hourly up to delivery to treat / prevent any infection . Plan of action was one round of prolactin gel to get things going , wait 6 hours and then as waters gone straight to oxytocin drip . Ok due to emergency s gel not administered till 12am . Then lots n lots of walking in circles around the hospital lol......... At this point tracing of baby shows Sean is in great form and doing very well . Me I'm having very mild cramps , kinda like a period pain you would take a hot water bottle to bed for . I constantly felt a need to wee . 6pm re-examined I was now 2cm after 5 hours ! Gel not so successful but my waters had broken so none left ! Not sure where they went as I had no gush or leakage . Can only guess it was to do with all the weeing that they came out at the same time ? Its a bit of a mystery !
Anyway midwife decided to move me to the delivery suite to start drip this was at 7pm ...........at 9pm still waiting on room to become free I had decided to get epidural at same time as drip so also waiting on anitiasthist . 10pm room available but no anitiasthist as one had gone home sick and the other was in surgery . This stage I'm still having bad period pains but very manageable and am 3cm . Baby still happy out . At 11pm I decided to let the oxytocin drip be started without epidural with the promise that they would be there in the next hour . Well you can guess what happened next !!
I went from NO pain to SERIOUS UNRELENTING contractions , OMG they were horrific how quickly they came on . I had a midwife that was less than sympathetic shall we say ! Due to the awful heartburn I'd had I was vomiting acid in buckets too ! Tried gas n air and that too made me sick , nothing for it but to breath !! My poor OH got an awful fright how quickly it all happened .
So after 2 hours of contractions I was 6cm ....... Baby tolerating drip and doing ok . No sign of my epidural eventually after 2.30 hours he arrived and boy was I happy to see him . So Epidural in and OH steps out of the room for air ( to recover ) for 10 mins . He leaves me sitting up happy out smiling and comes back to a very different scene .
When he was gone they increased the strength of the drip to speed things along , all of a sudden alarms go off , I'm told to move onto my left , onto my right , 10 people come running into the room . No-one telling me what's going on ! Eventually they tell me baby heart rate had dropped from consistant 140 to below 70 and was not recovering . They called at catagory 1 c section and began prepping me for theater , poor oh walked in to the room with 20 people in it , me flat out in a gown , alarms going , he got an awful fright . I was rushed off out the door on the trolley by him , they did not wait for him to change before begining the section but he got there just as baby came out . There was no crying .. It was the loudest silence I've every or will ever experience . Two paediatricians took baby immediately to resus . No one in the room was saying anything , the only sound was me sobbing . After what seemed like forever I heard the most precious sound , SEAN cried
He had gone into fetal distress , either from the drip , not tolerating the epidural and also had pooed and swallowed the macomium . The ped took him off for a head to toe and to see if he had inhaled the poo to his lungs . I went into shock my bp dropped , I was in and out of consciousness , freezing cold and uncontrollable shaking alongside vomiting . Thankfully the OH have gone with Sean so didn't see this I'd say it was scary to see , it was scary to feel lol .
After what felt like an age ( prob 30-60 mins) I was wheeled to recovery swaddled in an electric blanket and daddy brought Sean in to me .He was perfect from head to toe , apart from a little shocked like his mum and very hungry overall the experience was not what I had hoped for but I would do it all again and more in a heartbeat for the amazing gift from God I've been given