Parenting the 'hardest job in the world'?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Is it really?

Had sooo many people say this to me. That and 'oh, you don't know hard work until you've had a child'. It used to really get on my nerves when I was struggling with fertility and the prospect of never being a parent. And you know what? It still winds me up, like it belittles anyone who works hard in their job or something. Cos it really isn't the hardest job in the world, is it? Not compared to, say, a soldier in a warzone or an oil rig worker or a nurse or... you know what I mean.

And maybe I haven't got a clue cos am expecting my first, but I've had some crazy intense jobs working to manic deadlines. And I sure as hell would rather be at home with my daughter than stuck in office hell.

I'm sure it's really really tough, and maybe for some people, it's the most challenging, difficult thing they've had to endure. But billions of people do it, and there really are a lot tougher jobs out there.

Anyway, rant over. Am intrigued to see what people think. I guess it's all relative. Or maybe I'm being utterly naive!
never understood why people call parenting ' hard work ' it can challenging and busy, but not hard work
I agree with above post. Yes there are challenging moments, good days and bad days, but it's not terrible work! I truly enjoy being a mother, and loved each phase my child went through. You do have to make sacrifices and prioritize, so maybe that's what people mean by the saying....
It is not always a walk in the park with a young baby, but it is the most rewarding job ever!
I guess I'll find out in a few weeks! I was talking to Hubbie about this the other day and we came to the conclusion that each task on it's own isn't difficult but it's more the lack of sleep that makes it a million times harder. Like when you give any simple task to a very sleep deprived person and they make a total hash of it!

The other thing that I'm not looking forward to is the constant guilt - am I doing the best for my baby, should I have let them do/have XYZ and will they grow up to hate me or have some awful impairment if I don't etc.

So yeah, not the hardest job in the world if you think of it as a series of tasks like you would in an office job (change a nappy? Fine. Sing a song? ok. Rock baby to sleep? Sure) but combine that with the exhaustion and the constant worry that you should be doing it better and I think that's where the difficulty comes in.
Hardest job in the world - probably not
Least rewarding - not by a long shot
Worst paid.......definitely! lol

If you worked as a SAHP on minimum wage, 24/7/365 you'd earn nearly £55k!!!!! lol

I would say that being a parent is challenging, and there are times when you would gladly tear your own hair out if it would change things. You're constantly trying to do what' best with your child constantly undoing things lol.

I get the feeling from people that the expect some kind of medal at times, but I have 2 wonderful things to show for all my effort. (having said that I did put an 'i'm feeling sorry for myself' FB status up this morning after a 4.45 wake up call from my youngest lol.)
It's not the hardest job in the world physically I would say people talk in this context more mentally.

You constantly worry that you're doing the right thing by your kids and panic each time you make a desision! Is it the right one.. Will they grow up to be good people?!

As soon as you give birth you never stop worrying and it's mentally challenging! The actual time you spend looking after them are the good bits! Haha

Tiring and sometimes a challange but oh so worth it!
Hard? Yes. But not in the sense that you would think. I certainly wouldn't compare it to an oil rigger or soldier in the field. But it is 24/7, full of ups and downs, good days and bad days, joy and pain. No other job will engage every facet of your being the way parenting does - physical, mental, spiritual, emotional - all at the same time. It offers the extremes in all things - your heart will ache like it never has, and it will swell with joy and pride like it never has. Sure it's hard, but it's also AMAZING.
Well, I'm sure there are harder jobs but it really depends on context and perspective. I think many people will tell you that going back to work after staying at home with their baby felt like a break. I'm one of those people. A busy day at work is still about 10x less exhausting! That's not to say I don't enjoy staying at home with my daughter, but it is a lot to take on some days.

I don't think people say it with any intent to belittle anyone.
Wow, for the hardest job in the world, the pay sure sucks!
It's different to a 'job' it is a journey. It's really hard at times! But also the best thing ever. The actual child care is relatively easy, it's the things that come with it that make it hard. Like sleepless nights, very little time to yourself, when you doubt yourself as a parent, when you get jealous of your friends travelling the world. But at the same time you'd never swap it for anything else as it's amazing how you can love someone as much as you do your own child! It grows everyday.
I've never been happier in myself, grass is always greener though isn't it!

But to be fair, being 39 weeks pregnant with a toddler is really hard physically. But that's my own fault lol.
It's a 'job' that you can't even compare to real work. As somebody else posted, my 'day job' is 10times less exhausting than the days I'm at home with my little girl.

It's the hardest job in the aspect that its never ending. Regardless of whether your comparing it to been a soilder or on an oil rig, you will always get a break. You don't been a parent! It's the hardest bloody job when your ill and still have to care for your LO, it's the hardest job, when they've been up since 5.30am and by 3pm all you need is a nap but they are still running on high energy. It's the hardest job when your having to get up at 2am because their covers fallen off, then at 3am because they need a wee and then still have to carry on and be a normal functional human being. It's the hardest job in the aspect of worrying about anything you've ever had to worry about before.

