Ovulation induction with timed intercourse


Oct 3, 2013
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Hi there is there anyone who is trying the above method of ttc, all the threads I have read seem to either involve IUI or IVF. This is my second time ttc after successfully conceiving DD back in 2010 with the same method so feeling quite positive second time round. I have PCOS with a very high LH level and am using puregon injections to stimulate follicle growth, I am currently on CD12 and have just been for my first scan where follicles of size 9 and 10 were found. Looking forward to my next scan on Friday hopefully they will be looking quite healthy by then. Hope to find someone else to chat to who is going through the same thing.
I'm taking clomid and ovidrel, so I'm not sure of the injections you're taking, but I'm not doing IUI or IVF! It seems like a lot of people on here are, so I feel you there!! I'm on CD20, and took the ovidrel shot on Sunday. Now I'm just waiting... Very impatiently.
Good luck at your appt on Friday! My stupid follicles weren't ready until after 3 ultrasounds. So much waiting in this baby makin game! Haha!
Hi ladies. I just did three cycles of Femara, Ovidrel, and timed intercourse. I actually took one cycle off of meds in Aug. due to a cyst on my ovary and I got pregnant!!! Shocking! Unfortunately I am in the process of miscarrying that pregnancy. So it's back to meds for me as soon as I have a cycle. I have a fridge full of gonal-f injections so we are going to try that along with ovidrel and TI. I never made more than 1 follicle a month on the oral meds. I don't have PCOS but I have high LH for a different reason. Do you find OPK's to be unreliable for you? Sometimes I get positives for weeks at a time. Not helpful :(
Hi ladies. I just did three cycles of Femara, Ovidrel, and timed intercourse. I actually took one cycle off of meds in Aug. due to a cyst on my ovary and I got pregnant!!! Shocking! Unfortunately I am in the process of miscarrying that pregnancy. So it's back to meds for me as soon as I have a cycle. I have a fridge full of gonal-f injections so we are going to try that along with ovidrel and TI. I never made more than 1 follicle a month on the oral meds. I don't have PCOS but I have high LH for a different reason. Do you find OPK's to be unreliable for you? Sometimes I get positives for weeks at a time. Not helpful :(

Sorry to hear about your mc. : (
I have actually heard of other people getting pregnant on their off months too, so I guess it happens! I'm going to take a month break if it doesn't happen this cycle due to the financial aspect of having to be monitored for the ovidrel... Stupid insurance doesn't cover it, so maybe my bfp will happen then too!
As for the OPKs, I feel the same. I always used the clear blue ones with the smiley faces and I felt like I got them for days at a time. Maybe that's why they say to stop testing after you get a positive? I feel like they just make me crazy. Haha.
Did you ever take Clomid before the Femara? Or did you get started on Femara? I've heard of that working for lots of people when Clomid didn't, so I may ask to try that on my next medicated cycle...
I've heard many stories of Femara working when Clomid doesn't. I started with Femara. I am a breast cancer survivor so I have to be careful when messing with my hormones. Femara keeps your estrogen levels lower than Clomid.

I also have heard many people say they got pregnant after using fertility meds. On my month off it was very obvious that I ovulated and before the fertility meds it was rare that I ovulated on my own.

My insurance also doesn't cover infertility. But, I did realize that the insurance code that my doctor uses for ultrasounds is not specific for infertility, it just comes up as an abdominal ultrasound. When I called the insurance company and gave them the code they told me they cover that. I've done that with one ultrasound so far and I haven't gotten a bill.
Hello ladies! :) I will be starting my first round of Clomid pretty soon. I have ridiculously irregular AFs and just had a missed m/c on 9/23. I have 2 daughters, but this will be my first time using timed intercourse and forced ovulation to conceive. Any suggestions or things I should know?
Hello ladies! :) I will be starting my first round of Clomid pretty soon. I have ridiculously irregular AFs and just had a missed m/c on 9/23. I have 2 daughters, but this will be my first time using timed intercourse and forced ovulation to conceive. Any suggestions or things I should know?

Hi. I'm sorry about your mc. I have seen you in the loss threads as well since I am in the middle of a mc right now.

I really like timed intercourse. When you force ovulation you take the guess work out of the timing which is nice. I will say that I did not conceive during my 3 cycles of this so far but not every egg that is released is a good one. I find the downside to be all the appts needed to monitor follicle growth. I love my doctor but I don't love seeing her quite as much as I do!

I think you should expect to have increased PMS symptoms. More moodiness, cramps, and maybe headaches. Also I could feel some aches and sharp pains (nothing severe) in my ovaries which is unusual for me. Some women don't have any side effects and some have a lot. You will just have to see what your body does.

