over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

Seem to be starting my period. Spotting. Maybe next time. I guess it doesn't matter how much you hope or try or how high your progesterone levels are. I just don't understand why its not my turn. I'm so sad.
I'm so so sorry Libby, it really isn't fair and so discouraging. It might take a few try's to get a good egg. I hope ur doctor can give you some encouragment and positive feed back. I'm sorry ur so sad, I wish I had something better so say that would help. It's good that your ovulating and that ur progesterone levels are great, just need a good egg and sperm to hook up it seems. Has DH had sperm levels checked recently?
Yes. Doctor said they were a touch slow but not bad. Last visit he told us we might need to do Intrauterine Insemination if I don't get pregnant with the Clomid soon. I'm just getting so scared that it's not going to happen at all.
I'm so sorry, Libby. I hate this so much. I'm honestly not worried for you because I feel like the time you tried before doesn't count and it's sort of like you just started over on a level playing field finally and so it's really only been a couple of months, body-wise. But it's such a long time to have it wear on you. It's not fair that some people take a year or so (I actually know a few women who took that long and then their subsequent pregnancies followed super quickly). How do you feel about the insemination? Is that a complicated procedure? Sending you massive hugs.
It will happen Libby don't lose hope, I know it's disheartening. We are here to support you how ever we can, even if it's just someone to vent too. Xxx
I'm not really sure about the procedure. I've just hoped so hard that we wouldn't need anymore help than the Clomid that I've sort of ignored it as an option. Idk. I googled the average price for it and it appears that it usually costs around a thousand bucks, depending on various factors of course. So its still a great deal less expensive than in vitro or something. I just don't know how I feel about it. I need to look more into it. And I feel like I've got flipping pneumonia. Painful, rough cough coming from deep down. Ugh. I so don't want to be sick right now.
How are you ladies feeling?
I'm doing OK Libby, how is ur cough? I hope ur not too sick!
Clomid may be all you need, it just might take a few trys to get it right. I hope you are doing OK, thinking of you!
Well, I've got a horrendous upper respiratory infection. Doctor gave me shots of steroids and antibiotics, also gave me pills of steroids and antibiotics, plus that good cough syrup with codeine. He said this is the same thing I had a little over a year ago that kept me sick for almost two months, so he said he's not screwing around this time. Lol. Fertility specialist said no Clomid this month because he doesn't want me trying to conceive when I'm this sick. He's probably right. I can barely hold my head up.
How is your cheesecake baby?! Behaving?
Omg Libby u poor thing! I hope all those drugs work fast! I hope u get to rest and be pampered a bit. That really sucks that you have to skip this month because of it : ( I'm sorry. Main thing is u get healthy again but still...

I have had a cold that won't completely go away for a while. No meds boo! I could really use some pain pills. Baby seems fine, my gall bladder on the other hand hurts like it wants to explode...hopefully not ;) haven't stuck to my diet the last couple days so gotta get back to it. It helps a bit but doesn't make it go away. Anyways...hopefully it resolves itself after.

I really hope u feel better ASAP!!!
I understand the reasons, but it seems so unfair that during one of the most uncomfortable times in a woman's life, she can't really take any medicines if she gets sick! Not cool! I hope your gall bladder calms down. A few years ago, mine was making a ruckus, so I had it forcibly removed. I didn't have stones, it was just sick, causing me to be in pain and throw up all the time. When I had the surgery, the surgeon said she could see where it had started to make my liver sick, too. Nasty gall bladder. They can be so rude. I hope yours will chill out.
Hi girls! Thought I'd come back and update. Hope you feel better Libby! Sorry to see you're so sick. Everyone else is doing ok I think? I didn't read all the pages!
Nothing much has been happening, I went to Costa Rica on an unexpected holiday for a week which was pretty cool, but I was covered with mosquito bites despite being hosed down with spray every 10 minutes. I'm starting Clomid today, and having our first IUI. I'm trying not to expect too much from our first cycle. Confused about how to take Clomid, twice a day or all at once, but I'm waiting for a call back from my clinic. Libby, what did your doc say? Fingers crossed for us :))
So nice to hear from you! I hope the clomid works ASAP! That's exciting :) please keep us updated on that!
Just found out my cousins 17 year old daughter is pregnant. Fantastic. She's super prepared, I bet. She is a lovely, intelligent girl and I'm betting this was a big accident but I can't help but worry for her and feel extremely jealous all at the same time.
Hey Spyrals. Having a hard time lately. Will be OK though. I would love to hear about the IUI, if you have time after you get it done. I think we will be heading that way soon. If I can stop crying all the damn time. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Libby I'm sorry ur feeling so down. It's really not fair for someone so young to get pregnant by accident and not even "want" it or be prepared while ur trying to hard. Things just don't make since sometimes. It will happen for you, it's just a matter time now. You have a good doctor that's getting things done. I hope u start feeling better soon and ur horrible cold goes away.
Thanks. I'll be fine. It just hit me real hard. Honestly it also kind of hurt my feelings that I just found out on fb when she posted her 4 month sonogram showing its a boy. And judging by everyone's comments, her pregnancy was common knowledge. She and I have always been very close so it hurt my feelings that she didn't tell me after all this time. So that made it worse. Shehas always been very like me and her mother always used to tease her that she was really my kid. She used to come visit me and call me and now just not one word about her news at all. I'll get over that, too. I'm sure she has a great deal on her mind. I love her to pieces and despite the unfortunate timing, I am confident she will actually be a very good parent. I just wish she had done it at what might be an easier time in her life.
And I think my mucus has turned into something like dried glue. Jeez, its brutal! Blowing my nose like its my job! Lol
Aw, Libby. What the hell. A cold to top it all off! It's hard hearing about accidental pregnancies when you're ttc. I used to get really pissed off and jealous, to be honest. Do you think she was embarrassed to tell you? I will laugh, though, if you get pregnant this month with no clomid and being sick. That's how stuff works sometimes.

