Pain free, drug free birth? I'm overwhelmed! Help please...


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Oct 10, 2009
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I really want a natural, painfree birth but I am so overwhelmed by what aids are on the market. I'm not interested in going to any of the classes ( will just go to the free ones offered by my hospital) but really want a book and or CDs to prepare me.

I've kind of narrowed it down to the mongan method book and cd and the natal hypnobirthing effective birth book and labour cd (not the whole set which includes relaxing pregnancy and post natal help. But I'm sure which one to go for. I don't want to spend loads of money but prepared to spend more on the best.

Abit about me, I'm not looking for an orgasmic experience, and accept it potentially will hurt abit but I want to control my anxiety and better manage the pain for higher outcome of achieving a drug free birth.

I don't really know the differences, so not sure which will be best suited to me. The hypnobirthing one is a bit cheaper but I'm slightly geared towards purchasing he natal hypnobirthing
Personally, I'd go with Natal Hypnotherapy, the book and 4 cd programme (including the pregnancy relaxation and relaxing birth music). The pregnancy relaxation is a great way to get the basics of hypnosis sorted so that your subconsious mind can apply itself to task in hand when you get to the birth prep, rather than you trying to both relax and take the info onboard. Then when you get to the birth itself (because you don't listen to the birth prep cd in labour) the relaxing birth music is the same music which plays behind the birth prep/pregnancy relaxation, so it acts as a trigger to keep you calm and relaxed.
Can I ask why you're not interested in the courses? If it's a money issue, I completely understand and think that, with the right support from friends and family, and practice with your birth partner (and perhaps some sneaky links to Natal Hypnotherapy birthing videos from you tube, and some good Natal Hypnotherapy birth stories ;) ) you'd have everything that you need. If it's because you can't see the point because, say, the NHS provides them for nothing, then I would highly recommend you have a re-think. The NHS's stance (again, for example, as you don't say where you're from) is that labour is an inherantly painful experience and that "alternative" therapies, such as hypnotherapy/hydrotherapy/aromatherapy/acupressure/acupuncture are a waste of time (you only have to read the purple book to see that). As a result, their 2 hour course will be not a patch on the 2 days Natal Hypnotherapy offering.
As far as the Hypnobirthing book - you may be disappointed if you go with just the book and no intention of a course (though someone who's used it without the course may be able to give you more info here). My opinion of the book (I bought both the Hypnobirthing and Natal Hypnotherapy book before deciding on which programme to follow), is that it refers frequently to "which you will learn on your course", and never really gave me all the information to achieve the birth I wanted. The Natal Hypnotherapy book and cds (in the plural) really did. I had a completely pain-free and drug free labour and birth.
If you have anymore questions about the Natal Hypnotherapy, feel free to shout me :)
I really liked the Mongan book and CD, but I did also go to classes and honestly can't imagine getting anywhere near the same result from the any book and CD alone, we learnt so much extra from our teacher and just being there every week gave me so much positivity. I had an amazing birth, no intervention or pain relief.

Personally, I'd go with Natal Hypnotherapy, the book and 4 cd programme (including the pregnancy relaxation and relaxing birth music). The pregnancy relaxation is a great way to get the basics of hypnosis sorted so that your subconsious mind can apply itself to task in hand when you get to the birth prep, rather than you trying to both relax and take the info onboard. Then when you get to the birth itself (because you don't listen to the birth prep cd in labour) the relaxing birth music is the same music which plays behind the birth prep/pregnancy relaxation, so it acts as a trigger to keep you calm and relaxed.
Can I ask why you're not interested in the courses? If it's a money issue, I completely understand and think that, with the right support from friends and family, and practice with your birth partner (and perhaps some sneaky links to Natal Hypnotherapy birthing videos from you tube, and some good Natal Hypnotherapy birth stories ;) ) you'd have everything that you need. If it's because you can't see the point because, say, the NHS provides them for nothing, then I would highly recommend you have a re-think. The NHS's stance (again, for example, as you don't say where you're from) is that labour is an inherantly painful experience and that "alternative" therapies, such as hypnotherapy/hydrotherapy/aromatherapy/acupressure/acupuncture are a waste of time (you only have to read the purple book to see that). As a result, their 2 hour course will be not a patch on the 2 days Natal Hypnotherapy offering.
As far as the Hypnobirthing book - you may be disappointed if you go with just the book and no intention of a course (though someone who's used it without the course may be able to give you more info here). My opinion of the book (I bought both the Hypnobirthing and Natal Hypnotherapy book before deciding on which programme to follow), is that it refers frequently to "which you will learn on your course", and never really gave me all the information to achieve the birth I wanted. The Natal Hypnotherapy book and cds (in the plural) really did. I had a completely pain-free and drug free labour and birth.
If you have anymore questions about the Natal Hypnotherapy, feel free to shout me :)

