Hey ladies
I'm joining you in the knackered club hb and fluffy. Had a really nice weekend - enjoyed the hen-do, but so tired now! I left after the meal and before the clubbing - have to say I really didn't enjoy fighting my way out of a packed nightclub with a bump, I just wanted to get the little one out of there!
Sounds like Noel has come around fluffy - its hard to stay mad at them isn't it, even then they deserve our wrath! My DH has been taking my hormonal mood swings on the chin.
Good luck with your scan tomorrow due - and you hb for later in the week. Countdown to v-day for us!
I'm going to have a manic week getting ready for holiday on Friday but boy will it be worth it!
PS. I've decided I'm having a girl - my colleague did the ring on a piece of hair over my bump thing and it came out pink. Just had a feeling over the weekend it's a girl in there too - hurry up 16 weeks and 3 days (god its scary to think of it that way!)