over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

Oh man Annie! That's terrible! Ur almost there..another month or two. I havnt ever swollen that bad, but I get really bloated after eating and I'm constantly hiccuping, burping and constipated. I guess I could eat less...haha maybe tomorrow.

I hope everything goes smoothly for you up until delivery. Can't wait to see her little face :)

I'm getting my room ready to paint and painted my side tables with chalk paint. One will be for the baby's clothes. Trying to get the bedroom organized before baby, I feel like I'm running out of time before I get to big.
Aww! I wish I was painting furniture for babies!
That swelling sounds rough, Annie. Is that pretty common? I've known a few women who swelled real bad during their pregnancies. One had some crazy autoimmune thing, another had high blood pressure. The other two didn't have anything wrong. They just swelled. It will probably fade away as soon as your girl arrives! I can't wait. I hope you will send pics of her gorgeous little self!
I had a BFN this morning. At five days late I feel like it should give me something if I'm pregnant. So I'm thinking I'm not. I've started having some pretty bad cramps this afternoon so I think AF will arrive any time now. On to January!
CD 31. No AF yet. Normally have 25 day cycles so idk. Got a call in to my doctor. I figure maybe this late might be significant enough for him to get the phone call he requested! Hope you are both well!
That's strange, wonder how much the clomid lengthens cycles. I hope he gives u some answers!
I'm sorry Libby! I know you must be feeling frustrated and down :( Now that ur ovulating it will happen, don't lose hope. It's gonna happen soon! Thinking of you!
Thanks. I tried so so so so hard not to get my hopes up. But of course I spent today crying off and on all day.
A girl I know had a baby yesterday. Facebook pictures galore of her brand new guy in all his yucky fluid covered, umbilical cord still connected glory. And I'm so happy for her. But it made me so sad, today. Today was the worst day for all those pics to hit Facebook. For me, of course, which is who I'm feeling sorry for today. I just woke up sick sick sick. Idk what that's about but after getting so sick and then cleaning the whole bathroom (because it just doesn't feel clean after getting sick), I can't imagine going back to sleep. So I get to sit here, wide awake, feeling sorry for myself with a very sour stomach.
I will bounce back. I will be excited again in a couple of days. I just really hoped.
In related news, yesterday afternoon my doctors office called back and ordered my labs for the blood test. So I texted my mom to tell her the doctors office called and wanted me to go get the pregnancy test done. Except, I didn't text my mom. I texted baby mama drama queen number 1! Yep. So we were trying to avoid telling her until I was impossibly huge pregnant so she didn't have time to cause any trouble. Well the cat and the bag aren't even on the same continent now! I immediately texted "sorry. Not meant for you." And she replied "no worries. It happens." So she totally didn't address it at all but I'm sure her wheels are turning. I feel so stupid. I'm hoping the fallout isn't too bad.
Hoping you both plus your munchkins are feeling wonderful. Sending warm and fuzzies your way!
I'm so sorry Libby, I've had those days. Sometimes you need to just cry and stay in bed and be sad, it's ok and totally normal. I had alot of those days after my loss and it felt like things would never happen for me and I would always be depressed and sad. I hope that you start feeling better soon, I want you to be happy you deserve it,

And...omg about the text...that's the worst! The last person you wanted to know...yuck! I'm sure she knew it was coming some day, but you don't want her to know ur business. With all those hormones and being sick and baby pictures and the text...no wonder ur emotional!

