Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough tripleb. I suffered from the nasty all-day nausea and only puked twice. It is hard going. I guess everyone will have already told you their tips but mine was to keep on eating. As soon as you feel nauseous eat whaveter you can (i had to avoid rubbish like choc and crisps as they made me worse) but a piece of bread, a yoghurt, a bowl of plain rice - whatever you can stomach and it always did the trick with me. In the end i just kept eating a little something every 1-2 hrs during the day (low fat yoghurts, toast, laughing cow cheese triangles!) and that helped so much. It was only really worse if we went out (cos of hubbies job we have to go out a lot at night) so i would have beans on toast before going out for dinner as i knew despite a function starting at 7 that you wouldn't eat til 9 and i would be ready to cry by then!
Just keep on nibbling, hun. It'll pass soon enough.