Huge congrats to jo!!!

Maddox - i LOVE that name!! Can't wait to hear her birth story.
Well, before i could even get in to the examination room i could hear my DH asking the Doc about giving me a sweep (he is very excited) she said that she would see how i was but sometimes ladies are too far gone for a sweep and there is an optimum time to do it (words to that effect, i was busy casually dropping my drawers in the next room so was not 100% listening.) Cue the internal - she says 'i am looking for your cervix....looking...nope, your cervix has gone!' As she walked out she gave my shin a comforting rub and said 'i'll be seeing you again in the next day or so!'

It's starting!! yay!
She did lower my mood slightly by saying Spud's heart rate is now 160 which is the upper end of normal and a definite rise. So, if i have not popped by thursday i have the first appointment with her to check on him again. She said not to worry, but to start to do kick counts for peace of mind.
Now, after saying all that she told me as i was leaving...BTW, i am on conference from monday for a week so if you still haven't given birth you will be seeing my colleague and failing that - i will induce you on the 18th!!! 18th??!! That is within 2 weeks of my LMP due date and she is not worried
Both me and OH left the office and said ok, so i am due to start labour any second but if not she'll induce in 17 days?? Wtf? I am sure she was just being all official and i would rather know when she is going to be away, but surely i'll have popped by then??????
Great news Fluffy! It must be so cool to know when your LO will be born!
Right, now i am off to the nail bar to get trotters done for Spud and a good goss with the lovely ladies who work there. Then, i have a choice of girlie dvd's to watch before sending Nick out to get me some dinner! We may have house guests later - one friend is still without power since friday night due to the storms and her 2 yr old is sick (i had no idea) so i have offered them our spare rooms (with air con to keep her cool). She is a trained Nurse, so the exact kinda house guest i will be pleased to have!!
Hope you're all having a good day.