Hey girls. Back from by weekend away. It was nice apart from puking all over the deck of the boat on the way to the Isle of Wight yesterday! I'm not really a boat person but thought I would be ok - nope, pregnancy and seasickness is a lethal combo! Just about managed to hold it in on the way back today! Baby was jumping around for most of it too, which is cute but not helping the sickness!
Glad Chloe is staying put for now due, hope you get good care from your MW.
Yay for movements W2B! It's the lovebug saying I'm ok in here Mummy! How have you been feeling in yourself the last few days?
I love Oliver too but hubby didn't like a boy at school called that so refuses to consider it! Funny what things put us off a name!
George is cool too Beadette - not sure it would be a good choice for us though - our surname is Best!!!
Loving those piccies Nic, cutie-pie putting on a show as usual?!
Hi girls, cute names picked out there, and so strange that a few people have chosen the same, great minds and all that! Our 2 faves so far are Archie Lee and Seth Lee.
Louise how awful about the sicky incident on the boat, sounds like baby enjoyed the crossing though
Nic how cute is your little man?! I love the 3rd one, such a poser
Hope you all have a nice bank hol
Oh Neen, Oliver goes so well with your surname! And yours Fluffy! I'm looking at Jacob, Samuel and Joshua at the mo.
Poor you Louise, hope you had a good time apart from the vom... x
Jo, if David broke the lappy, you get priority on the PC
Thanks for all the cutey comments... I do think he is quite cute myself Little monster hid from my cousin the MW today when she copped a professional feel of my belly. Then as soon as she left he kicked right off and has been giving me Braxtons ever since
Hi everyone sorry i didnt update yesterday, but the ketons were nowhere to be seen. The midwife who saw me yesterday went as far to say that she thinks it may have been the hospitals test with it being the same twice even after eating.
Well she cheaked Chloe over again, and did whole anenatal check just so she could say she did the works and i was shocked when she said that im 1/5 engaged, i know its not much but its a step in the right direction im so happy
good to hear that everything is going ok Due, also lovely scan pics Tulip ^^. I'm stuck on the sofa now because I did way too much housework yesterday and my hips have totally seized up. I can't believe how little time there is to go either, I have still got to get the crib from the baby shop when they call to say it's arrived, and then I won't be in my new house till the week little guy is due. So disorganised!
Aww bless, i know most people dont want it but you might go just a little over your dates to give you time to be 100% organised. I know i cant beleive how fast its coming round. However i can feel it startin to drag now, im about ready to have my LO in my arms
I'm more likely to be early as my daughter was 2 weeks early and I'm told this one is going to be a big bouncy boy. He's already set off one panic at 34 weeks... not panicking though, nope, not even a little bit.
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