Hi all. I thought we needed a place for women who are PAL after recurrent losses (PARL). I'm pregnant for my 5th time after 4 losses and am hopeful this one will stick. I just saw a heartbeat today, so am feeling cautiously optimistic enough to start a thread in here. Usually I just hide out in the Recurrent Miscarriage Thread. Please join us if you've had 2 or more recurrent losses. (Technically recurrent means 3 or more, but after a lot of debate on the RMC thread, most of us agree 2 is enough to join the club.) Let's turn these losses into our forever babies!
** If you want to be added to the front page, please PM me. People are added after a hb is detected.
*** Once you graduate from this thread, please join us on the MARL thread
Abi 2012 -
- Noah born December 18, 2012
AmbiguousHope -
- Calvin Robert born August 14, 2013
Bumpyplease -
- Alfie born September 7, 2012
Cazi77 -
- Freya born October 3, 2012
Cgav1424 -
- Annabel Claudine born May 1, 2013
Croydongirl -
- Levi Rhys born August 11, 2012
dancareoi -
- Caitlin Erin born September 3, 2013
Daviess3 -
- Lexi Jayne born August 6, 2012
Debzie -
- Isla Jessica born February 8, 2013
dextersmum -
- Lexi Beth born May 3, 2013
duckytwins -
- Christian Jacob born December 11, 2012
emz1987 -
Embo78 -
- Maximilian Peter Ellis born August 13, 2012
Filipenko32 -
- Lexi Jasmine born January 8, 2013
Fitzy79 -
- Ellie Ann born February 21, 2013
FloridaGirl21 -
- Colton & Landon born August 20, 2012
Giggles1070 -
- Joshuel & Isabel born March 13, 2013
Heart tree -
- Delilah Vida born June 24, 2012
Hollybush75 -
- Rebecca Grace born March 19, 2013
Hopeful23456 -
- Ava & Dylan born June 19, 2012
Jenny25 -
- Kieran John born August 24, 2012
jessytlc -
Justkeeptryin -
- Emelia born November 10, 2012
justwaiting -
- Owen Thomas born July 28, 2012
KatM -
- Grey born December 11, 2012
LeeC -
- Morgan Mark-John born April 29, 2013
lexi374 -
LilSluz -
- Maia Deborah born July 26, 2013
Madrid98 -
- Zeynab Maria born February 16, 2013
Melfy77 -
- Zoe born January 28, 2013
MightyMom -
- Colton Jacob born May 6, 2013
MissMaternal -
- Oliver Charlie born August 10, 2013
mommaandbaby -
- Dalton Alexander born July 23, 2013
Mom2mmcjg -
- Gloriana born October 31, 2012
Mon_n_jon -
- Alyssa Rose born May 12, 2012
Mrskg -
- Kody born February 18, 2013
Mrs Miggins -
- Louis born January 3, 2012
nats77 -
Neversaynever -
- Louis born August 9, 2012
Padbrat -
- Leo born April 19, 2013
petitpas -
- Julian born May 24, 2012
Pink80 -
- Zachary born December 4, 2012
Puppycat -
- Samuel Gethin born August 9, 2012
Raptasaur -
- Lucas Benedict born June 3, 2013
Sara1 -
- Eva born November 13, 2012
Scarolinarn04 -
- Kailyn Marie born August 15, 2013
Sparkly -
- Amelie Elizabeth Hope & Scarlett Mary Grace born July 15, 2013
Sticky_wishes -
- Cooper Angus born January 9, 2013
Taurus8484 -
- Jaxon Dylan born May 25, 2013
Tracie87 -
- Isabella Grace born December 19, 2011
ttcLou25 -
- Ethan born March 21, 2012
Tuckie27 -
- Baylyn Rose born November 28, 2012
3xscharmer -
- Zane
September 10, 2012 @ 17 weeks
3xscharmer -
- Grimm & Holland & Liam born October 10, 2013
Vietmamsie -
- Lucy born April 5, 2014
Wookie130 -
- Hannah Elizabeth born March 12, 2013
Zebra2023 -
- Caitlyn born September 4, 2013