On the road again graduates

Hi all...

I started have pains Thursday night. Managed to get through about 4-5 hours before I had to wake my husband up. They were like contractions and were coming like every 1-2 minutes. I was passing huge amounts of clots. I'm guessing the pain was so bad because my cervix was closed and the clots were having to squeeze through.

ANyway... Ultrasound showed exactly the same. A sac with nothing in it.
HCG was 12000.

They said it was the start of a miscarriage. My last miscarriage did not hurt like that. I passed a kidney stone before and it did not hurt like that... The pain has continued to come and go throughout the weekend. I haven't been able to eat much! I find that if I drink lots of water the pain gets better. I've been mixing it with cran-grape and that seems to help.

I'm afraid it's not great news.

I go to the Dr. tomorrow for blood work. and If nothing has happened I go back for an ultrasound on the 16th.
I am so sorry, Cary. :hugs: I am so unbelievably sorry, not only that it looks like another loss, but that you have to be in pain on top of it. Did they give you any options for medical management or do you want to wait and see?

With my blighted ovum, the first dose of misoprostel was not that bad. I had lots of bleeding, so I was tired and weak, but not a lot of pain. with the second dose, I had AWFUL contractions. I basically had to curl up in a ball when I wasn't on the toilet bleeding and could barely move or breathe. I am so, so sorry that you're going through that pain too.

I know there are no words, so just know that you're in my prayers constantly. <3
Cary i have no words to say how sorry i am that you have to go through all of this :/ :/ :/

just like topanga said, being in a limbo plus physical pain on top of all, and an uknown pain as well.

I am still hoping for a miracle for you with all my heart and soul. i still believe this is going to be your miracle baby somehow. (i hope these words don't come across as hurtful, i just really really wish the miracle would happen, as you so so much deserve it after all you have been through.)

<3 :hugs: :hugs:

i am keeping everything crossed for you that the bloodwork comes back good for you tomorrow <3
I'm so sorry, Cary. I wish you were getting better news and that you weren't in so much pain on top of that. My first miscarriage hurt like heck. It honestly was as painful as the beginning stages of active labour. It adds the insult to injury. But it was also over the quickest of all my losses. I hope you heal quickly.

Gutted for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Cary I'm so so sorry to read your sad news . Life is just so unfair sometimes without any obvious reason . I wish I could give you a real life hug right now . Have they said you can take anything for the pain ?
Hey ladies,

I noticed a tiny amount of red blood on Monday when I went to the bathroom. (I mean tiny, like the pinprick of a needle.) I kept an eye on it and it didn't return, but then I got the same thing this afternoon. Just another pinprick or two of red blood. I wouldn't even call it spotting.

I called my doctor just to be safe, so she wants to see me tomorrow afternoon. I almost hate it when they want to see you. I kind of wish she would have been like, "why the hell are you bothering me over something like this???" It makes me more nervous that it's serious when they want to see me. Also, I have an appointment next week, so I kind of expected her to tell me just to keep an eye on it and let her know if it gets worse, since she's seeing me next week anyway.

Anyway, I just figured I'd update you all. I haven't had a lot of symptoms from the get go with this pregnancy, so I can't exactly say that my symptoms have disappeared suddenly. For the most part, the minor symptoms that I've had all along (slightly more tired, sore BBs, etc) are still here.

I'll update you when I know more.
Oh Topanga how scary for you . I'm so sorry your experencing this . I'm sure everything is just fine . It sounds like not even spotting . Your as well to go get checked tommrow so you don't have to carry that worry around for another week . Hopefully after tommrow you can rest easy . Ill be thinking of you xx
Topanga :hugs: so sorry for the scare! I think once you have been through a loss, the scares are way way worse, because you already know where it can lead to and know there is no guarantee.

I am sending you a huge huge hug! I'm sure everything is fine in there and that those two spots were just one of those things that just happen.

As Left said, the good part of the fact that your doctor wants to see you today is that you don't have to wait for the whole week until you get checked.

i'm sending my prayers your way and crossing all i have for you <3
Topanga - how scary. :hugs: Hang in there. I hope you get reassurance from your scan this afternoon. I will be stalking for updates.

Cary - :hugs::hugs: Thinking of you. Hope you're taking care of yourself and getting good support.
The time zone differences have me all mixed up ! Thinking of you Topanga and of course Cary .. I hope your getting lots of hugs
Hey ladies, more light bleeding today and some cramps, but just had a good ultrasound. Baby's measuring fine and HB of 168.

They don't know why I'm having the bleeding. (I had this for one day with Lauren at 17 weeks.) Just told to keep it a little easy and no DTD until I haven't had any blood for awhile. They said if I get another couple of spots I don't need to call, but if it gets worse or doesn't stop soon I should follow up again. I have another apt scheduled next week anyway, so we'll see what my regular OB says. Blood pressure was normal today, which is great since I had pre-e with LO.
Topanga that is such good news :) I'm so delighted all is ok with baby Topanga no 2 :)
You must be so relieved !!! Xxxxxx
phew!! those are great news! :hugs: so happy the baby is doing great <3 and sending you my love for the next appointment.

bleeding in PAL sucks so much. even when it is completely harmless, with no apparent reason, tiny or whatever, it freaks you out so much anyway. i really hope it stops ASAP!