I had no trouble conceiving my DD but things have changed and now I have to put a lot more effort in! I hope the Clomid brings you quick success!
Slg76 - I remember you as well. (Again, sorry for you loss.) It is one of the reasons I hopped into this thread. I always love a familiar screen name. Lol!

I admire you for being so strong after facing so much adversity. You deserve your rainbow so much!!

I hope that Clomid will be a successful road for us. The once in a year that I do ovulate, I manage to get pregnant. Lol! So, I am hoping that Clomid will just take the guess work out of trying and make this be a shorter journey. My doctor did not mention monitoring follicle growth. He said they would do bloodwork after my first round to check for ovulation, but that was it to start with. (However, he was nice enough to warn me that Clomid sometimes takes tweaking and that monitoring appointments and the cost that come with them should be expected.) ((THANK GOD MY INSURANCE COVERS INFERTILITY 80/20))

Jokingly, I am on a 4ww. So, while others do their 2ww...I'll be waiting to see if AF comes naturally before he prescribes my Provera. (At least the 4 weeks will give us time to pay all the bills from my d&c)
MrsBigMc...I'm glad your insurance helps with infertility! Unfortunately mine does not. So expensive.
some doctors do a lot of monitoring an clomid and some do none. I'm glad they are at least checking for ovulation. If you have any serious pain (not that you should) you might think about asking for an ultrasound to make sure your ovaries are looking ok. My doctor does an ultrasound at the beginning of the cycle to make sure there are no cysts on my ovaries. Then about 10 days later they check again to see if there are follicles developing, how many there are, and about how many more days there should be until they are ready to force ovulation.

I would suggest asking your doctor how he/she feels about the possibility of you producing too many follicles!!! If I have more than 3 my doctor cancels the rest of that cycle so I don't end up with quintuplets :) too many follicles is a possibility especially since you don't now how you respond to this medicine.

It's so hard for me to be patient with this process. I have to remind myself that in the big picture 4 weeks is not a long time.
Geez. I hadn't even thought about the concept of multiples. I'll have to call and ask about that. I get the impression that this first round of Clomid is almost like a trial run. I think he's curious to see if it will make me ovulate or not and then go from there.
just be careful because if you ovulate more than one egg and you aren't using protection you may end up with more than you planned for!!
Tbh, I think I would be ecstatic if I found we were expecting multiples. Then, at the same time, I would be really scared. Slg, you may can relate. Are you scared of being pregnant again? I kind of am.
Me and my husband talked about multiples quite a bit because one of the drugs we are using has a fairly high rate of multiples; 10% or something like that. We both would be perfectly happy with twins. 3 more more? Now that's another story! I know women who got pregnant with triplets and quads. I would be terrified.

I can't decide if I'm more excited or anxious about the idea of being pregnant again. I think the beginning of the pregnancy is going to be really hard. I don't imagine I will be able to attach to the baby as quickly as I did this past time. I think after the first trimester I will be ok. Or maybe that's not how I'm going to feel at all :) I am scared of having another miscarriage because that will probably mean there is more of a problem than this one just being a bad fertilization.
slg - I feel the same way you do! Twins would be a dream, but I would be scared to death of more than that. I would manage though. I would rather get pregnant with multiples than not pregnant at all.

I feel the same as you about pregnancy during the first trimester. I am afraid I will feel detached. And I will probably be overly careful. I just hope once I hit the second trimester things will lighten up.

Today, I am feeling so discouraged. It seems so frustrating to wait four more weeks for my AF and then to start the process that I HOPE gets me pregnant. I know I am whining, but I feel like on here is the only place I can whine and have someone who knows how I feel. Ya know?
I do know how you feel!! Every day feels like forever right now. There is this sense of urgency even though I know this will be a long process. Hang in there! We are both going to be pregnant soon enough. We agree that we would rather have multiples than no more kids. Having one kid just doesn't feel right to me, although if that is what is to be then we will make the best of it.
Hopefully we can keep each other company through this entire process. I keep hoping for a random positive opk while I deal with my 4ww. That would be nice. Lol!
A random positive would be wonderful. I'm thinking that I will try naturally to catch that very first ovulation and if that doesn't work and I get a period then I will start my meds during that period.

Still waiting for my body to figure out the mc. Not even spotting yet.

I'm happy to have some company during the wait! I hope we don't have to wait long!
Hopefully your body will catch up soon! :) I am sure you are ready for it to be over. I am literally counting down the days. Lol! No positive opk today. :-/ And I just figured how to get an accurate BBT. So, 3 weeks of monitoring that and we'll see if I get anything naturally. I hope you do!!!

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