you should be resting due! Least that's what I keep getting told. Fluffy, hope you can get some sort of relief, though I have frequent ulcers and have been told I can't take some of my medicine I have zantac which is quite good.
37 weeks today... and I'm moving house tomorrow. I'm kind of annoyed at my parents, but not a lot cause they always do the same kind of stupid things, they're going on holiday for the next week even though they know I need help with moving and I could have the baby any day now. I'm just tired of people I guess, but I'm also at the point of just giving up and admitting they really don't give a crap.

I didn't even think they were being weird till someone pointed it out to me.
In fact, I hope my little guy shows up while they are away. I might even consider telling them if I'm feeling generous.
Now I gotta get back to my packing