On a side note...that reminds me of when I was dating my husband and we had broken up and were "just friends" and I was dating another guy and I sent a text for the other guy I was dating to him by accident. He wasn't to impressed, but he decided pretty quick we were more than friends and I ended up breaking up with the other guy...and here I am in Canada now freezing my butt off instead of living in Hawaii ;) but he keeps me warm I suppose.
I am terrible about sending texts to the wrong people. Usually such sensitive information isn't transferred, but I do it way more than is probably normal.Nora does it me all the time, too. One time she texted me her whole grocery list, a few things at a time, because she thought she was texting her mom, who was at the grocery waiting. Apparently they were having "cheap meat" for dinner that night. Lol
I'm feeling better. Looking forward on the calendar instead of looking back and trying to figure out how I'm not pregnant. Of course, now that I have my next round of Clomid to start in two days, DH might get sent to China for two or three weeks. Just long enough to miss any opportunity to get me all knocked up. Fantastic.
We are going on a cruise with my parents in March. My family loves going on cruises. DH has never been on one. We waited until right before Christmas to pull the trigger on it so that we could be sure that if I got pregnant, I wouldn't be TOO pregnant. I have an aunt and uncle who are on a cruise right now. This is their third one in the last year and they just decided they might go on our cruise, too! I think they've got a fever! Lol
So, I start my Clomid Saturday. Y'all keep your fingers. Crossed for me that DH doesn't get sent to China. We close on the Condo next Friday and I really don't want to have to go through getting Power of Attorney and all that crap so that I can do closing by myself. Not to mention I'm a big scaredy cat and don't want to be by myself at the farm! It's sooooooo dark at night! And cows and donkeys and goats sound so spooky at night when you can't see!
Tomorrow we go to Violets doctors appointment to see what the neuropsychologist thinks about her little brain. I don't know what to hope for. She practically ruined Christmas. She was out of control mean, snatching peoples gifts out of their hands, throwing peoples gifts at their face, saying she hated everything she got, hitting her brothers when they liked their stuff. I haven't seen her like this in a couple of years. We had to send her to her room in the middle of Christmas morning. It was awful. I didn't know what to do. I felt like we had the save Christmas for the boys from her. Unfortunately, they are all too used to her mean streak and they barely pay attention to it. But sometimes she hurts one of their feelings so badly that they just cry and cry and cry. It's awful. It's almost like she has two personalities. Sometimes she's so timid and sweet and fun and a real team player. And then sometimes she goes Mr Hyde on us. Idk. It's hard. I worry so much about her.
How are you ladies feeling? Buns all warm and toasty in their ovens?
I'm so sorry, Libby. How disappointing. But at least it's a different story this month. No bfp, but things are finally on the right track. And I know so well how fb and pregnancy announcements can be really difficult. I was such a mess after the mc and just had to get off of social media. And nothing like hearing someone complain about their baby when it's all you want. Those fb posts set me off too. Blah!

Lol at the cheap meat though. Haha gross!! And oh my god - texting her of all people. I've done that. One time it was complaining about my boss! It's like I realized as I was taking my finger off send and just watching myself in horrified slow motion. I'm so awkward!

The bloating is weird. That's interesting that you mentioned autoimmune, because I've had some doctors suspect lupus in the past but my symptoms were always pretty mild and it wasn't really worth pursuing so much. My hands are about 50% numb and a lot of people get that with carpal tunnel during pregnancy, but I don't have wrist pain. It's just pain in my knuckles and it almost feels like two are dislocating...so weird.

I hope dh doesn't have to go to China! That awful sense of urgency when ttc is so annoying and really drives you crazy when you have to miss a month. Maybe you can go with him! And then be one of those weird couples that name their baby after where it was conceived. Can't wait to meet little baby girl Shanghai ;) I'm such a big baby alone at night too - I can't survive without a dog in bed with me haha.

