Hey there!
So glad Ida is back to her good self again, I forgot about the clock change, could well be that. We're having to close curtains etc half hour before Sienna's bedtime now so she gets the message !
I'm like you I always get stressed when people are over, everyone always refers to me as the hostess with the mostest!!
I just feel really pressured into making lots of different breakfasts etc for people, we shouldn't bother really, as I rarely get the same treatment at other peoples houses.
I'm glad you had a lovely time though and got to get out lots. We only had 1 car between us for years and years and OH always took it to work (he worked away a lot) and I quite liked having to walk everywhere but after Sienna was born and I went back to work (I worked from home) I felt more isolated as I didn't get to go anywhere for weeks on end as I didn't have enough time to walk somewhere and back in a lunch break etc, so I got my own car but we laugh there's always at least one car on the driveway all the time so we could easily make do with just 1.
I'm impressed you managed to keep the baby a secret and it's nice that even if your dad might have noticed he didn't say anything. How exciting that you'll get to tell everyone at the same time!!
We've got OH's family over the Easter weekend so intend to tell them then, I'm not sure about my family. I'm going to stay with them next week during the week and planning to work from there, so could tell them then but I'm still a bit nervous about how they'll take it. I had a horrible scare in December with a brain tumor, it turned out ok, it's being monitored but I had the go ahead to try for a baby, my family does know that. But everytime I see them they all talk about how I need to put my own health first etc. I want them to be ecstatically happy but I can't see them being so.
OH's family probably won't be all that pleased either, as they just seem miserable about everything
. We're happy though and that's what matters
I tried the doppler twice more and it's really difficult to get anything, the second time was the other night, I got the baby in the end but it was still on my c section scar even though you can feel my uterus is higher up, so not sure. It was definitely baby though and hubby was pleased he was there to hear it too. I'm thinking maybe it's best to try after lunchtime when you've had lots of water? As that's when it worked for me.
Though saying that, I'd wait till your scan now anyway. I can't wait till we can feel the reassuring kicks !!
Oh no about not finding anyone to be able to look after Ida on scan day. I bet she'll be good as gold.
You're like me, I worry Sienna will play up but then look around, when other peoples children are playing up I barely notice, so just chill. She'll love the ipad no doubt. Sienna's still not aware of games etc on things but I can see it coming!! All she asks for so far is to look at photo's on my phone but gets bored quickly. We do get her to watch films with headphones when we go on holiday etc on the ipad, so she calls it a TV!
We tend to take chocolate and dose her up on that if we're out and we need her to be quiet. I am a bit jealous of you being able to take Ida to be honest. I'm warming to the idea of having Sienna there but she's got some baby group with the childminder so not going to have her with us but I definitely want her there for the next scan.
Fingers and toes crossed your new sofa arrives for Easter !
We've still not sorted out Sienna's new bedroom, she keeps going into the room to jump on the bed...
. And glad the boiler service is booked in, that'll be one less worry, although I'm sure it's fine anyway.
So funny Ida was so fascinated by the bird being pulled apart!
Children are hilarious, we think we need to shield them from stuff but they're actually little psychopaths from birth !!
. Sienna's favourite food at the moment is 'eating nemo or dory'. Like wow, she loves the film but she also likes eating her favorite characters... hhmmm!
I asked Sienna yesterday if she thought she looked like her mama or dada? And she said pardon? So I said is your face like mama's or dada's? And she said "no, my face is like a pwincesses!".
Sorry your weird bladder issue is continuing, did it continue for the whole pregnancy with Ida? I had a call from the doctors surgery yesterday morning to say they got my blood test results back from the blood I had taken at the booking in appointment on Tuesday and my iron levels are low... they've asked me to pick up a prescription for tablets but I'm delaying. I don't have my exemption certificate yet and also I have the beta thalassemia trait which makes it really hard for me to absorb iron no matter what I do. It's a pointless circle I find myself often in, normally ending in me being told I need venofer drips but they also make no difference.
It's frustrating but like hubby said yesterday, "do you really went to self diagnose and then do what you think is right? Like you're not a doctor!!". I guess I'll pick the prescription up and end up more constipated than before... that's the only symptom I have and it's here with vengeance...!
Hope you have a lovely weekend, weather is meant to be amazing for Sunday so good day to pick to get out somewhere.