Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

It's whenever my period decides to pay me a visit. That is the only thing that is holding us back from moving forward.
So we have done the "out Baby out" dance for Angie ... and now we are going to do the "come Kathy's :witch: come" dance :D :happydance::happydance: :lol:
lmao!!!!! you are too cute Bubu!

It's actually making me feel horrible...because I suppose it is coming around the corner yet taking it's sweet time...I have such a migraine today and with that came the upset stomach...such a crappy feeling!
Feel better Kathy and hope the bitch, I mean :witch:, shows up soon!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok! :hugs:
Kathy - Hope AF shows her ugly face soon!

snd - How are you feeling?

Seriously, swollen feet suck!!!!!!!
I have been MIA. I am really sick, down with a bad cold and sore all over. Hoping to feel better soon.
Feel better honey !

Stinas sorry about the swelling. Do Open toe compression stockings with the open toes? That would help.

Kathy: come on af!!
Honey - Hope you feel better soon!!!

Mo - I wear them to work, but i think its just inevitable. Doc says get used to it, just to worry and contact him if it goes crazy like up the legs or just does not go down. It just makes me cranky and uncomfortable. Thank god for those UGG loafers!
Hope you feel better Honey!!! I had that mess in Feb, and lemme tell you it SUCKED! :nope:

Stinas, that's awful!!! Could they not try some type of fluid pill to help? If all else fails, maybe some Crocs shoes? I've heard ppl swear by them!

AFM, I'm still same ole me! No symptoms, NOTHING! Just gettting bigger! :haha: I've had to revert to yoga pants, down to one pair of stretch jeans that fit.... spent $50 at the book store this weekend. Found one book on twins I started first and hubby got "The expectant father". First ob appt is March 20 and can't wait to see my babies again!!! I feel like I've hit the nesting phase early... my mind is sooo far ahead and I've been working like crazy in my house cleaning, throwing away, etc. Even scrubbing walls with sos pads! LOL!

Everyone else ok? :hugs:
Mo-I can't believe little mo will be here in 8 days omg!!!!!!! I'm super excited for you, are you all ready?

Stinas-Only a few fruits left and your babies will be here, it's going to be baby mania soon!

Bubu- I hope your feeling great and can't tell you how excited I still am for you. Also your story gives me hope, I just hope I can be half as patient and graceful as you have been! I can't wait for ultrasound pics!

Snd80- I'm not sure I congratulated you so if I didn't OMG CONGRATS WHAT AMAZING RESULTS!!!:happydance::happydance: ( you get two dances for two babies)

Kathy- I hope things are going smoothly and :witch: has appeared!

Honey- I'm sorry your sick, make sure your getting enough vitamin c and I hope you feel better soon!

Mrs C- how are things with you and your girls? I'm sure your super busy but I hope your all happy and doing well!

As for me I have my SHG scheduled for tomorrow. It was supposed to be last Thursday but my period started. I was a little concerned because I only bled lightly for two days and then it was over, anyone who has had a miscarriage did your period come back completely strange? I had 7 vials of blood drawn on last Thursday for my complete panel and am supposed to have answers anywhere from 2-4 weeks, I'm hoping 2. I'm a little nervous about mySHG tomorrow not because of the actual procedure but I'm afraid they will say that my fibroid needs to be removed or find something that will have to be surgically fixed. I'm trying to think positive because I'm pretty optimistic usually, but can't help feeling if there is something going to happen it will be to me!! Anyway I hope everyone is happy and doing well!:flower:
Cd: I am not prepared!! I don't have childcare pinned down yet, baby furniture hasn't arrived and my house is in shambles. I'm a little anxious about it all it everything will come together.

After my second mc my cycle was all messed up. I think it can be messed up for a few months as the body is readjusting. I hope they don't find anything!!
Mo - I bet you are really nervous and feeling unprepared but the only true thing to think about is that your beautiful baby will be here!!! Everything else will work itself out and maybe your family could help with the house. Order pizzas or take out and have everyone over and you be the director!
Thanks CD that's so sweet of you!
Feeling quite good (just tired and running to the loo a lot *grin*) - my boobs are a tad sensitive, but nothing too crazy. I kept thinking I wasn't feeling anything, but we were at some friends' yesterday and when the dog hit me with his wagging tail, that I felt ;) - this morning I thought I was a bit queasy, but I had some strawberries and raspberries and felt OK, so I wasn't sure if I had imagined it.
Nose is not really sensitive - except (and I was wondering if anyone else had this) if I open the cupboard with our herbs in - that seems to hit my nose ... and the other really weird one - when I open the boxes with washing powder in (for dishwasher / washing machine), really hits my nose. Not like a bad or good smell, just really powerful.

Yesterday and today had slight pulling sensation on the left below where my ovary would be - especially if I laughed / coughed. My SIL said that she had that as well from really early on.

