Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

Thanks for the feedback on the travel Mo!
Actually, I already always wear compression stockings when flying long-haul (have used the ones I have from hospital) but will get new, freshly fitted ones.

By the time I got around to calling this afternoon, they were closed. So I will call tomorrow morning.

For the trip in September, I really just want to see how the pregnancy is going. If everything is fine and the doctors are not concerned, then I would be OK with going. DH is concerned about the radiation affecting the baby. I thought the amount would be considered negligible and wouldn't affect the baby?
What radiation? From the scanner?you can refuse to go through. I did and got a n individual screening. They try to convince you to go through but tell them you are pregnant and can't.
From flying. Even though I believe the levels of exposure to be negligible, Flo (DH) has found all sorts of articles about the levels being similar to an x-ray or something like that...
Oh from flying? You'll be fine from that.
less than 8 days left for me!! And I am so glad this baby is coming early...Pretty much an easy pregnancy overall but since baby is breech my ribs have been killing me! It was bad for a bit then eased off..The past couple weeks have been bad and today my ribs hurt so bad, mostly on the left side where baby is stuck (this is the side I have my unicornuate uterus on)...And my back hurts. So I am ready to meet this little thing :) Too bad I can't flip him/her.

Oh and I swear my belly grew overnight! I feel so big today. Good sign baby is growing I guess :)

:happydance: Not much longer!!! I can't wait to hear your announcement of a girl or boy!

Mo- it's almost time. It must be so exciting and nervous for you. Everything will come together by then. I hope you have some friends or family to help.

Stinas - how are you doing? Feel better.

Kathy- bring on the :witch:

bubu - Keeping everything crossed for your ultrasound. I have a feeling there is nothing to worry about. You are going to see one perfect heart beating away.

I am feeling marginally better, but I do see signs of getting better. Days are getting warmer here and I feel it is the weather change that brought on the sickness.

I had my first appointment with my new RE. She seems really good. But the news she had for us, I don't know what to think yet, is it good or really bad? It's all taking a while to sink in.
My RE says it is male factor and was surprised that more investigation was not done in that direction. We were never told anything about male factor. She says DH has very abnormal sperm and there is a huge chance of sperm DNA fragmentation. She seemed fairly sure about it. We have had some investigation in the past, but we are doing some more tests. And another thing is possible NK cells in me which probably attack the embryo.

I have been reading up on sperm DNA fragmentation, the prognosis doesn't look so good. It scares me that they say it could mean more miscarriages and inability to carry to term and also higher incidence of birth defects and possibly childhood cancer.

We are now glad that we have a new direction, but really not sure if it means new hope or rather the end of a road.

I'm glad the new RE seems good. I hope that what ever is to come in the future will bring you your forever baby as well as some answers.

So everything looks good with my uterus, my fibroid is not a problem and is not in an area that would harm implantation and is not large. My doctor says the problem is not a physical problem so now we have to wait for my blood work to tell us the problem.

:thumbup: Great news!! Fx for the blood work results.

Morning Ladies,
Well, little Pünktchen is now 0,43cm long (so 4,3mm) <3 <3 and the little heart was pulsating away, at 118bpm <3 <3
At this point, our clinic already releases us for standard pregnancy controls to the OB, so I guess that is the next appointment I will be making. I hugged our doctor (asked if I could hug him) and was a bit tearful when we left... many long hard years we have been there! Bloods were taken, so I expect to receive those in a couple of hours :)
Am in love :) :cloud9:

Love the pictures! Its amazing that you have been released. As bittersweet as it is, its a big step forward. :hugs:

Ok twin mommies.... I need some advice!!!

So, my hubby is still TOTALLY freaked out that we are having twins! He won't even talk about it! I keep telling him IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!! What can you do?! And he might as well go on and accept it now cause I sure as hell don't want him rejecting them when they get here cause they didn't ask to be born!!! Right?! :nope:

Did any of your hubbys have the same thoughts? I admit I had them at first too cause I was NOT expecting it and am still really really scared, but excited for the most part... idk what to do! I even got him "the expectant father book" thinking it would help but he won't touch it. Will he eventually come to terms later on down the road? Or is he playing the role of the spoiled older child who doesn't like the fact that babies are on the way cause it will take away attention from them?!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm sorry that he is so scared. Have you asked him what exactly is scaring him? I did see in another post of yours that he will be a stay at home dad. Do you think thats what it is? I think everyone who is expecting twins gets a little scared. It's a huge change. One baby is a huge change as well but having two is even bigger. I doubt he will reject them so please don't think that. It seems like a little bit of cold feet right now. Is he able to go to scans with you? Once he sees them both moving around and their little faces I bet he will be ok. If he will even go. It may just take him a bit of time. Maybe try not to say anything to him about the pregnancy (as stupid as that sounds) and see how long it takes for him to ask. :shrug: Just a thought.
Thank you Sekky!
How are you these days? Do you know when you will be trying again? :hugs: Long time no see!!
BUBU - Beautiful!!!! Soooo happy for you guys!!! I know, when you leave your re its bittersweet! I had to pick some papers up a couple weeks from there, it was super nice seeing all the nurses.
We were there for two years.
I flew at 15w from NY To California....I was perfectly fine, just keep hydrated. I also wore compression socks because of my feet swelling(Which has happened to me the last few years of flying regardless). 32-33w......Maybe you and your doc should determine that closer to then. I agree with MO about that trip. It may be too far from home for you.
Don't worry about the scanners at the airport....I went through them....I just told the lady doing it that I was preg and she said it was well as my OB and high risk doc.

