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Other people seem disappointed with gender :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2015
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I have an amazing 1.5 year old son and I'm pregnant with #2 - another boy :)

When I got pregnant I honestly couldn't decide if I hoped for a boy or a girl, and when I found out it was a boy I was over the moon :)

However so many people I have told have a strange reaction. They don't hide their disappointment and one even asked if I was OK.

Is anyone else having this problem?
Yepppp. I'm the same, I have a 2 year old son and I'm pregnant with another boy. So many people just assume I must want a girl, or theyyyy want me to have a girl?? It is frustrating. A few of my in laws actually said "it better be a girl this time" when they found out I was pregnant!
It's frustrating because I really wanted to have another boy! It doesn't make it any less exciting, we are bringing a new child into the family! A whole new person.

Thankfully my family and best friend knew I was hoping for a second boy and were all very excited for me and my mum nearly cried when she found out the gender because she was so hoping that my son would get the close brotherly bond of having a little brother.

Hopefully not everyone gives you an annoying reaction. Congratulations on your boy! They will grow up together and become best friends <3
This is so crap! People tend to assume all women want a girl, and if they've already got a son then they assume she DEFINITELY wants a girl. It's horrible because firstly it's like saying you're disappointed in the baby, and secondly lots of women struggle to conceive or hold onto a pregnancy and really don't care about the gender. My sister had two boys and when she announced her second boy's gender, reactions included "never mind" and "you'll get a girl next time". Personally I thought it was disgusting!! If that was me I would've said something very sharp. I'm sorry you're getting similar crap.
With this pregnancy I've been told by my MIL "oh it's a girl", which is what she said with my last pregnancy which ended in devastating miscarriage so you'd have thought she'd keep her mouth shut this time. And I've had my best friend say "please have a girl I want to buy girly clothes for her" aargh! Honestly what are some people like. Congratulations on your boy's baby brother. It will be a beautiful relationship <3
Yep, I have two boys already and I'm pretty sure this one is another boy but won't find out until 20 week scan. I have had so many people tell me they hope this one is a girl. The worst thing is that they assume I want a girl and that's why we're having a third, when in reality we always wanted 3-4 regardless and I would be over the moon to have another boy.
Oh, and for some reason you don't get this the other way round! If a woman is pregnant with her second girl, no problem. But second boy and it's an issue apparently? Seen it loads on this forum and with my nephews. All children are precious and like you say, all different and their own people, brand new little people.
I've got the opposite. I have a 5 year old daughter and am pregnant with another girl. Hubby was disappointed and so is my father. My father in law kept calling baby a boy before we knew and brother in law said it better be a boy when we told him we were expecting... he didn't act disappointed when we told him baby is a girl though.
I have 2 boys already (which is awesome btw) and everyone assumes I want this one to be a girl when in reality I don't care in the slightest. I have people ask whether I'll go for a 4th if this one's a boy like somehow I'm missing something if I don't have a girl. Nutters!
Yep, I have two boys already and I'm pretty sure this one is another boy but won't find out until 20 week scan. I have had so many people tell me they hope this one is a girl. The worst thing is that they assume I want a girl and that's why we're having a third, when in reality we always wanted 3-4 regardless and I would be over the moon to have another boy.

We got that last time and this time! But in all fairness, I had said to hubby if he got 3 sons I would do one more pregnancy to try for a girl - which radiology think we have. :happydance:

But in all reality, if I am destined to be a boy only mum then I couldn't care less. As long as baby is healthy and happy that should be all that really matters. I will NOT be going for round 5 unless it's for my cousin. We are content with 4.
Hubby and I are probably going to stop at 2. We have a boy already and we both adore him. Baby #2 we are pretty sure is also a boy. Tech said boy at my 13 week ultrasound and it looked pretty obvious! I know that DH wants a girl and I did say that if he wanted we could try one more time but I have an aunt who tried for a girl and has 5 boys! I honestly wanted another boy so that my son could have that bond I have with my sister. Everyone around me said this one was a girl and I honestly got a little peeved because all I could think is that I love this little person already and didn't care what was going on between his/her legs so they shouldn't either!
I had this right until the day when I found out what I'm having. I have a near 5 year old son and I really would have been happy to have a brother for him but we are having a little girl and I'm equally happy about that.

