Empire, I'm so sorry. Life is so bloody unfair. We are all here for you.
If you have any questions feel free to message me as I've had two stillbirths (one at 24+3 and one at 36+6).
You're baby will be just like a term baby but tiny, my 24 weeker was the same size as a 19/20 weeker. She weighed 340 grams and was from the tip of my middle finger to just past my wrist.
I would go and get (or if you can't face going get someone else to) two blankets that are super soft (can recommend a debenhams one if you're in the UK), soft so it doesn't hurt their skin, two because you can keep your baby in it until you leave and then take the used one with their smell and leave the second one with the baby. A teddy. Both these things feel important as it's something of their own.
Other advice is hundreds of photos, making sure you get some with your partner, you and baby together. Take photos with things next to your baby so I put my little finger next to Riley Rae's hand and feet, my hand next to etc as it is easy to forget how tiny they were.
The second time I made sure I saw her feet, her tummy, her bottom, every part of her.
Don't let anyone rush you, take as much time as you need.
I am so very sorry for your loss Hun. I hope my post isn't callous, I just don't want you to have the same regrets I had with Honey.