over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

Here is grumpy smushface at the 30 week ultrasound. Those are some furrowed brows!


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Omg Annie that is too cute! She looks like a little chunk, those cheeks! She's all angry at having her picture taken...so funny! My massage was great! I've talked to some other nurses and one said she had gall bladder issues while pregnant and was in sever pain. Apparently it went away after birth and no problems since so we shall see.
Annie u need to get out of that dog bed and get some furniture! You must have been a real sight, 34wks pregnant sitting in a dog bed drinking tea haha...
Yes! You need furniture!! As comfy as I'm sure the doggy bed is, its a DOGGYbed, not an Annie bed! But it sure does give a cute mental picture! Lol. And oh my gosh, look at those cheeks!! She's like, paparazzi is so annoying!
I'm on CD16 so who knows what's going on in my body. We have been BDing about every five minutes. I'm tired! Lol
Lol Libby. Sounds fun, but exhausting! I'm seeing my friend from San Antonio tomorrow and I'm going to ask her to ask her mom about resources for getting an aide. Her mom's traveling or something so it would've felt weird to call her.

Did the pain come back, Corn? I think I'm having sympathy pain. It's definitely muscular on my end though.
What's an aide for?
Yes I'm in pain now...uggg! At work amd sick with a cold. My scan was negative for gallstones, still getting blood work done Friday for liver and gallbladder function and the glocose test. Mine could be muscle or nerve issues as well. I've had lots of back issues that are just as bad as this pain. The ultrasound tech did say that it could still be digestion because everything is smooshed.

Funny thing with my OB appt. I got a awkward compliment from my ultrasound. She said wow....you have a very long cervix, big smile, I was like ok...I don't know what to say to that haha...thank you? Guess it's good for keeping baby in there so I'm ok with it ;)
Are you in weekly checks yet? R they checking ur cervix?

Libby hope all that hard work pays off! ;)
An aide will help violet stay on task and help her read things and basically help her learn things since the teacher has like twenty other kids to teach and can't focus on just violet. I am normally not a fan of a ton of accommodations because I sort of feel like, yes its unfair that you have a disadvantage but you still have to figure out how to function in the world, but with ALL of these issues I believe she really does need help and possibly always will throughout school.
So you have along cervix? Nice. I have a short one. And it's bent. Nothing fancy like you've got over there! Lol. I remember when my cousin was pregnant with her twins, they told her she had a "super cervix" that was really thick and strong (which was good because of risk factors that made them worry she wouldn't be able to hold in the babies to term), and her mother went around telling everyone and she was so mortified! Lol
I go Monday to have a look at my ovaries and my uterine lining and all that. Should be a good time. Lol
I'm sorry y'all are in pain. Corn I hope worst case you're just smushed up and will get relief when baby boy comes along. This Clomid causes some serious pain, but I just keep trying to remember I asked for it. Doesn't always help me feel better about it but sometimes it does.
We closed on the condo yesterday!! I'm so thrilled! It is all the way gone!! And now the money we are saving in mortgage and HOA fees covers both car payments AND the cost of my lady that comes and helps me clean!! Yay!!
Annie, how is smooshyface doing? She behaving?
Went to the doctor. Ovulated from the right ovary. Just one egg this time. Guess we will see if we got it fertilized! He said everything looked great. They took blood to check progesterone levels. Fingers crossed! Hope you are both very well!
That's great Libby! All you need is one good one! Hope you caught that egg, kinda nice to know what you got in there every month :)
It is kind of nice to know something is happening. I've been talking to my egg about making friends with the sperm we send in. Maybe she will! Ha-ha!
Congrats on the condo, but most of all that egg, Libby!! When do you find out the progesterone level? Good to hear that everything looks great. I feel bad that I have no idea what kind of cervix I have ;) I'll assume mine's "medium." Sounds like you two have some interesting stuff going on there.

I think Violet should take all the accommodations she can get right now. Yeah, she'll have to figure out how to make stuff happen on her own soon enough and as an adult, but she deserves at least the basic skills to start with that other kids are getting from school and she's not. Good thing she has you advocating for her, Libby. I'm not sure why her school is dragging its feet with a 7-yr-old micro-preemie who can't read 4-letter words. That's on them to figure out, not Violet. I'll contact my friend again and see if she heard back from her mom. My phone wasn't receiving some texts this wknd and hers flat out broke, so I should make sure I didn't miss anything.