I hope Violet's appt goes well today! That sounded like a really difficult Christmas. That's so weird after 2 years of that not happening. I wonder why she's triggered by so much lately. Hopefully things at Nora's are just their typical dysfunctional state and not extra dysfunctional :)
Violets appointment did not go well. Have been upset for a few days. Bad news right after bad news. Ugh.
So for TTC news, today will be day 3 of Clomid so we are keeping our fingers crossed and planning to BD about every five minutes. Lol. So far, DH isn't going to China but today the bosses have started circling. It makes me nervous. This is what happened last year when he ended up snatched up and sent to Canada. I can't go with because my passport isn't renewed yet. The process is begun but it should be another few weeks yet. Plus I don't fly. I used to. It didn't bother me for years and years. But then I had several horrendous flights in a row and now even the thought of getting on an airplane makes me get dizzy and cry. And when I say horrendous flights, I mean truly horrendous. Sudden losses of 10,000 feet of altitude or more. Peoples belongings flying around the cabin, people screaming their heads off, people without seatbelts on banging headfirst into overhead baggage compartments, sudden sideways loss of altitude DURING TAKEOFF!!! Seriously, I can't do it. If I had any control over it, none of you people would be able to fly! We would all take boat rides everywhere! Lol
As for Violet, I think you guys know she and her twin brother were born via emergency c section at 24 weeks due to an uncontrolled infection in their mother and a rupture in one of their sacs. So, two years ago we took them both to a neuropsychologist to be tested for any actual brain issues that could have happened from their birth trauma. Two years ago, they both had ADHD and some fine motor skills issues and that was mostly it. Well with Violets recent issues, we took her back for testing again, citing the severe anxiety and problems doing schoolwork as major concerns. So they tested her for an entire day, all these different types of tests. And she still has ADHD, of course. But she also has severe dyslexia. Her visual organization skills have gotten worse. Her brain processing speed and motor skills have deteriorated so drastically that the doctor said it looks like she might have a brain tumor. It's that bad. However, she and her brother had MRIs on their brains just over a year ago and they showed no issue. So he said he's not sure how things could have gotten so much worse. He believes her anxiety is coming from constantly being in trouble for always doing the wrong thing, behaviorally, academically, etc. He believes she is setting into a "well I can't do anything right so screw it" sort of attitude which would obviously be detrimental. So he suggests we find a THING that can be her thing, that she enjoys and is good at and can be encouraged and complimented over to help prevent her from going full on into not caring. Also, she needs to be back on her ADHD meds (which Nora took her off of without even discussing it with us) and another medicine at night to help with anxiety. So, we are going to take her for another brain MRI, just in case, and get her back on meds. And basically we are going to have to fight with the school to get someone to help her all day, basically. He said her dyslexia is so severe that he can't believe she can even recognize her sight words. She cannot read. Her twin can read anything you put in front of him, big huge words, even. She can't sound out the word "stop" despite knowing all the sounds for all the letters. I don't want things to be difficult for her. This all breaks my heart. I just hate it.
Oh poor Violet :( I'm sorry, that sounds awful! Hopefully u and ur husband and Nora can all get on the same page with the medications. How awful to be told maybe she has a brain tumor! Hopefully it's just a medication issue. I hope the medication can help her feel better.
I hope ur DH doesn't have to go anywhere and u don't have anymore delays with TTC. And those flights! U poor thing! I don't blame you for not flying. I hate flying myself and always feel like I might die everytime, but living in Hawaii forced me to fly a lot. Fx'd this is ur cycle and things start looking up for u this month with everything.
Well I've figured out that Clomid makes you feel pregnant. I pee every five minutes. I'm nauseous and dizzy. And I feel like its almost painful to stay awake. When all of this came back yesterday I looked online a bit and found some forums where people on Clomid have the same stuff going on. So that's reassuring. I seem to be reacting just like everybody else!
It is very disheartening about Violet. I spent all day yesterday coming up with a list of psychiatrists that MIGHT accept our insurance. Since she requires two medicines, we felt like maybe her regular pediatrician might not be the right one to manage those. She's great with the kids but she's not trained with psychotropic drugs really. At least I feel like there's something I can work on. Nora is looking into getting the MRI done.
I'm feeling hopeful about this cycle. Idk why. I just feel like maybe we will get it done this time!
How are you ladies feeling?
Clomid a got to work soon! One of the girls I know on here is due in a couple weeks and she got pregnant after 3 rounds of clomid, plus she had lots of other issues as well.

I'm working today, picked up a extra shift at a different hospital, first I have done at a different hospital since I've been pregnant and it's been a shift from hell. No parking when I came, had to circle the lot for 20mins. I was late then as soon as I got here nonstop for 3hrs until my break. I'm tired and my back hurts, not sure how many more of these I can do. I have been having right shoulder blade back pain, pretty intense, not sure if it's muscle or pinched nerve. And it wraps around to the front rib cage. Online it says that can be gall bladder too....I hope not! But I've been in a lot of pain and not taking anything. Hot showers seem to help. I'll ask at my appt. tomorrow if my blood work was normal with liver enzymes and all. Anyways...baby is still active and kicking me like crazy.
I'm so sorry to hear about Violet! It's so great you guys are on top of things though, and it seems like the doctor had lots of helpful input. It really does sound like she could use something to succeed at and give her some self-confidence. Crossing my fingers that her MRI comes back normal. Ugh, I can't imagine going off ADHD meds is helpful when she's struggling with so many things! And without telling you! I think you're right to look for someone who specializes in psychotropics. It's a tricky thing to prescribe for adults, let alone children. You're such a good mom to her, Libby.

