Over 40, TTC and OPK tests


Mom of two girls!!
Mar 12, 2011
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Hello all, just wanted a few tips and advice. I'm 44, TTC with DH who is 43. First month. I used OPKs in the past but don't really remember much about my TTC journey (which ended in a healthy baby girl when I was 33) My question is, when exactly do you have sex??? I've read that doing the BD when you hit your surge is too late and you should do it a few days before your surge...but does that mean BDing with a negative OPK?? I'm so confused. It's day 11 of my cycle and no surge yet but we have BD'd just in case. I test every morning. My cycles are regualr as clockwork and never used hormonal BC. Any advice or tips or education is MUCH APPRECIATED!!
Hello all, just wanted a few tips and advice. I'm 44, TTC with DH who is 43. First month. I used OPKs in the past but don't really remember much about my TTC journey (which ended in a healthy baby girl when I was 33) My question is, when exactly do you have sex??? I've read that doing the BD when you hit your surge is too late and you should do it a few days before your surge...but does that mean BDing with a negative OPK?? I'm so confused. It's day 11 of my cycle and no surge yet but we have BD'd just in case. I test every morning. My cycles are regualr as clockwork and never used hormonal BC. Any advice or tips or education is MUCH APPRECIATED!!
I would say have sex every other day since sperm can survive up to 5 days. Once your period is over the following week you should start having sex every other day. Hope this helps.
I would say have sex every other day since sperm can survive up to 5 days. Once your period is over the following week you should start having sex every other day. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for that answer. It really helps. The test line is getting darker, almost positive. So in your opinion is having sex once it's darker than the control line too late? Should we be trying before then?? Just don't want to "miss" the egg!
I did OPKs this cycle. DH was sick most of the time so we didn't manage to DTD for the most part of the week. On Friday, we managed to DTD, then on Saturday I got my first positive OPK, so we DTD on Saturday too. Usually it's good to DTD just before you get a positive OPK and then again when you get the positive OPK. My OPK turned negative today (Sunday) but I have a lot of ovulation pains, so I know I'm ovulating today. We DTD today just to cover more ground. That's about it, I would say. Many women get pregnant with sex just once in the fertile window-- which is what happened for me when I conceived my 4 kids as well. My last successful pregnancy was when I was 35.

I'm 40 (still) and I know the concerns that comes with TTCing in my 40s. At this age, it's more an issue of getting a good egg. Of course timing is important too, but it's the egg quality that affects successful conception more. I take supplements to help to improve egg quality like coq10, vitamin D, zinc, omega 3, folate and a lot of amino acids that I know I need.
I did OPKs this cycle. DH was sick most of the time so we didn't manage to DTD for the most part of the week. On Friday, we managed to DTD, then on Saturday I got my first positive OPK, so we DTD on Saturday too. Usually it's good to DTD just before you get a positive OPK and then again when you get the positive OPK. My OPK turned negative today (Sunday) but I have a lot of ovulation pains, so I know I'm ovulating today. We DTD today just to cover more ground. That's about it, I would say. Many women get pregnant with sex just once in the fertile window-- which is what happened for me when I conceived my 4 kids as well. My last successful pregnancy was when I was 35.

I'm 40 (still) and I know the concerns that comes with TTCing in my 40s. At this age, it's more an issue of getting a good egg. Of course timing is important too, but it's the egg quality that affects successful conception more. I take supplements to help to improve egg quality like coq10, vitamin D, zinc, omega 3, folate and a lot of amino acids that I know I need.
Thank you so much! That makes sense.
So disheartened and confused. Last night the OPK test line was getting darker, almost identical to the control line but just shy of positive. SO we DTD. This morning it's lighter again. I thought it was would be darker. Now I don't know what's going on and it's only day 14 of my cycle. Could we have caught the surge. The test line never did get darker than the control line or if it did, I missed it. Ugh!!
So disheartened and confused. Last night the OPK test line was getting darker, almost identical to the control line but just shy of positive. SO we DTD. This morning it's lighter again. I thought it was would be darker. Now I don't know what's going on and it's only day 14 of my cycle. Could we have caught the surge. The test line never did get darker than the control line or if it did, I missed it. Ugh!!

