So I've had a mad few days, Sienna's been at home with me as had childcare issues.
And it's been crazy trying to work whilst also keeping her entertained and happy. I also didn't appreciate how skinny she is vs how much she eats, I seem to be constantly feeding her and she just carries on
How was your Valentine's in the end? I love curry takeaway ! I love any takeaway, anything to get a day off from the kitchen. We had chinese, it was lovely. So random.... me and hubby were watching some programme the other night and someone was having an enema. We ended up debating it and I said everyone should have one once in a while I guess. I think I just wanted to win the argument.
Anyway, we'd said no presents for Valentine's and then just before bed, he says I did get you something, here it is. It was a print out of an appointment for me to have an enema... like yeah thanks, great (!)
And who says romance is dead hey?! Obviously he hasn't guess I'm pregnant yet, as he wouldn't have suggested that. I felt sorry for him, but I've never laughed so much, I couldn't breathe and with every passing second his sad face got worse. He genuinely believed he'd done awesome !!!
I've told him to get the appointment moved to the summer as it'll be more useful then. More like I can clearly and categorically say no to it then with a very good reason
Your tests look SO good and so dark and that was a few days ago, so pleased for you !
I get not looking forward to talking to work about maternity leave, I feel the same, I've got a really good job because I went back full time but I think that'll change if I go on maternity leave again. Your job sounds so amazing, you must be so creative. I hope Sienna is creative when she's older. I'm not creative at all, wish I was.
So funny you only gagged when you smelt raw meat with Ida, that's all I wanted when I was pregnant with Sienna. I didn't have cravings as such but if I smelt it I wanted to eat it raw. When they checked my iron levels they were really low, I had to have infusions every other day for ages and the doctor said that weird liking of the smell of raw red meat is your body telling you need more iron. So bizarre. I only had proper crazy sickness with the twin pregnancy that I lost, otherwise, boys or girls I tend not to get sick at all. So far it's all non eventful as always, bar being really hungry. I wake up at 3am every night starving. I don't get up and eat as I probably don't need it but it means I'm not getting much sleep, might get some breakfast bars or something and sneakily eat them in the night.
So cool your sis in law is pregnant again, lovely for the cousins to be similar ages too. We've so far seemed to have timed it so it's just us pregnant at the moment but I've got 3 brothers and OH has a brother and sister so quite a big family overall and someone's always pregnant it would seem. His bro's just had a little girl that we get to meet this weekend, can't wait for cuddles, I think being pregnant has made me like other people's new babies more too. Normally I still hold them like they're a ticking timebomb and freak out.
I don't know how you've not told your mum and sister yet. I wouldn't cope. I keep saying to OH if we have a baby this year and when etc. I've managed to get him to get a decorator in to do up Sienna's new room. We're moving her to a bigger room, which will mean her baby room is empty for new arrival whenever that happens. For now we'll just use it to put our washing out in
I need to move to Dorset if the scans are £80 !! I'm in Oxfordshire and it's a lot here it would seem. Maybe I should look at somewhere closer to my brothers as I could go when I go see them if it's cheaper. I did speak to my doctor on Tuesday, I got all emotional because he was so lovely. I wasn't expecting anything from him but he straight away said he'll get me booked in for an early scan and then following it he wants me to come and see him so they can get me signed into the recurrent miscarriage team if things do go wrong. I'm so much more positive about it all now, I feel like I'm not on my own anymore, if things do go wrong at least there's people that can try and help it from happening again. Weirdly though he wants to date me from what he claims is my last period which he's saying is 10th Jan.
So, didn't even realise our cycles were that aligned, my last period started on 13th Jan !
(doc wants to say 10th because they scanned then and said they saw it starting but I didn't actually bleed until 13th. Back then they were checking why my cycles were so messed up as I didn't have a period for over 2.5 months). I'm 100% certain I ovulated on 1st Feb though as the ovulation tests said so. So technically I'm only 4 weeks today. I caved and did the digital this morning and annoyingly it only showed 1-2 weeks since conception. Which isn't a million miles off but I'd have been happier if it had said 2-3 weeks. I then of course dragged Sienna out so I could buy another 2 digi's !!
I'm going to hold out with those for now though.
Good tip on the 10 week scan, I think that's around when I'd want my private scan to be, so I have reassurance for the 12 week one. I'm hoping I get a scan through the doctor in the next few weeks, Around 7-8 weeks would be good, if I get there.
Bet your in-laws guess straight away that your pregnant!
Hopefully they'll be polite and not say anything. I know what you mean about lying, I end up becoming a hermit so I don't have to lie to people. Although this time around it'll be easier as no-one knows.
Do you think you'll find out the sex of the baby? And are you still testing?!