Have a good rest now :)

Cary, i am thinking about you loads. how are you? I so wish you were here so i could give you a real life hug. i would ask you so many things on how you feel, how is the situation developing and so on, but i just don't know how to word it and don't wanna put any additional pressure on you or say something hurtful. last stuff you need now is some bulls**** on internet. but i want you to know that you're on my mind and you and your family are in my prayers <3
^wss. I'm thinking of you Cary. I'm mad at the stack of cards you've been handed since to u are the single most deserving person I know. I still believe your rainbow is out there.
my news of the month is that OH and i found an amazing new flat to move in at the end of the summer, and these are great news, more space for less money, who could have wished for more :)

but it also means an official halt to our TTC/NTNPing as well until the move is over. this mainly because in both of my pregnancies that ended in a loss i've moved home (once with OH once with my ex), and i just DON'T want to risk to get pregnant AND move.

i know it is irrational and makes no sense but it is too much to deal with for me. both times i stayed away from lifting boxes or pretty much anything, from aggressive cleaning products, paint and so on but it still happened and well.. i just don't want to be in the same situation again.

OH is totally supportive and he says that our baby is waiting for the new nursery space to be ready lol.

so no we're not opting out just leaving it for autumn...
skye - your plan makes sense to me. I would be terrified to be pregnant (especially first tri) and move. I did move across country when I was 7 months pregnant with my oldest and it was tough and stressful even though everyone made sure I didn't do anything strenuous. When I'm in first tri I like to rest, rest, rest. I would bleed just from standing too long so yeah, I can see why you'd want to wait. And congrats on finding a great new home! :thumbup:

Topanga - thinking of you. Spotting and cramping is no fun. i think sometimes, with all the extra blood swirling down there during pregnancy, it's possible some people are just extra sensitive and bleed more easily. I had a normal pregnancy with DD but I would still spot if I stood too long or every time I had sex. I also had horrible cramps. It's nerve-wracking but as long as your scans show a healthy baby you at least have something positive to focus on. :hugs:

Cary - you continue to be in my thoughts. :hugs::hugs:

afm - my DD took her first steps yesterday. It won't be long until she properly starts walking. People like to say "oh, you don't want them to walk" or "now she will be into everything" but my oldest was very delayed (didn't walk until almost 2) so I am thrilled to have my youngest meeting her milestones. And besides, she is already getting into everything. She can open doors and drawers (our child safety locks have been all broken already....cheap pieces of crap, lol) and she is PERSISTENT. Walking won't change much at this point. :haha:
ohhh Starry!! congrats on those first steps! Go, Hannah, go! those moments are sooo exciting and i'm so happy your DD is meeting her milestones! especially with your DS having been diagnosed with autism and her being at risk of possibly developing it too, i think every milestone she hits is like a little victory and a little sigh of relief.


Topanga how r u? has the bleeding subsided? thinking of you <3
Skye- SO excited for you with the new flat!!! Bigger AND less money... you definitely can't get better than that!!! <3 <3 I also completely understand putting a halt to TTC/NTNP until you're settled into the new place. I can't wait for the fall to come and hopefully get good news from you! :winkwink: As I recall, you once told us that you had a sense that you were going to get a BFP in the fall, so maybe it's a sign!!

Starry- great news on Hannah walking!! Like Skye said, I'm sure it's thrilling when she meets her milestones, considering.

Cary- always thinking of you. :hugs:

Red- how are things with you??

Afm, no bleeding or cramping since Friday, so that's good. Since the scan was good, I'm not worrying about it too much. Since I had it with Lauren too, I think I might just be prone to it. I also hemorrhaged, both during my MC and giving birth to Lauren, so I think it might just be how my body works. Hopefully no more episodes with this one.
awww Topanga those are such a great news!! pheeeeww!! so happy that the bleeding is gone now :)

and you got good memory, i do have that feeling still and i actually thought of it as i wrote this post :) we got some telepathy here :hugs:
So glad to hear that everything is going good...

Topanga so glad to hear everything has stopped and yeah for an awesome scan and heartbeat. Praying for a healthy baby.

Starry. How sweet. So happy to hear that she is doing great and on her way to walking :)

Skye. Sounds like an awesome place. I could certainly use more space!!!! We had the same thing happen to us a while ago. More too
And less money. Best decision we could have made.

Red. Thanks. That means a lot. Wish we all lived close enough to meet :)

As for me. Had another appointment today. There is still some tissue left. Praying that I pass everything naturally. They confirmed that I passed the sac (Which I saw THURSDAY night) and I'm happy to say that the cramping is finally gone... They basically said that I was having contractions in the ER because my uterus was pushing the sac out. I'm in a much better place mentally and emotionally.

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