Thanks for this! I'm going to buy the book n 4 CDs as you suggest. I was not sure about the course because I'm still abit sceptical it can work for me, plus I'm not sure how receptive my DH will be towards it. I think I'll purchase the programme as you suggest and see how I like it. Thanks again, the info you provided was just what I think I was looking for but couldn't seem to obtain.

I really liked the Mongan book and CD, but I did also go to classes and honestly can't imagine getting anywhere near the same result from the any book and CD alone, we learnt so much extra from our teacher and just being there every week gave me so much positivity. I had an amazing birth, no intervention or pain relief.


Thanks for this! I think your response confirms what soilitare89 says. I'm going to go with the NH programme.
Just to clarify, I did do the 2 day natal hypnotherapy course... Which is why I say what I say that if money is tight, don't, but if its not a problem, go for it. Its also the reason I say go for all 4 cds! To me, they were the absolute essential!
Just to clarify, I did do the 2 day natal hypnotherapy course... Which is why I say what I say that if money is tight, don't, but if its not a problem, go for it. Its also the reason I say go for all 4 cds! To me, they were the absolute essential!

Yeah, I took that from your message but gathered you felt the programme was beneficial regardless? Whereas it seems with HB the programme is a supplement to the course?

Also where was your course held? Ie in the practioner's home or local ball. I checked out the courses and there are 2 workshops for £95 each, I thought it was £95 for the entire thing, I think I may forgo the courses, as the programme is already about £50
Yeah, I took that from your message but gathered you felt the programme was beneficial regardless? Whereas it seems with HB the programme is a supplement to the course?

Also where was your course held? Ie in the practioner's home or local ball. I checked out the courses and there are 2 workshops for £95 each, I thought it was £95 for the entire thing, I think I may forgo the courses, as the programme is already about £50

that's fine, I just didn't want you to get the idea I'd done it without the course. My view is that its a huge benefit to the natal hypnotherapy, but essential to hypnobirthing. As i see it, the cds and book for the natal hypnotherapy has everything you need, but the Course solidifies it rather than giving you something new.

the course I went on was in a "hall" of sorts, more of a conference centre, but we were in a meeting room to the side. There were 2 couples only, us and one other. The other couple didn't seem over enthusiastic tbh, and they even skipped the end of the second day (i think they were mad personally!). If we'd have done it as a couple on our own at the lady's house it would have cost more, but as it was it was £95 per day for 2 people, and for me it was worth every penny, for the encouragement and the boost.
A few years ago I went to a hypnotist for a few sessions. She taught me to do relaxation breathing. I used that for pain relief and honestly had no idea I was in active labor. It hurt, but was FAR from the worst pain I ever had.
I am doing natal hypnotherapy and have the book and CD, but I'm not doing the course mainly for the cost as we are already paying for NCT classes, but also because I feel confident that I will be fine without it.
I've downloaded a free relaxation mp3 until I get my programme and it defiantly works at relaxing me. Who knows whether it will help at blocking my perception of pain though.
I've downloaded a free relaxation mp3 until I get my programme and it defiantly works at relaxing me. Who knows whether it will help at blocking my perception of pain though.

that's great that the freebe mp3 is relaxing you! Any relaxation practice is beneficial. I should just point out though, that except for the "turning the dial down" exercise, at no point is natal hypnotherapy about blocking out pain. Its about keeping you calm and your body relaxed, so that you can trust your body and not fight against it. It is fear and tension in your body during birthing that causes the excruciating pain. You are tense because either you don't know what to expect as a first time mum or because you had a bad experience last time, so the ctx is painful, which in turn causes you to fear the next one so you tense up, and it is more painful because they do get more intense (not painful, intense) as labour progresses.

