PAL Winter Babies 2010/11 - ** Waiting impatiently for our remaining babies! **

Had my midwife appoitment today, had to have my anti-d and bloods taken. Bubba heartbeat was really strong MW didnt know we knew the sex, she asked and she goes is it a girl as sounds like girl's HB, i don't know how they know. My fundal height is a week ahead at 29, at 28weeks.
Then i mentioned the Homebirth and it all went wrong and now Im really upset and almost in tears. *ive put it in spoiler as its a bit of a rant.*
she is doing everything to stop me having my homebirth. Saying that with my bleed the placenta might have slightly come away, it was the slightest of bleed when i wiped, and docs even said it was just becuase i needed anti-d. She said its my 1st baby and she really would like it (she apparently supports ladies who want HB's) also becuase of my area being equal distance from 3 hospitals we get to choice apparently im under the wrong one to get a HB well why wasnt this mentioned at the 1st appointment HB's can only be given under one hospital surely this should have been mentioned.
OH was at work so couldn't be there to support me, and is busy at work so i can't talk to him. Im that upset i actually feel like someone has taken part of my heart away from me :cry: sorry its a bit of a rant

Congrats on V-day michelle
Happy 22 weeks nic
Triple congrats on the 2nd trimester enjoy it
Tulip good luck for the scan tomorrow
How is everyone?
Ohh one week off 2nd Tri wahey nearly there with ya triple x

I cannot believe I am sat in my car eating (well eaten) a full bag of chips for lunch ! Taste soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good though with no one around to tell me off hehe !

And I have a naughty bubba, i seem to find it first time with doppler but when I shout Noel to come and listen bubba runs and hides its so funny :-)
aww bless fluffy at least you are getting the heartbeat on the doppler. Chloe was like that when she started kicking, at 1st she only ever gave kicks big enough to be felt from outside when her daddy wasnt around
I hope she doesnt mind me putting this here im sure she wont but Agiboma put this on the 3rd tri october bumpkins thread

"Hi girls
I gave birth to my son via c section yesterday he weighs just under 2 pounds and is doing great he is breathing on his own thanks for all your support over the last few months I'll write a birth story in a few days
though i would let you know
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the lovely messages re V-Day! I had totally forgot!! It is tomorrow, but i am very happy to celebrate today. Just off for a facial in mo and can't wait - it's the first time i have seen the beautician since she gave birth so can't wait for a relaxing hour with lots of baby chat!! :happydance:

Tulip - good luck for the scan tomorrow. I hope you enjoy every second and then go do some damage in Baby GAP!!! I just checked our list and we also loved the Peach - what swung it for you over the Bugaboo?

Triple - Head staright to Blooming Marvellous - they are shutting down and you need to rummage but EVERYTHING is dirt cheap!! They have some lovely stuff. I got 2 little UV swim suit things for my little man (1 is O'neill) for £10 each!! Plus, dummies, hats, sleep suits, nighties, a dress for me, socks etc etc!! JoJo also has a sale on but it is not so exciting :haha: Mothercare is just jam packed but all the summer stuff is in the sale (great for me, not so great for UK people).

Sorry about the home birth drama, Due. It is rubbish they didn't warn you earlier. I'm sure of you push there will be a solution. :hugs: Discuss it with OH tonight and see how you both feel.

Fluffy - i would love some chips! So glad you enjoyed them!! Were they proper chip shop chips with s&v rather than fries?? I am hungry just thinking about them... talking of which, my appetite is really growing during the day... oh dear!

Have a great day, ladies!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:
How far gone was Abigoma? Thank goodness the message sounds positive.

According to the front page 25 weeks 3 days. Just hope all is well with both.

On another note, about premmie babies.My friends baby that was born early came off his ventilator yesterday and is breathing on his own. He is on a drip giving him all the nutriance he would normally get from his mums breast milk, she is expressing but he can only have a few tea spoons through a tube every 6 hours as his tummy is so small.
They said he is making good progress but will be in hospital at least 6 more weeks

Yes im still hoping to go for the HB. I have spoken to OH and he said he is happy to fight the decicion also .
this is here post in the premmie section
On october bumpkids she said it was due to protien in her urine, and her cervix had started to dilate and becuase her pre-eclampsia was so bad they didnt stop the labour
Aww bless her what a good weight for 25 weeks though - does sound positive x

Yes Blondee real chips from the chippie with loads of salt n vinegar and a plastic fork !
It does sound a good weight and he seems to be doing well - come on Micah darling, get big and strong for mummy!

Philippa, see if you can find a Yahoo group called UK Homebirth (or similar) I was a member when pregnant with Ruby and they are a great source of advice and support for those facing opposition. Essentially you have a RIGHT to a HB, regardless of what hosp you are under (what utterbollocks). I think you should be given an appt to talk to one of the consultants on delivery suite to discuss their concerns over your HB and of you decide you want to have Chloe at home the write to the supervisor of midwives at the hospital stating that it is your intention and your right and they are legally obliged to send MWs to attend to you when you go into labour. There are resources on which might help you too (case studies, standard letters etc).