Nothing much going on with this baby. I go to the OB tomorrow. I don't know when weekly checks start. Maybe as of tomorrow. They aren't checking my cervix or anything like that yet. Do they do a lot of exams in Canada? They try to be hands off here I guess. I'm just really tired and bloated. Sometimes throughout the day I can't really type or use my hands well because they're so fat and numb and don't bend. I had to have a stranger open a bottle for me today in public haha. But they're working now so I'm taking advantage!

Lol, I somehow almost missed Libby's last message about the convos with her egg. I love it haha. Tell her (the egg) I think she should try not to be a frigid bitch about this whole thing. It's good to have standards, but be a little bit friendy with the sperm at least :) xoxo
Whatever happened with more imaging of Violet's brain? Is that scheduled? No longer necessary? Poor girlie.
I am emailing Nora today and asking if appointments have been made for violet yet. She's slow.
Just got my progesterone results from cd21. My level was 36.1 on that day! Way higher than a month ago when I had released 3 eggs!! According to the reference scale at my doctors office, this is a normal level for a first trimester pregnant woman and twice as high as a not pregnant woman mid luteal phase. So this doesn't mean I'm pregnant but it does mean that this follicle is serious about supporting a fertilized egg! Hopefully there's one in there to be supported! It's good news in any case so yay!! Maybe delivering Annie's message to my egg worked. I told her not to be a frigid bitch! Ha-ha!
Wow Libby that's great news! Sounds very promising :) sounds like everything lining up for you to carry that baby. We will have to celebrate with nonalcoholic drinks when you get your bfp ;)
I know! I'm excited to have some good news! In a few days I will test. I'm on cd25 right now so I think it's still early, but I'm glad to know this follicle is taking its job seriously!
Think I'll cry when you get it! You've been trying for so long, you deserve it!

I saw my new OB...not sure if I like her as much as my old one, she's a bit more intimidating but still nice. I found out my pain was my gall bladder after all, my bile acid level is high...8.3 and suppose to be < 6.7 so boo! Plus my blood count is a bit low...so I'm trying to eat healthy iron rich food that isn't high in fat. Hopefully my number doesn't get higher because it can be dangerous for baby.
So much for my perfect glucose numbers, now I have to stay away from refined sugar wahhh.. Anyways trying my best for baby and me
So lean beef? Could be worse. But I don't like having to follow rules of any kind so I rebel.lol
Hopefully nothing gets too messed up for you. Is there anything else you can do to help it?
YAY!! I will, without a doubt, cry when Libby gets her bfp. That is SO exciting. And even if this month didn't pan out, it's like things are definitely kicking into gear and definitely changing. But this sounds really really really good for this month!! When are you going to test?

Well I'm glad your dr is on top of this, Corn. But yuck to watching your diet in any way. Does she think you'll be able to control it well with diet? Btw, I have gained 50 freaking pounds. A lot of it is a huge water retention problem (I am having to type with wrist splints on right now. Lol what a mess. Just so much swelling everywhere! Even my fingers are sausages that don't bend), so hopefully that comes off right away. I don't even have a sweet tooth! F--- it. I hardly care. But I'll care when the weather gets warm and I haven't lost it yet, I'm sure...
Annie Oh my u poor thing...why so much swelling?! I'm sure half of that is swelling and most of it will come off when baby is born and the month following. Why can't we be one of those tiny girls with a basketball tummy in heels and makeup smiling all the way to the delivery room. Bee otches! But really, typing with splits wow...are they talking of inducing you?

I am at triage, because I am anxious and a worrier, but I feel like I need to make sure I'm doing all I can do. Monitored baby for 20mins, he spent most of the time trying to kick off the monitor and they say he seems great. They drew my bloods and I'm waiting the results. Not much they can do for the pain and it's only if my liver function declines and bile acid gets higher will they put me on meds. I'm a bit itchy but not overly mostly the stupid pain. It's ok when I'm lying flat so I guess I will lie flat the next 10weeks when I can. As long as we both make it through fine that's all I care about.

Libby I'm hopeful for your test!
Oh Annie you poor swollen thing! I wonder why its so much. Seems like you must be so uncomfortable. And Corn, I was really hoping you would get some pain relief. And I'm with Annie on the diet watching. I'm too bratty. To have to be in pain AND not get to indulge a bit would make me cry!
I am on CD29 now. Last cycle was 31 days. Doc said that was normal, so I will wait until after that to test. I know I'll cry and cry and be so depressed if I'm not pregnant this time, but you are both right and even if not this time, things do seem to be improving. I'm developing such anxiety about day 31. Ugh.

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