Hello ladies!!
DSemcho, I'm so sorry you've been in the hospital with this scare. I'm glad it's not getting worse and hoping you are able to safely get to where you want to be for your care. It's good baby is measuring ahead though. My prayers are going your way.
nessaw, I'm glad your scan went well today!!
SweetV, I'm sorry you had a small bleed. That's always scary, but I'm very happy all looks well and your doctor isn't concerned. Looking forward to hearing about your scan.
loeylo, I'm so glad you guys are ok!! What a jerk for doing that to you all. Is your puppy ok too? I'm glad they don't think your heart rate is a huge concern. But good to keep an eye on it. Congrats on a good scan!! Possibly team pink huh!?
Tasha, Happy birthday to RR!! I hope today goes ok for you considering. I'm glad your scan went well...hopefully that will help.
IVV, I'm sorry you're feeling negative about this pregnancy. I hope you're wrong and you'll be reassured at your scan. I hope it comes quickly for you.
blueblue, congrats on your scan!! I'm glad it went so well!!
Hope, I'm so glad they found your baby's hb for you.
AFM: I can't believe this next Monday I'll be 20 weeks!!! That's crazy to me!! I felt the biggest movement I've felt yesterday. I was standing up too. It made me stop what I was doing it shocked me so much!! LOL!! I've got a check up appointment tomorrow morning and I get to schedule my anatomy/gender scan FINALLY!!! I'm 19+2 today and my doctor normally likes to do it around 22 weeks, but I'm going to see if she'll let me do it at like 21. Hahahaha!! I just want to know what we're having already!!