Good to hear from you, Spyrals! And glad to hear your doctors are starting some interventions to help you out! Good luck! I hear Costa Rica is such a great trip!

How are you today, Corn?

Not much going on here. Had a stomach bug or something this past week and was a little laid out with bad headaches on top of it. But back to normal today! Well, as normal as you can be when you're the size and shape of a manatee.
Oh my gosh! Manatee Annie!! Annatee! OK I'm sorry. You brought it up. I got the funniest mentasl image. I know you are exaggerating wildly, but you look cute as a manatee in my brain. Lol
I wondered if she might have worried about my reaction but idk. I'm sure she's thinking about how her life will be different now and I would be, too. She's a good girl. She's had the same boyfriend since she was 15, and he gave her a little promise ring about six months ago. They are best friends. I know they're too young but at least they actually like each other instead of so many relationships at that age. I just hope that doesn't change.
My infection won't go away. Incontinence pads are gross but I keep coughing so hard I pee everywhere. So yuck. I just feel dead. I think I need a stronger antibiotic. I thought I was feeling a little better but its gotten worse again. Ugh.
Annie, are you recovered from your bug? I hope so. Corn, is your gall bladder settling down at all?
Hi Annie, it's good to hear from you! I have to admit the Manatee comment made me laugh : ) I had a weird dream the other night and you were in it, you had a dog but a different one and you were very posh and thin...haha. I was like wow she's not big at all ; )

Libby I guess when it rains it pours! Things have got to get better! I remember after my loss I couldn't even see a pregnant women or baby without feeling angry or almost crying, those emotions are so strong. :hugs:
Lol! I really set myself up for Annatee, didn't I. Good one. Haha. Well at least I'm posh and thin in Corn's dreams! Better than nothing! Yes, got over my bug. I honestly thought maybe it was the beginning of labor. Nope, just a gross pooping puking Annatee.

Aw, well I'm really happy to hear her boyfriend is a nice guy, Libby. At the very least, they have a solid friendship to start this off with. I cannot imagine getting pregnant at 17. Thank god. Or 27, for that matter. I had some growing up to do at that point even. I really have a feeling she was self-conscious about telling you and figured you'd heard. Teens are so insecure. I can't even imagine what a pregnant teen's brain must be like! Insane, probably. Although I read this thread a few months ago on this site in the teen section. I think it's called "Pregnant by an Older Guy" and by Heatherr, or something like that. That girl is so composed and impressive. She should really write a book about her experience. She's a really intelligent kid.

I think it's time to go for some stronger drugs, Libby. You've been suffering through it enough. Get some rest, lady!
Annie, despite your Breakfast at Tiffany's pic, in my mind you are Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face (one of my all time favorite movies), tiny and interested and intelligent. I hope you will understand this is a great compliment from me. That character is the sweetest to me. She and Gigi (another favorite) are my beautiful, optimistic, smart, rising above the status quo, get what they want, gals. I love them!
I'm so glad you got over your bug. How are you feeling otherwise? I guess it's just about go time for you any day now, really! I can't wait for you to get to smooch that gorgeous baby!
Corn, how are you feeling? I've been trying to send good gall bladder vibes your way. How's your boy? Jumping around?
I'm still dragging from my infection but I'm getting better. Will be taking my codeine cough syrup soon so I can drift off and sleep through the night maybe. Just a couple of weeks until we go on the cruise. I can't wait. Went and bought a new purse and some espadrilles today. Thank heaven for purses and shoes. They make me feel good! I'm assuming I won't ovulate this cycle. Who knows really. Will hit the Clomid next cycle and hopefully have quick success!
Hoping you are all well!

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