Ovulating 29/30/31 May? Looking for a TWW buddy? *6 BFPs

Geez I'm just waiting to come on here and see one of you has given birth! So exciting!!
So I'm at the hospital and am dilated to 4cm. They're going to check me again in an hour and then make the call, but the nurse felt so confident that I was in labor that she went ahead and moved me to the delivery suite. So now we wait and see!
Ooh Spiffy!! That is quite a development!! Is this he exact gestation your last baby was when you gave birth? I hope it's a false alarm and baby gets to cook for a little longer, but if this is it, then eeeeek!! I hope it's a good birth for you!!
Last baby came at 35+0 and today I'm 35+1, so if I deliver today he'll have officially beat his brother by one day. :haha:

So the nurse just checked me again and said I'm 5cm now, so I guess this is really happening. The great thing is, other than some discomfort during contractions, I'm not in any pain yet. :thumbup:
Oh Spiffy, I was hoping for your sake that you wouldn't end up beating me to it but it sounds like this could be it for you. Meanwhile, I've had a fun morning going out for lunch and baking cakes with my little boy, and had nothing but the odd painless BH.

I'll keep checking for further updates from you. If there's no stopping things now, I hope it's a nice easy labour and delivery for you, with a healthy mum and baby at the end of it x
Thanks, Ganton. :flower:

My OB just checked me and said I'm actually 4+cm, not 5cm, and my contractions have basically fizzled out. So now we're just waiting to see whether labor will progress or not. I hate not knowing what's going to happen. :wacko:
That must be frustrating after having made the decision to head in in the middle of the night, but could if the shot is now working and you get even a few more days. Good luck x
Oh Spiffy how frustrating, but at the same time a relief maybe? I hope that little boy hangs out in there a little longer!
Wow things have progressed! I also hope your little one hangs in a little longer but I'm sure he will be great if he comes now! I hope you have a nice easy labour x

What time did you end up going to the hospital?
Still 4+cm, so they're sending me home for now. So we'll see how much longer we can keep this baby cooking!
Hopefully you can keep him in a bit longer but sounds like he is keen to come out! Keep us posted and all the best xxx
Sorry, Ruby, I didn't see your post earlier. I ended up getting to the hospital around 3:30am, and then got discharged at 11:30am, so we were there for about 8 hours.

For now, DH and I are both hoping that we can get a full night of sleep tonight, so hopefully he sits put at least until tomorrow. I also have an OB appointment scheduled for Thursday, so she'll see how I'm doing, then.
That's a pain you had to go in at that time but considering how dilated you are it was definitely worth it! Hope you get a good sleep tonight! X
I hope you had a good night's sleep Spiffy... and that baby stays inside a little while longer... but omg... you're so close! Very exciting!

Thanks, ladies. :flower: I was able to get a decent night of sleep last night, so that was good. I was woken up at 3am because of some contractions, but they never got closer than 10 minutes apart, so I made myself ignore them and go back to sleep. Now that it's the daytime I'm okay, because I never contract as much during the day.

I've lost some plug today, though, and last night I also woke up at one point completely drenched in sweat, like embarrassingly so :blush:, even though it wasn't hot in our house, so there's some definite hormonal stuff going on.
Everyday he stays in is helpful. The paed told me that for everyday a prem baby is in that's 2 less days in special care (if needed of course).
I hope you have some help with the kids so you can rest x
I agree with Ruby. Even if things are still progressing, I think the fact that he's stayed in for just one more day (and counting) could be a great help.

I'll be turning 38 weeks in about an hour but still no signs for me. I had to take DS1 to the doctor today and he's been given antibiotics for impetigo. I may have to keep him off nursery for the rest of this week so the baby staying put for a little longer is no bad thing.
Ruby, I've heard that, too, about each day them being in is two days less in NICU. So hopefully these extra few days will help make sure that he gets to come home with us. :flower:

Ganton, I hope your little one stays put, too, since it sounds like the timing would not be great right now. I hope your DS1's impetigo clears up quickly so he can go back to nursery as soon as possible. We had to have my DD checked for that when she was younger, but in her case they said it was just a resilient rash or sore of some sort.
So I just got back from an appointment with my OB and am still 4cm dilated. I also got diagnosed with Gestational Hypertension because my blood pressure has remained high for the last several times I've been checked, so if the baby doesn't show up on his own, I have an induction scheduled for April 26th (when I'll be 37+3). I'm pretty sure I'll go into labor before then, though. Actually, I'll be pretty surprised if I make it through the weekend, since that shot will start wearing off in the next day or two.
Good work holding him in this long Spiffy! I think even if he comes now he will be fine and only need minimal, if any, days in special care.

How are you feeling about it all? X

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