+ opk but need advice and experience as cant dtd till tomorrow night!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2011
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I ovulated on the wed 2nd and the sperm from the sunday had survived and got me pregnant (i didnt opk i just had pains on the tues wed and thurs and the wed would have been 14 days) first month ttc so a bit naive and thought that you just ov 14 days after af! However looking back now it could have been the saturday morning sperm that got me pregnant! Anyway the month following my mc I used opks and got a + on a friday and an even stronger one on a saturday afternnon then negative on Sunday so I assume I ovulated late saturday early sunday!! Now i have been using opks this month cheap ones all week and then today and yesterday a cb digi last night the cb digi was negative and this morning at 10am I got a smile!!! Which is all well and good be me and oh are not going to be able to dtd until tomorrow at around 6pm at the earliest!!! do you reakon from my track record and what I have said and mentioned that has happened previous months that you think I may be in with a chance of Ovulating perhaps tomorrow or even Saturday and we may get chance to catch that egg if we dtd as soon as we can tomorrow night!
I know that the kits just let you know that you are having a surge and you can ov anytime 12- 48 hours the avarage being 36 hours but just would like some reassurance advice!!

Thank you so much in advance ladies!!!!!!!!!!!:hugs::hugs:
i think that u will still have a good chance anyway hunni after ovulation ur lil eggy and survive for about 24hours so even if u didnt dtd till later tomorrow night u should still have a chance good luck hun xxx
ah yes I never even thought of that!!! thankyou so much forgot little old egg can survive to!! Glad I opk this month as it is giving me a better idea of my body and my lp! good luck for you this month also! thankyou
thanks hun =) im glad i could help you =) have fun and :dust: to you =)
roll on tomorrow night then!!! going to dtd as soon as I finish work!! oh doesnt know I use opks!!! he just knows I am fed up cos we cant dtd till tomorrow and I think I am ovulating because of pains. Said I wasnt going to obsess this month but cant help it
Lol ha ha I know that feeling lol well have fun :sex: lol o bet ur oh won't know what hit him lol I want the tww to be over so I know if me and dh have done enough =) we've baby danced alot this month!!! Teehee
i know thw tww is a killer but i actually perfer it to waiting to ov because once you have done all you can it is then in fates hands!! I hope you get you bfp this month i will look out for you!
Thanx Hun I will keep an eye out for ur bfp =) I'm starting to feel really strange tbh... I've got a weird full, feeling very low down in my stomach and even tho I've only had 2 cups of tea today I've been peein all day lol the feeling in my stomach tho is very much like my trousers are too tight..but there not lol ha ha xxx good luck =)
ooohhhh sounds promising!!!!!!! my friend said that when she got pregnant first thing she noticed was peeing all the time!!!
could be a good sign
I hope so =) I've not felt it today so maybe it was just a one off =(
fx it is not a one off what day is your af due? I got another smiley on my cb digi this morning so that means I have still not ov'd right? defo going to dtd tonoight and tomorrow morning!! My cm seems to have turned creamy thought this morning after being wet all week!? may pop and buy some preseed on the way home just to help!! Now worrying that if I ov tomorrow which I suspect I will I have an lp of 11 days which may be why I had a chemical pregnancy a few months ago! Argh there is alwys something to worry about!!
Have you had any other symptoms today!?
No =( nothin' =( I'm not due for af till the 16th or 17th so I've still about a week to wait xxxx it may have been but 11days should be fine Hun.... Its normally 10days or less that is a problem xxx
ah thankyou for all your advice on this thread!! will have to keep in touch!! Im due af 20th 21st!!! but before that have some things to see to tonight ha ha ha ha ha
Teehee lol have fun :sex: lol =) your very welcome feel free to add me as a friend =) xx

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