I can't quite believe how much I have been crying today - Mollie's angel day is only 20 days away too - I might have to get DH to take the day off work if I'm like this.Butterfly - can't even begin to imagine how hard this time is for you
You should ring if you're worried hun. They'll be finethanks im a bit worried about myself atm. i keep going dizzyand now i got a splitting headache and my vision keeps going blurry. I had a MW appointment yesterday so i feel bad for ringing my docs or MW unit as i am scared of wasting their time
Thanks TripleBOh butterfly - bigto you and your DH.
You're not wasting their time due - make that call!
Thanks Wish - DH does not normally get to see me like this as I normally manage to 'pull myself together' but definitely not going to be able to today.aw butterfly majorhun. I'm sorry you are feeling down, but I'm glad that your hubby is comming home soon so you can lean on eachother for support
Good luck at the mw apt hb!
You are too cute Due! Sorry you are feeling down, when is your next apt?
Triple, Im glad you had a good time and have little kicking machine! Yay!I saw your bump too! BEAUTIFUL!
Best thing is to get plenty of rest then hunI rang the triarge at the hospital and the MW doesnt seem concerned says its perfectly normal. even though it says in my notes if you start getting blured vision or anything liek that to contact them. She just said she how i go