Hi everyone, not sure if one is floating around so thought I would start one here...
Im having very painful Ovulation pains, I know I am ovulating as yesterday I got a positive OPK and Positive Saliva ferning on the Microscope.. as well as lots of EWCM and my temp dipped. I also always seem to get bloating upset tummy and I want to fall asleep all the time.
This cycle I used Soy Iso CD 3-7 has anyone else had this extreme pain taking soy? or maybe you just get them... hoping it eases later today and be gone by tomorrow... I had a bit of a painful ov last cycle.. but this one is OUCHIO!!!!!
Im having very painful Ovulation pains, I know I am ovulating as yesterday I got a positive OPK and Positive Saliva ferning on the Microscope.. as well as lots of EWCM and my temp dipped. I also always seem to get bloating upset tummy and I want to fall asleep all the time.
This cycle I used Soy Iso CD 3-7 has anyone else had this extreme pain taking soy? or maybe you just get them... hoping it eases later today and be gone by tomorrow... I had a bit of a painful ov last cycle.. but this one is OUCHIO!!!!!