I keep getting told how fantastic it is that I have one of each and that it's brilliant it's not another boy and I keep having to tell them that I really would have been happy either way but they don't seem to believe me.

People have some very strange mentalities when it comes to gender and love to assume people's feelings when they find out what their having.
I'm having a boy and already have a girl and everyone keeps telling me how amazing that is. I find it pretty insulting really. I had a miscarriage in January and I would just been happy either way so long as I get to bring this baby home.
I had a strangely opposite situation. Id have loved two girls, equally i love the fact that i am having a boy and have a 4 year old daughter.

When i told a friend at work we were having a boy, he said....oh thats great, it will be a proper family that way. Eh what does thay even mean!? I would have been over the moon with two girls, two boys, one of each i really dont care as long as they are happy and healthy.
I'm having a boy and already have a girl and everyone keeps telling me how amazing that is. I find it pretty insulting really. I had a miscarriage in January and I would just been happy either way so long as I get to bring this baby home.

This. Several people I've told have asked "are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" And one outright said "you guys are hoping for a girl I bet"!!!! I actually reply and tell people well I had a miscarriage in February so I just want a healthy baby I get to bring home. I know it makes people feel uncomfortable but I don't care! Hopefully they'll rethink their thoughts on baby gender and they won't make those comments to the next pregnant woman they talk to.
We find out in a couple of weeks what baby #2 is and I'm really not bothered either way what we have. I have had the whole 'you'll be hoping for a boy this time round' comment. Actually....I couldn't care less. I have PCOS so the fact I managed to conceive this LO naturally without any medication is good enough for me!
Tends to such them up :haha:

My family are all 'convinced' it's a boy (probably because that's what they all want), but what will be, will be. As long as LO is healthy, I'll be over the moon.

Congratulations on your little boy!
I have a daughter and this time im having a boy, which everyone wanted me to have. I felt abit stressed out knowing none of them was thinking girl, its rude!!! Its about a baby joining the family and either way they were very much wanted! I find people try to have an opinion on everything in my life. Names, finding out the sex, what i buy for them, how much i hold them. I still get told by my mum what she classes as being ok for me to get my daughter for presents. So bossy!! Ignore them once babies here im sure they will want to snuggle him. Plenty of women limit to 1-2 children and are happy with 2 of the same or one of each. You cant keep having babies to try get what you want. You have the number of children you want and can afford. When im pregnant i find people around me totally annoying.

Congratulations on having another beautiful boy. 2 sons will create you lots of amazing memories:) xx
I'm dreading this! We find out what we are having on Saturday, and after already having 2 girls, I have a feeling I'll get a lot of negative comments and reactions if this one is a girl too. I'll be happy either way, as long as baby is healthy, that's all that matters to me! However, a lot of people have already made it clear to me that I should be disappointed if we don't get a boy, even more so because this is our last baby. &#128580;&#128545;
I have two boys and I got the awww and sympathies from everyone on my second boy (took me three feckin years) healthy was all i wanted though i knew it was a boy, this pregnancy is unplanned and a total surprise (PCOS) struggled to conceive so badly and then BAM! 3rd baby here we come and yet again the ohhh hope its a girl, nope i hope its healthy, yeah a girl would be nice but meh!
This happened to me with dd2. So many people asked if I was disappointed it was another girl. Truth be told I knew she was a girl from the moment I got my positive test, I could just tell. I was over the moon to have a sister for dd1 as they were close in age and they have an amazing bond now. There was no hint of disappointment. Of course, this time around almost everyone has said oh you will be wanting a boy this time. I feel different from my pregnancies before so maybe it is a boy but I can honestly say all I'm hoping for is a healthy baby...regardless of gender xx
I think a lot of people will be disappointed if our miracle baby is a boy as we have a son already and everyone keeps saying "they have a feeling it's a girl". They all also presume I want a girl just because we already have a boy. I keep telling everyone I dont' mind, I'm over the moon with this baby already and it doesn't matter whether it's a girl or a boy but others seem to have a better idea than me :/ I just try and ignore them, don't need any negativity.
I think people just see the ideal as one of each, which don't get me wrong, is lovely to have but then so is having 2 boys or 2 girls ect. I'm happy I have a girl coming but I would have been equally happy for a brother for my boy too. So long as baby is healthy, then things are good.

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