good luck, due!! can't wait to find out if its a boy or girl you're having!!
i get to take my scan pic in today and tell my coworkers i'm preggo! so excited for that!! it's been so hard keeping it a secret... pretty sure some have guessed already, but i will thoroughly enjoy telling them myself
Hi scan went pretty well we are on team baby decided it would lie in a bad position with legs crossed, which i aint too bothered about, and we think we will now stay on team yellow as baby obviously doesnt want us to know. also got to go back for another scan, as couldnt get mesurements of the back because of the position. Also there was a slight problem with the bowel which is proberly linked to leeding in early pregnancy and will hopefully be gone by the next scan
crossed legs
due... so cute! you're a strong lady to stay on team yellow... i will be so upset if bubs crosses their legs next scan!
fluffy - glad things are going well so far! what is celexane for?
telling my coworkers went really well two had guessed today because they saw my belly and thought it looked bigger! wow.. will have to post a belly pic then and compare to my 4week pic i took. yay for preggo bellies! my pants won't do up so i should have guessed it would look obvious to others too...
Thanks everyone
I dunno they send a letter in the post but im guessing it won't be to long, im guessing 2 weeksish, but they didnt actually say.
I gave into my OH and now he didnt get to see what he wanted he agrees with me. I still went on a spending spree
Yes and there is no evidence of anything sticking out at all. but i will know in about 20 weeks time. Im kinda glad im on team yellow. TBh its what i wanted from before i was even pregnant. I was just happy becuase my OH wanted to know
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