I agree with Blah. But I think it does affect adults and teens though, some of these 13/14/15 year old girls (some even younger) I see around town honestly look at least 18 with the way they dress and the makeup and that is bound to confuse some men.
heard of slut walk?
I want to clarify - I am not suggesting that the sexualization of children in any way condones the actions of pedophiles. Like those poor confused men, they took the jail bait. Nothing like that.
And no matter who you are or how you are dressed, you have the right to be free from molestation, violence and other forms of personal violation.
But I do find myself really disturbed when we make those kind of clothing choices for little kids. And I do see a link between regarding very young girls as sex objects and the pedophilic (is that a word?) acts. Not in a blame the victim kind of way, but in a "what are we doing as a society when we portray children like this?" kind of way.
Hope that makes more sense?