This is my positive OPK. Is it similar to yours?? My test line never gets darker than control line. If it's identical to control line, I consider it positive. The other times, the test line is much lighter than control line.

This is my positive OPK. Is it similar to yours?? My test line never gets darker than control line. If it's identical to control line, I consider it positive. The other times, the test line is much lighter than control line.

View attachment 1117661
Neither line got that dark for me (but I'm using a different brand from yours) however they were sooooo close to being identical! Yes, I'd say the ones from yesterday evening were about as close in color as yours. I was just expecting a darker line this morning I guess. I will continue to test (I test in AM and PM about 10-12 hours apart so I might be missing the actual surge) and we'll continue to DTD for the next few days (14,15 and 16) and see what happens. Fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing your test. It helps to have a reference!!!
Neither line got that dark for me (but I'm using a different brand from yours) however they were sooooo close to being identical! Yes, I'd say the ones from yesterday evening were about as close in color as yours. I was just expecting a darker line this morning I guess. I will continue to test (I test in AM and PM about 10-12 hours apart so I might be missing the actual surge) and we'll continue to DTD for the next few days (14,15 and 16) and see what happens. Fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing your test. It helps to have a reference!!!

The intensity of the lines don't matter as much as how the control and test lines compare to each other. If you test twice a day, I doubt you'd miss the surge. I tested twice daily as well and both OPKs were almost as dark as each other. The second one was a bit lighter than the first one.

Do u want to post your OPKs so I can take a look?
I threw them away after they had developed and none of them were "positive". This is from this AM...I know it's hard to see but the test line is almost the same color as the control, just thinner. :-k Anyway, we DTD last night and plan to again tomorrow (every other) until I get a true positve...IF I do!

The intensity of the lines don't matter as much as how the control and test lines compare to each other. If you test twice a day, I doubt you'd miss the surge. I tested twice daily as well and both OPKs were almost as dark as each other. The second one was a bit lighter than the first one.

Do u want to post your OPKs so I can take a look?
Heres another possibly clearer image of it

Hmmm.... if it were me, I wouldn't consider the OPKs positive. Keep testing and see if the lines get darker. Do you have any other symptoms like EWCM??
Hmmm.... if it were me, I wouldn't consider the OPKs positive. Keep testing and see if the lines get darker. Do you have any other symptoms like EWCM??
Sunday (two days ago) I started having EWCM and that's when the lines started getting darker where before they were faint or nonexistent. So maybe it's the start of a BFP OPK??? I'll just keep testing and fingers crossed it gets darker. Thank you for all your input.
Sunday (two days ago) I started having EWCM and that's when the lines started getting darker where before they were faint or nonexistent. So maybe it's the start of a BFP OPK??? I'll just keep testing and fingers crossed it gets darker. Thank you for all your input.

Oh with EWCM and regular cycles, I would say your body is gearing up to ovulate. You know your body best. :)
Thank you so much for that answer. It really helps. The test line is getting darker, almost positive. So in your opinion is having sex once it's darker than the control line too late? Should we be trying before then?? Just don't want to "miss" the egg!
Your welcome and if you can having sex before increases your chances and again once you get a positive opk and after. That way you won't miss the egg. Sending you tons of baby dust and sticky dust!!
Thank you!! We're in the TWW now and I'm symptom spotting like crazy. So far I'm 9-10 DPO and my AF is due day after Christmas if it's on schedule as it always is. My cycle is very regular so that's a plus. Tender breasts and some nausea so far but that also a symptom of PMS so...we'll see. Thanks for the baby dust!!!
Thank you!! We're in the TWW now and I'm symptom spotting like crazy. So far I'm 9-10 DPO and my AF is due day after Christmas if it's on schedule as it always is. My cycle is very regular so that's a plus. Tender breasts and some nausea so far but that also a symptom of PMS so...we'll see. Thanks for the baby dust!!!

Good luck!
Any updates? Hopefully you caught that eggy this cycle!

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