I've been laying in bed playing a game with Munch. He kicks me - I put my hand there - he kicks me somewhere different - I put my hand there - he kicks me somewhere else
Gotta get moving and have brekkie and get to Boots and back early doors.
I'm new to here but could you add me to your list please?
After 3 previous losses I've reached 27 weeks and think it's about time I started trying to celebrate my pregnancy rather than stressing about it.
I think I'm starting to get spd I'm only 19 weeks too could it be anything else? or am I stuck with it for the next 5 months. It's not too bad so far just worse in the evening
it'll b worth having a chat with ur mw to get it checked out - that way its on your records and your mw can fwd you on to physio if u need it xxx
do you work sea? make sure ur work place is comfortable for you - have an ergonomic chair - take in a cushion or two if need be, try and rest up as often as u can x x
I have had mild af style pains for a while - on and off - which I have put down to stretching amd growing. Sorry for tmi but I had some discharge today which was very thick - more like snot - but white - only 2 little bits - should I be worried?
im not sure either hb1 - perhaps give ur mw a ring and ask her?
morning all
how are we!!
im finally making friends dont feel so bloomin isolated anymore - new neighbours at no 4 and no 1 are a great bunch - we all had a right giggle last nite, theres an english run club on the strip here which does bingo and kareoke n stuff - i think we're planning a night down there soon!
Hey h - don't worry - I've been having the stretching pains too and just this weekend felt the bubbling sensation which I think is little kicks. I mentioned this to the midwife last week and she said it was completely normal to be feeling a different sensation around the bump as it starts to grow rapidly from here on in.
Same for the CM - I sometimes have the thicker stuff too from time to time but I've read that its normal as long as its not smelly or yellow (sign of infection) or red/brown of course.
If you are worried no harm in giving your midwife a call. How did you get on at your 16 week appointment? Did you hear the heartbeat?
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