Even though I have a good feeling about this and truly believe this is our miracle baby, I can't help being really nervous about the u/s appointment on Wednesday morning, which is to see a heartbeat. I mean, everything has looked good so far, with our blood results and with the ultrasound last Monday ... there is no reason why we shouldn't see one ... but I guess you never know. So fingers are tightly crossed that the heart is flickering away ... <3

Stinas, that really is so unpleasant with the swelling! I hope you can find something to make you more comfortable!

Honey - are you feeling better yet?

Mo ... I can't believe it ... it's soooo close :) <3

Kathy ... did my :happydance: come :witch: come :happydance: work? :kiss:

CD - good luck with the SHG tomorrow. Fingers crossed that all is OK :) :hugs:
snd - Ummm I dk if there are any pills I can take. Im sure there is. I normally don't like to take things, so ill probably just learn to live with it….all while bitching about it. lol

CD - I actually noticed that today! Its crazy! On friday I will have 6w left until my scheduled c-section. I can't believe it.
I hope they don't find anything and everything goes smoothly for you!!!
For some reason when I had my mc, it didn't screw up my next cycle….it came faster than it would normally. Totally weird.

BUBU - Just be positive for wed. Thats all you could do right now. I can't remember how far along we were when we hear the hb's….but let me tell you, I was super nervous before that apt. Its natural to be nervous and scared I guess…..especially after how hard we worked to get that far.
When it comes to smells….I had that crazy smell experience once, the same day I puked for the first time. I puked after watching my friend try on wedding dresses, then after we went to get coffee…..they must have just mopped the floors, it hit me like a ton of bricks once we walked in……I said do you guys smell that and they were like smell what….I said bleach…and they just laughed and said no. It was so strong I had to go back into the car. Besides that, only certain smells, like bathroom smells make me gag….that and once I get up after eating a lot of times I just cough and gag….super weird.
less than 8 days left for me!! And I am so glad this baby is coming early...Pretty much an easy pregnancy overall but since baby is breech my ribs have been killing me! It was bad for a bit then eased off..The past couple weeks have been bad and today my ribs hurt so bad, mostly on the left side where baby is stuck (this is the side I have my unicornuate uterus on)...And my back hurts. So I am ready to meet this little thing :) Too bad I can't flip him/her.

Oh and I swear my belly grew overnight! I feel so big today. Good sign baby is growing I guess :)
Thanks CD that's so sweet of you!
Feeling quite good (just tired and running to the loo a lot *grin*) - my boobs are a tad sensitive, but nothing too crazy. I kept thinking I wasn't feeling anything, but we were at some friends' yesterday and when the dog hit me with his wagging tail, that I felt ;) - this morning I thought I was a bit queasy, but I had some strawberries and raspberries and felt OK, so I wasn't sure if I had imagined it.
Nose is not really sensitive - except (and I was wondering if anyone else had this) if I open the cupboard with our herbs in - that seems to hit my nose ... and the other really weird one - when I open the boxes with washing powder in (for dishwasher / washing machine), really hits my nose. Not like a bad or good smell, just really powerful.

Yesterday and today had slight pulling sensation on the left below where my ovary would be - especially if I laughed / coughed. My SIL said that she had that as well from really early on.

Even though I have a good feeling about this and truly believe this is our miracle baby, I can't help being really nervous about the u/s appointment on Wednesday morning, which is to see a heartbeat. I mean, everything has looked good so far, with our blood results and with the ultrasound last Monday ... there is no reason why we shouldn't see one ... but I guess you never know. So fingers are tightly crossed that the heart is flickering away ... <3

Stinas, that really is so unpleasant with the swelling! I hope you can find something to make you more comfortable!

Honey - are you feeling better yet?

Mo ... I can't believe it ... it's soooo close :) <3

Kathy ... did my :happydance: come :witch: come :happydance: work? :kiss:

CD - good luck with the SHG tomorrow. Fingers crossed that all is OK :) :hugs:

No..not yet...still waiting! This sucks balls! lol... keep dancing...maybe I need more dancing. body sucks!
Mo - I feel you with the achy back. I bought one of those belts Bella Band Upsie belly something like that. I wear it to work and it seems to help. Might be better for someone with one baby ....Baby A seems to get smushed and I get a little cut off by the strap when I sit down. So it helps when I'm standing or I just put the strap part more up.
I know, I know ... can't help it ... I just so hope to see a little heart beat flickering away!
According to your siggy, you had heartbeats on September 17th ;) Embies would have been 32 days old then? And your hearbeats were nice and strong at that point :) Our Pünktchen will be 30 days tomorrow. I am praying so hard that everything is OK and continues to be OK. In <3 with little Pünktchen already :) :cloud9:

Mo ... one week today :) :) :happydance: *bounce*

Kathy ... OK, I will keep doing the :witch: dance :) :happydance:

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