Just got back from first appointment with new OB. First thing they did was an ultrasound. Turns out I do have a tilted uterus!!!!! We saw the baby once she adjusted the machine for the tilt!!!! Its still in there. The disturbing part is that it has developed an arrhythmia. The good news is that its a regular arrhythmia and is will probably resolve itself, and its possible that it has the same heart defect I have. Taking into account the arrhythmia the fetal heart rate is 146 bpm although its only beating 100 times a minute. He said he's seen this before and it usually corrects itself and to remember that this is an immature heart so its just starting to develop more than one chamber but they won't look at that until 24 weeks. He's not discouraged and sees no reason to terminate based on anything he saw. Baby measuring about 6 weeks. He eyeballed that but I don't care. Last wednesday they told me it was 5 weeks, so in 5 days it has made 7 days progress. The sac is bigger and still changing shape so definite growth. They gave me pictures and a prescription for heart medicine for me. Last week the flicker was on the upper right hand side of the sac, today its in the middle of the bottom and is less flicker more pulsation, she even let me hear it!! Scary though hearing it go and pause and so on. But I'm much more positive since they are too. He said unless I had any bleeding he is really not worried anything will go wrong and is taking the heart beat as a good sign things are progressing! Fetal pole measured at 2mm last wednesday only 3.3 mm today but they are actually measuring the baby this time and not guessing. She also decided to measure small just in case she was including some of the yolk sac so I am completely encouraged.