@ Rowan. Sounds like little one is engaged now! wow it could happen very soon! Good luck
@ lilrojo. From 26 weeks it goes much faster, I hope it will go for you too. You just start doing lots of things for getting ready and time will just fly. When is your next scan?
@ LoveLost. Thank you so much, I had stretch and sweep today. well as much they managed to do it as cervix is still closed but nice and soft. Looks like pineapples and raspberry leaf tea is doing good job. Apparently all I need is lots of sex now haha.
@APS. That's best thing about C-section! no sweating, puffing or panting. My friend just put on FB that she had both C-section this time and Natural birth last year and she would recommend C-section. She was up and around the same day in the evening and she is healing really well. Yes she is still having some painkillers but about to stop them now. Oh and you don't have to take anything extra to your hospital bag btw. xxx
So my water broke on thursday night at 11am, much to our surprise! So just headed into the hospital and got checked - everything was fine but because he was still very much breech they said we would just be in the queue for a c-section (it was a busy night) so had to have my section under general anathestic as I was on fragmin and they couldnt do a spinal. Everything went well and he is doing fantastic - was 7lbs 3ozs. Got home yesterday just trying to get breastfeeding established now - gosh its hard but got loads of help and support.
I am just so overjoyed to have my little rainbow in my arms - photos to follow soon xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Can i join?
i lost my third baba at 6 weeks in april and found out i was pregnant with this little pea in may! due the 26th jan with a 4th wee boy!
really happy to be makin it this far as we were told at our first 3 scans that they honestly didnt know if we would have this wee mircale due to a blood clot! but after a lot of wishing and praying our wee boy is ok and just 8 weeks to go! xxx
Ive been having period pains every day this week so far - 4am til 8am today - shooting pains up the old cervix too - would be nice if it was things getting ready
went to mw yest and all good - 3/5 engaged so shes heading the right way
Ive got bloomin pupps - had blood tests to make sure its pupps and not obstetric cholestastis - have got steriod cream and special bath stuff to try - Ive got to say its almost unbearable - argh....
So sorry to hear Rowan.. I had a bad allergic reaction with my dd when i was pregnant and it was terrible..dr said it was pupps but never was.. thank goodness..
Have my 28 week GTT on wednesday.. then jan start every 2 weeks.. almost to the end..
thanks hon - im getting on my own nerves with the scratching now as long as its pupps and not the other one thats fine - i can get through this but the thought of having something that could harm Martha would be just awful! Dr thinks its def pupps tho - just wanted to make sure
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