Out of Breath!


Mum to Tobias & Alexander
Aug 3, 2009
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Is anyone else finding that they are getting really out breath easy... i know that ita meant to happen as the uterus grows and pushes all the organs together... but know and experiencing are two different things!!

I had to walk some guests up the Main Staircase at work (one and a half flights!) and I had to stop for second half way up!! SOOOOOO Embaressing! :blush:

I also find i get breathless when I eat to much.. its like my body only has space for the lungs or the stomach..but not both at the same time!!!!:nope:
yeah i get breathless. wonder how we are gonna cope in the 3rd trimester he he xox
I know, i'm not looking forward to that particular aspect! Its going to make life interesting.

Its also one of the reason I have decided to start my Mat leave earlier than originally planned as I don't think I'm going to have the stamina!!
Me too.....3 storey house it's killing me!!!! Even talking I start to get out of breath!!!!
Hey there girlies,

I went to the docs for a sick line on monday and she was worried about my breathlessness so sent me to the hospital, I was in from monday to wednesday and was back in this morning for further testing. I thought it was a normal side effect of pregnancy but supposedly dyspnoea in early/mid pregnancy should be checked out thoroughly to rule out clots/heart problems. Luckily the docs now think I have asthma and also that the progesterone from the pregnancy is affecting me, but they say it is always worth getting tested, so please get it checked out xx
I get breathless right after eating, I now stand after dinner instead of sitting down. Just for like 5-10 minutes, seems to be working so far :)
I find when I make a run for the bus on the way to work I'm totally out of breath ready to die when I get there. Might just be the recent lack of exercise though, but not sure. xx
I went xmas shopping today and ive started to suffer this really bad, had to cut short shopping because i felt like i was going to pass out in every shop and had to come out and sit down to catch my breath..... I suffered a blood clot to my left lung back in January this year and just put it down to my damaged lung still healing im glad reading this thread that its just a natural thing to deal with in pregnancy and not serious, but still dont like it x
yer i also am suffering . i have asma to so it really is hard for me to get around at the moment. i even ended up in hostpital at 1 point as im a total worry wort and paniked myself thinking it was somthing bad. ended up putting myself through 3 days of tests 2 be told it was natral and asma lol.
i get this too,
Try walking up 4 flights of stairs everyday to get to your science lesson and then every other day walking up 6 flights of stairs to get to your art lesson it kills me lol! :D
Hey there girlies,

I went to the docs for a sick line on monday and she was worried about my breathlessness so sent me to the hospital, I was in from monday to wednesday and was back in this morning for further testing. I thought it was a normal side effect of pregnancy but supposedly dyspnoea in early/mid pregnancy should be checked out thoroughly to rule out clots/heart problems. Luckily the docs now think I have asthma and also that the progesterone from the pregnancy is affecting me, but they say it is always worth getting tested, so please get it checked out xx

Marie-Louise - Can I ask, how bad was your breathlessness when you had it checked out??
Breathlessness at this point is often an iron deficiency. Mention it to you MW and she might recommend a supplement. I had it last time and this time and within days of starting on Spatone I felt loooads better. I've not taken it for a week because I was getting a little bit constipated and I am breathless again.....
Jaybee, I can't even climb the stairs at home without being out of puff and getting light headed but tbh I didn't think too much about it as preg is doing alot of weird and wonderful things to our bodies, it was the doctor who told me that it was abnormal at this stage of pregnancy. The docs have told me now that as the pregnancy progresses I will be able to do very little because it will worsen but i'm so glad I know this now because those days in hospital made me realise that we can't be too careful in pregnancy!! good luck xx
I havent had that yet, I usually start getting it around 24 weeks, but then its hard to work out if its my asthma or the bubs making me breathless.....
I'm not seeing MW until middle of Jan now..... do you think it might be worth seeing doc before xmas to be on the safe side?? I get v out of breath from climbing one flight of stairs at home!!
Definitely. I went because I knew exactly what the problem was and I didnt have a MW appt for another month at the time. I went, told him I thought it might be iron again, he sent off my bloods and hey presto 2 days later they confirmed I was right. I noticed a difference within 2 or 3 days of starting the iron supplements :)
Definitely. I went because I knew exactly what the problem was and I didnt have a MW appt for another month at the time. I went, told him I thought it might be iron again, he sent off my bloods and hey presto 2 days later they confirmed I was right. I noticed a difference within 2 or 3 days of starting the iron supplements :)

Thanks Merv's Mum, I shall go and see him then. (if I can get an appointment!)
You might as well. You'll get in with the Dr before your MW appt and she will have to do bloods to establish if it's iron so the sooner the better :)
Now I know this following sentance is silly but....
I don't like bothering the doc..theres people out there actualy sick..and i'm just possible sick!!
I know its silly, but I don;t want to be a bother!
But you wouldnt mind bothering him if you thought your baby wasnt feeling well or was lacking in something would you? He's there to care for you both :)

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