Echo - as they consider 37 weeks pretty much full term do they believe the lungs etc are fully developed enough by then? If so then to induce you ( albeit I would imagine a long-winded process) will mean u get to see and hold bubba a bit quicker at the very least. I guess there are, like everything , pros and cons but at least in the outside world you have a bit more control over how baby does than u do whilst he bakes in tummy....
AFM I got told by the MW yesterday that the fundal measurement is measuring a little high and she might want a growth scan on me to check baby isn't too big as if so they might consider bringing date fwd but I'm really confused given that I have only put on 10lbs since beginning how can I have a large baby? I also don't really understand the measuring process of fundal length because surely the more tummy fat u have before pregnancy will effect this too? Has anyone else had this concern raised? I don't have gestational diabetes or anything like that that would give me a large baby and we are both average height so not like we are expecting a large bubs either from that perspective....