Stray cats?? hehehe! My hubbie rescued a baby turtle today who was stuck - he thinks he is Dr Dolittle now! Maybe it's a nesting thing?
Need a mini rant - SIL!!! Grrrrrrrrr! Their world REVOLVES around their LO and i know that our worlds will all revolve our around our babies to some extent, but they let it rule them and sorry, but it is bull***t!! Can you tell i am angry?
Just chatting online to her and mentioned xmas as i was wondering if she still had a monitor we could borrow (in W.Indies the voltage is same as US so ours won't work in UK) and i mentioned that we will be going to both sets of grandparents over xmas. Bear in mind - we do this every year, plus this year we are living abroad AND will have their precious grandson, so we want to do the rounds. She laughed at my comment and then wrote 'Just be prepared to alter plans just incase little one doesn't feel like it or has a bad day...'
WTF?!! Sorry for being so angry, but i could scream and am alone.
I wrote back saying he will be a tiny baby so asleep most of the time and we expect him to cry. How can a 7 week old 'not feel like' doing anything??!! Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If he has a bad night and we are tired then we will just delay plans by an hour or two, we will not suddenly be missing our flights cos baby is crying.
God, please give me strength!!! He will be my angel - but even i know that he will cry, feed, poop, sleep, cry, feed,poop.....
their 4 yr old GENUINELY picked their new car for them. Nutters.
Ok, sorry ladies, am counting to 10 and considering a choccie bar