And holy shit! Of course you don't want to fly anymore! I'm thinking no one who was on those flights with you wants to anymore either. Also crossing my fingers that China doesn't happen. Clomid sounds rough! I feel like you're basically in a prolonged first trimester already! Well you'll be a pro at it by the time you conceive this week ;)

Corn - ouch! What did your doc say today about the pain? I feel like a big manatee/whale/elephant...you get the picture...just all bloated up and swollen. So sexy!!
Yes, Corn, I've been thinking about your pain, too. I imagine as body parts swell or change a pinched nerve could be a real possibility, but it sure would be nice to know if its something to worry about.
Annie, I'm sorry you feel like a puffy marine mammal, but I'm sure your DH still thinks you're sexy! And you don't have much longer to go!! I'm so excited about it!
Yes, I intend to get all knocked up any day now. Today is my last Clomid pill for this cycle so y'all send out the super ovulating vibes for me!!
I spend time every day looking into information regarding Violets situation. Hardly any psychiatrists accept insurance at all and the ones that do aren't accepting new patients! I've looked into an advocacy group that helps in getting accommodations with the school, basically so the school doesn't bully vyou into accepting less than what she really needs. But these cost money, and they don't advertise how much, which makes me think it's alot. The advocacy issue is supposed to be Nora's "assignment" but we have heard nothing from her.idk if she cares about it at all. I get so frustrated by her nonactivity. And then she's texting me to tell me to be sure to find a psychiatrist who is closer to her house since she is the one at ALLthe doctors appointments. Ugh. She's the worst.
Libby u r such a sweetheart for loving those kids as much as u do. It's not easy when u have a nightmare of a xwife and children with special needs. Ur DH is lucky to have your support through all this. Can't wait for u to have a little one of your own :) are they going to check how many eggs u released again?

Annie....oh my Lordy lord can't believe u r almost there! I remember when u were TTC not long ago. Once u have that baby the swelling will go away, sorry it's so uncomfortable! Hopefully DH appreciates all ur going through! Are you planning to breast feed? Nice thing about breast feeding is it burns calories ;) can't wait to see what that little girl looks like! Any more ultrasounds?

I feel better today, I had my OB appt. and she gave me a req for a abdominal ultrasound and blood work to check on gall bladder, liver function. No protein in urine and baby's heartbeat is good. Hopefully it's just a muscle thing, getting a massage tomorrow. I ate a burger, fries and shake after my appt, just to test out my gall bladder ;) and no pain.
Hey, I've got no use for a gall bladder that can't handle a burger and fries meal every now and then! I guess that's why I got rid of mine. Lol. I hope there aren't any issues. Maybe it's just musculoskelatal and will ease up. You might have to slow down on those long hospital shifts.
I go back to the doctor on the 25th. He will check on my eggs again then. He does it after every round of Clomid. So hopefully I release a bunch of eggs and like four of them get fertilized! How crazy would that be! Ha-ha!
Annie, hang in there girl. I ve watched many many friends and family members go through pregnancy. I'm sure Corn can tell you, you're about in the worst of it now. So soon you'll have your little pumpkin to hold!!
Ooh I'm excited to hear about the visit on the 25th, Libby! It's so cool they can give you such detailed info on your eggies :) I'll look into the education/disability laws in TX. I can't remember anything from school anymore off the top of my head. But I do know a couple of therapists in TX...I'll message them on fb. I don't know how much school setting experience they have, but it wouldn't be hard for them to ask around about what school hoops you need to jump through if they don't already know themselves. Seems like she should really have a 1:1 aide. But she never got a formal ASD diagnosis, right? I love how Nora's being all "Accommodate MEEEE!" when she doesn't do shit to help out!

Is the massage doing you good, Corn? Yeah, I'm going to breastfeed. I think a lot of this is water weight (unless I have massive fat deposits on my hands and feet lol). I need to figure out the breastfeeding though. I take epilepsy meds and so I'm going to need to pump and dump the milk right after a dose. And I'm so clueless, I have no idea how fast milk "recharges"...will I run out then? haha. I'm sure it'll induce some crying and breakdowns :) Yeah, it's really not that bad. If put on the spot, I can tell you about discomfort but I try not to complain/don't have a ton of urge to complain. The mc and ttc will always be fresh in my mind and I'm more than happy to see my body deformed and in some pain in order to get this baby out alive. It's just weird have to have basic things like putting on shoes and sleeping be kind of difficult. And we really half-assed this move not having furniture and everything ready to be comfy on. This morning I woke up and laid in the dog bed in the kitchen and drank my tea because it was my comfiest option and dh was like, "oh my god, this is so pathetic!!" I should've been pushier about the goddamn furniture. I knewwww itttt. have a good day, guys!
Oh my god! I just remembered one of my best friend's moms is a special ed teacher in San Antonio! She's nearing retirement and has probably seen it all. I'll try to get her on the phone this weekend!

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