Michelle the Bug was never on my shortlist, I just don't like the look of them personally. In the end I got it down to the Peach (which is the lightest of the iCandy range) and the Silver Cross Surf. Peach won due to the shopping basket (the one on the Surf you could just about fit yer mobile and keys into :haha:

Fluffy - mmmmmm, chippppps! Mustn't have takeaway tonight after lunch in pizza express.
Oh I missed the previous page! Hi Jo :hi: hope you're OK.

Louise - wowza on the free Bug, you lucky monkey! Let us know when you venture to Bluewater if I'm around I'll buy you a cuppa (we're only 20 mins away). Enjoy Guildford!

Philippa, see if you can find a Yahoo group called UK Homebirth (or similar) I was a member when pregnant with Ruby and they are a great source of advice and support for those facing opposition. Essentially you have a RIGHT to a HB, regardless of what hosp you are under (what utterbollocks). I think you should be given an appt to talk to one of the consultants on delivery suite to discuss their concerns over your HB and of you decide you want to have Chloe at home the write to the supervisor of midwives at the hospital stating that it is your intention and your right and they are legally obliged to send MWs to attend to you when you go into labour. There are resources on which might help you too (case studies, standard letters etc).

Yes its annoying as, as i have said before another MW who im not under can not see a problem. My MW said the bleed could me the placenta has come away from the wall and Chloe could be under nurished, well then why is fundus height 1 week ahead, and as someone told me if they are worried the placenta had come away a scan would have been done.
If 2 MW were saying no fine, but with one saying jsut as safe as anyone else well whats wromg with it? My MW also mentioned how its my 1st baby so TBH i think she is just coming up with excuses at to why, like the hospital thing, they can switch me hospials what about people who move homes. She didnt even offer to move me though, so ive been told to ring my triarge tomorrow. I am tempted to see what the person there thinks if it isnt my normal MW, and if they refuse not to change my hopsital until 31 weeks i wont be happy, as the person i spoke to when i rang up hospital to try and change it mysefl said the quicker the better.
Does it sound like she is just comign up with reasons to try and stop me on purpose and non of them really have any meaning behind them, as it does to me but im not 100% sure
thanks i will also look for the group you gave me
I'll be honest - yes it does sound like excuses and from what I've heard it happens a lot. Some people are even told they can have their hb... Until they're in labour and hosp say "we can't spare anyone, you'll have to come in"!!!! I can understand their reasons - tight budgets, HBs requiring two MWs per patient from 2nd stage onwards... But their staffing or their budget is NOT our problem x
At least im not the only one. Many peopl eon here on the HB thread thinks its a load of rubbish i can't have one. i think she thinks im silly, as soon as she mentioned about it beign 1st birth i got a bit sceptical what a reason to give.
Im hoping to start to get things sorted from tomorrow, and OH will be with me at my next appointment. Its not like if anythign goes wrong im not gonna go on or if LO was brn before 37 weeks i would go in, i wouldnt exactly risk my baby.
Thanks for the help i will update you with what happens tomorrow
Happy 22 weeks Tulip :) and Jo for tomorrow :)

Hey TripleB :) Happy 14weeks to you to :) am also with you on the free buggy - my sis has offered me hers - can't remember what type but comes with a car seat and pram/pushchair abilities and is red :)

Kimmy - nice work on the job - doing something you love and inspires you is fab - going to work isn't such a drag :)

Fluffs - have a happy time off - it'll be like floating on air as you leave work tomorrow :)

Due - keep fighting there lass - am sure you'll get your hb!!

Happy 24weeks Blondee!! :happy dance:

After my victorious night of sleep on Wed night I woke up at 2.30 this morning and lay there trying to get back to sleep till I got up at 6.30 - pants!! the only thing that kept me going was knowing I am off til Thursday ( TFI! ) - I picked up our crib today - got a bargain on ebay - happy days - it's a mamas and papas gliding crib :)

Aw fluffy - am soooooooooooooooo jealous! I can't be bothered to make lunch but am so hungry. I want chippy chips!!!

Tulip - i do like the Peach too, it's all very confusing. I am not sure you can really go wrong as there are so many lovely ones out there. I'll let OH pick and then i can spend the next few years moaning about his choice :haha:
Abigoma and Michael hope all is well x

I had my 16 week midwife appointment today, all she did was take my blood pressure and some blood for the triple screening test, didn't listen to the heartbeat and told me to book to see the doctor in 4 weeks :(
Hello all tulip Ty for your kind words and support my little guy is doing great he had his first feeding of breastmilk today and he also had his first cry the nuses all love him and say he is very fiesty and they love these types of babies
Thats fantastic news Mandie, he's doing great! Ooooh our first birth I must update the front page! What was his weight hon? xx

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