I've said this to another lady using natal hypnotherapy just recently, a major part of it all is your positive thinking. Whatever you do, DO NOT think of a pink elephant. Let me guess, just for a fleeting second, you saw in your minds eye a pink elephant. The mind doesn't work in the negative, only the positive. The command is there, think of a pink elephant, it doesn't matter its preceded by "do not", so it does it. You need to start to be more positive about your upcoming birth experience. You can achieve a positive outcome, and have a good experience!

HTH :)
I've downloaded a free relaxation mp3 until I get my programme and it defiantly works at relaxing me. Who knows whether it will help at blocking my perception of pain though.

that's great that the freebe mp3 is relaxing you! Any relaxation practice is beneficial. I should just point out though, that except for the "turning the dial down" exercise, at no point is natal hypnotherapy about blocking out pain. Its about keeping you calm and your body relaxed, so that you can trust your body and not fight against it. It is fear and tension in your body during birthing that causes the excruciating pain. You are tense because either you don't know what to expect as a first time mum or because you had a bad experience last time, so the ctx is painful, which in turn causes you to fear the next one so you tense up, and it is more painful because they do get more intense (not painful, intense) as labour progresses.

I've said this to another lady using natal hypnotherapy just recently, a major part of it all is your positive thinking. Whatever you do, DO NOT think of a pink elephant. Let me guess, just for a fleeting second, you saw in your minds eye a pink elephant. The mind doesn't work in the negative, only the positive. The command is there, think of a pink elephant, it doesn't matter its preceded by "do not", so it does it. You need to start to be more positive about your upcoming birth experience. You can achieve a positive outcome, and have a good experience!

HTH :)

Ooh thanks for the this. I definitely need to get started on the programme as evidentially I don't understand how it's suppose to work really, but what you say makes sense. It's my 1st pregnancy and I don't know what to expect.

It's really uplifting to hear that women have had management births by controlling their conscious "natural" reactions based on fear.
I can highly recommend The Pink Kit. I also think Juju (Julia) Sundin's classes are wonderful but they are in Sydney and very expensive (I was gifted one class by my MIL) a second her book has all the same visualizations etc. in it and it's called Face to Face with Childbirth - lots of stuff about pain management that helped me immensely through my last 3 births.
I decided at 38 weeks I wanted a homebirth. I had no cd's, classes, no research and done it without any pain relief not even water. It's doable :) just focus on getting through it and getting baby here.

I think if I had to think about how I was breathing etc or listening to a cd. I'd of gone mad!

I bought the Mongan hypnobirthing book (and didn't attend any classes) and can tell you about my experience. Overall, the book helped me see birth in a different way -- it helped me go into labour completely relaxed and it helped me welcome the experience. The breathing helped me during active labour, but when it came to pushing, my midwives had me breathe in an entirely different way than what is described by Mongan, and their method worked better.

I don't know whether I'd describe my birth as a "hypnobirth," but the book did help in certain ways, and the CD was relaxing, even though I didn't use it during labour.
I had both... and honestly, Mongan method was the best by far!!! I had the most amazing experience of my life.

DD1 was a waterbirth but i was in pain and i manage ok but it was nothing like DD2 birth. HB was sooooo much better than NH.

I wish i could show my videos and tell you every little detail of my birth experience... it was exactly as you see on some of their videos on the internet. My gynae even believes in HB now, she said after seeing me she totally believes it works.

Remember that is all about conditioning yourself, so you will have to put in a lot of work from now until the baby is born and it is not the same if you are on your own... I could't have done it without my DH. Marie Mongan's birth affirmations are so good at getting you prepared. I used to listen to it while i showered or while i was driving, and without noticing it stays in your head.

I know you said you weren't looking for an orgasmic experience but there is a book called "Spiritual Midwifery" that completely changed the way I look at my body and childbirth.

Good luck hun!xxx

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