At work. I get a lunch break. I can pop to the toilet. I know it will end at 5pm and also that I have a few days off. I also get a break from thinking or trying to think of answers to the most bizarre questions that my LO asks me lol.

Honestly you can't compare the two at all. But then been a parent is the most rewarding by far.

My day started at 6.10am with my Little girl waking ua up with 'dad I want to talk to you' about her dream about bees haha.. And at 4.35pm I'm now trying to sit down for the 1st time after a day shopping, playing in the garden, going to the park and baking cakes. In 5 mins I'm due to start tea, then won't sit down again until approx 8pm. During the whole day I've never had a moment to think for myself as she literally doesn't stop talking or moving lol.

My next child is been born by section next Tuesday. Course I'm doing it again.. One more wont change much when I do it all anyway! And like I say it is one of the most rewarding!
Well, I'm sure there are harder jobs but it really depends on context and perspective. I think many people will tell you that going back to work after staying at home with their baby felt like a break. I'm one of those people. A busy day at work is still about 10x less exhausting! That's not to say I don't enjoy staying at home with my daughter, but it is a lot to take on some days.

I don't think people say it with any intent to belittle anyone.

Totally agree! It's nice to be in an adult dominated environment at times.
I think that statement is a bit of a misnomer, as you can't really compare parenting to a job, in my opinion. For me, it is the toughest thing I've ever done-not physically, but in the context of importance, it is 24/7 (even if you are away, they are alway on your mind and your responsibility). But absolutely the most rewarding!
And I do have some rough jobs to compare it to. I spent ten years as a US marine. I've been shot at, had to fire my weapon in self defense, jumped out of helecopters, seen friends perish. I've been responsible for the lives of marines under me and done things I don't even like to remember. But with all that, it still can't compare to a new life held in your arms - all the potential and all the responsibility. My opinion, anyway.
Well I have 2 already and another due next month, plus a career. Does that mean I will have 4 jobs -lol??? No, I have 1 job and 3 blessings.
Again, if you don't compare it to a paid job it's just hard. Before I had dd1 I didn't 'get' what putting someone else truely before yourself.

Going back to work was a break to be me and not mummy me. BUT being apart from her was so hard. Missing firsts, seeing her sad when I left, going to work when she was poorly and knowing someone else was doing your 'job' with her while you are doing another one.

I worry about each decision I make for her, about her growing up too fast, how she'll adjust to the new baby, that she doesn't know just how much I love her, that something bad will happen to her. DH and I watched a program the other night where the daughters grew up to hate their mother. I can't imagine how bad I would feel if I failed my 'job' so badly that that happened.
Massively doubt it'll be the hardest job in the world.

My current job is on my mind 24/7, I check my blackberry, iPhone and emails at 2/3/4/5am if I wake up and I can easily work 60/80 hours a week including weekends! (I.e in the office) I probably actually do upwards of 100 hours!

I'm quite looking forward to that job taking a back seat to my newborn, and I'm definitely convince she will not be as demanding as the UK's major retailers who are my customers!!
I wouldnt say personally the hardest . Depends on your outlook and how you parent, some can make it harder. I like to go with the flow so I dont find it hard. Well the house cleaning and the jobs to keep the place going can be hard. Parenting is a life long investment and an important job. Make it enjoyable as you can. :flower:
Is it really?

Had sooo many people say this to me. That and 'oh, you don't know hard work until you've had a child'. It used to really get on my nerves when I was struggling with fertility and the prospect of never being a parent. And you know what? It still winds me up, like it belittles anyone who works hard in their job or something. Cos it really isn't the hardest job in the world, is it? Not compared to, say, a soldier in a warzone or an oil rig worker or a nurse or... you know what I mean.

And maybe I haven't got a clue cos am expecting my first, but I've had some crazy intense jobs working to manic deadlines. And I sure as hell would rather be at home with my daughter than stuck in office hell.

I'm sure it's really really tough, and maybe for some people, it's the most challenging, difficult thing they've had to endure. But billions of people do it, and there really are a lot tougher jobs out there.

Anyway, rant over. Am intrigued to see what people think. I guess it's all relative. Or maybe I'm being utterly naive!

i know what you mean, im pretty sure my child wont try and rip my throat out like the dogs i used to groom, nor break my leg with a kick like the horses i groomed and exercised... sure my kid will pee poop and vomit on me but ive had all that before with animals and with my niece.
I can't stand this kind of know-it-all advice you get from other parents when you're about to have your first child.

I wouldn't call it a job either. It's not part of your career (the opposite actually) and it's not something you have to do or are paid for.

Of course it's hard. You can't take a break when you feel like it or resign and you have a little person (or people) completely reliant on you. But it's very rewarding too :D
It is the hardest "job"...because children will test and it can be exhausting to always be consistent. But you have to be! Too many people who have babies don't take their job seriously and end up letting their children run the house, talk back and basically do what they want because they can't be bothered. It's also the hardest due to the fact that you never stop worrying about our children, making sure you raise them to be respectful and productive members of society, making sure they don't get involved in the wrong crowd, etc.

It definitely doesn't mean that jobs people get paid for isn't hard...

Being a parent is the hardest but it's also the most rewarding.

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