yes me and Micah are definetly here to stay, so they have upgraded his feeds again, and i shared this on another thread but i will also share it here, yesterday the nurse was changing Micah and my sis was sitting right in front of him he ignored the two of them and was staring @ me and i was way in the corner almost out of his range of view, it was @ that moment i knew that he knows im his mommy, my heart melted, my Micah knows me.
@ wantto be mommy congrats on the TWINS so exciting
@ hb1 dont worry you will find the hb
@ tulip vday is juswt around the corner
Posted this in 2nd tri - today really has been a worry !!
I just found out that my friends little girl has chicken pox and would have been contagious when I was visiting at their house 10 days ago.
I had CP when I was younger - so I will double check with the MW tomorrow - but has anyone caught CP after having it when they were younger - I should have immunity but is there still a chance?
Also - even if I am immune will I now be contagious 10 days later? Just as I have other pg friends?
Well nothing to report, Ben still gone, thought he was at his mates until got a call of his gran to say he was up at his dads in Blackburn and now I am being blamed for the fact he may lose his job ! Well he should have thought of that before he became a racist extrememist yob wanabe!
I have reiterated I will not ever ever ever tolerate that in my house but he chose that life so he has to live with the consequences. Noel doesnt want him back and I have to respect and consider his feelings too !
As for me bump is fine and HB is getting louder every day, it does get in some weird places though!.
Was my uncles funeral yesterday so drove all way to Kent and back in a day - was knackered but was great to see family I havent seen for 7 years and believe it or not my estranged father (mum and dad divorced when I was 4) said in front of Laura he dont like kids, well does explain why he was such a wank dad ! Sorry for language x
So am now on hols and go away on Friday to South Devon for a week - I CANT WAIT - oh and my belly getting bigger as well
So thats me lol alot going on but none of it exciting !
Thanks Louise - currently shitting a brick. 1520 is just a ridiculously late appointment, I'm going to lose my mind in the meantime. The boy is absolutely battering me tonight, bless him "Believe in me, mummy!"
Have a great hol Heather, make sure you relax properly.
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