Love the name Nic - welcome Dillon - hope you're both on your way home.
Is there any news from Kimmy?
Wish, I am sorry about the GD. You know I'm here if you want to ask any questions

. I promise you it won't seem so bad when you've gotten your head around it - even the diet becomes second nature after a while. Don't worry too much about the size of the baby, if you can get your sugars under control you'll be able to manage the growth spurt. I was also told that plenty of women birth big babies every day (with or without GD) - look at Phillipa and the gorgeous Chloe! I was a chunky 9lbs 1oz at birth and my Mum didn't even tear so please don't worry, just go with what's right for you hun. Have a nosey on the gestational complications thread - I promise you lovebug isn't too big by some standards AND fetal weight is only an estimate from the abdo/head/femur measurements, doesn't take any other things like bone density, long legs etc into account!