Kathy - WOOOHOOOOO For the wicked old witch!!!!

snd - Im sure he will come to terms with it. Its all we know.......think about it....once they come, we never experienced having a singleton or raising one, so this will become our normal. Plus all men are babies!
I agree with MrsC....he will come around. Once he sees them moving on the screen....and then their little will be shocked by the things he will start saying and brining up.

Sekky - Hiiiiii!!! How are you?!

Did my first non stress test today! :happydance: Twinkies passed with flying colors!
Baby A (Girl) is 3.10 lbs and Baby B (Boy) is 4lbs! :hugs:
We got a nice shot of the girls face, but the boy was being shy and looking down. Both breech and head to head.....pretty much A is under my left boob and B is under my right. So I have two sets of feet pouncing on my bladder. lol Both babies have a good amount of hair.....that was cool to see. DH was excited because that meant they took after him.....I had peach fuzz...he had a full head of hair.
I am in weekly now. :happy dance:

Questions.......What did you ladies pack in your hospital bag? What did you wear during the day? I was planning on just wearing my satin pjs all day, maybe with a robe.
Just wondering, did anyone else leave their RE as early as me? At our clinic (and I already knew this from my friend), you are released when they see the HB and the bloods are OK (which in my case was 6w+2d) ... seems quite early compared to all of you?
So when you flew, you were safely in your second trimester ... I will be at the end of the 12th week (11w6d when we fly there and then 13w3d for the return flight. Going there is indirect via London and the return we fly via Miami + London).
Dom Rep would be flying there 31w3d and flying back 33w3d - for that I definitely will discuss with doctor and if she recommends against it, then I won't fly.
Just also bit concerned, since we aren't out of the first trimester for the long-haul to Orlando... DH is more concerned than me - but when we have gone through so much to get to where we are, I guess it is understandable that we don't want to risk anything.
I have tried saying, that if we are going to miscarry, it will happen while staying on the ground too, that the air travel won't influence it. But he is more worried about any negative developmental impacts on the foetus.

Yup - been there the past years too, that for long haul I wear the stockings ... in fact, my calves swell even when sitting for long periods. In Canada, when I was there for a month on business, I went to work wearing boots and then swapped them for shoes while indoors ... I could barely get the zippers of the boots pulled up again at the end of the working day!

What does the non-stress test mean?
When is your arrival date? :) :dance:
It's great that you got such nice views of your babies :) :) <3
BUBU - I was released around 12w. I think it would have been a week or two earlier, but she wanted to see the hearts continue to develop, since we didn't get that far the time before that.
Just discuss all the flying with your doc....make sure DH is there so he can be re assured. My DH was concerned as well...more than I was....but my doc said all those myths and cabin pressure stories are all bullshit....and he used those exact words lol

Non-Stress test is when they hook up baby to heart monitor and another one to you to see for sit there and its hooked up to a lie detector type keeps an eye on movement, contractions, hb.
My c-section is scheduled for April 4yr wedding anniversary. Almost time!
Hey, I will be in the States when your babies are born :) How exciting is that? :) :)
And what do they want to see during the lie-detector test? What do your babies have to do to pass? :)
Thats soo exciting!!! You will be in nice weather! I am hoping things start warming up here...especially by then. Yesterday i didn't need a jacket, today its in the teens...go figure!
That test just detects movement and how often they do and hr at same time. Of course mine were sleeping when she did it....they moved a little towards the end and she's like ill show the doc....once she walked out, they went crazy lol I have to do it weekly now.
I just got back from the gynaecologist ... and am sooooo in l<3ve!
And actually feeling really proud of little Pünktchen, because Pünktchen is measuring exactly what he/she is meant to be measuring! No data was put in the u/s machine, and because of his/her length (0,62cm - so 6,2mm), the EDD is November 3rd, which puts me at 6w+4d (which is what I should be) :cloud9:

Aaaand ... not only did I see the heartbeat - I heard it! I was blown away ... heard the heartbeat... of my 6,2mm baby!! Amazing, 2mm in 2days... so proud of the little bean (is that silly??).

We have our next appointment next Friday (with DH) also to go over the Mutterpass (here we get a document, which we are supposed to have with us at all times, containing all important information about Mother + Baby)... He's going to get to hear the heart beating <3 <3

Oh, and I mentioned the flights - she was not at all worried about next month, but was not happy with the September trip and asked if I had cancellation insurance. So I guess DH will just be going on his own and I will sunbathe in the garden :)

Having really nice weather here in Munich - have had practically no winter at all this year! Only one week of snow, whereas last year, we had snow and more snow and more snow for about 3-4 months without a break! Crazy weather. I love the sun :)
Bubu I'm soo extremely excited!!! Omg!! I figured she would not be happy with the later trip. Sunbathing sounds fantastic also!
Bubu glad you like your OB and Pünktchen is doing as expected.

Stinas getting ready to meet your bubas right? How ready are you?

Mo just four more sleep before meeting little Mo. Exciting!! looking forward to knowing what you are having!!!

AFM not doing much at the moment. IVF is not in the plan yet but we are not ruling out another try before the year runs out.

Hope everyone is ok
bubu - Thats such an amazing feeling when you hear the hb and see that they are growing in right direction! Love it! Super excited for you!!!
Totally jelly that you are having nice weather over there!!! We have had a wicked winter this year. Im sick of wearing a coat and sick of all this stupid snow!!! This week we had a day that it was 60 degrees and yesterday it dropped to 19 degrees! Go figure! Spring does not want to come!

Sekky - Im getting ready! 6 more weeks until my c-section. Im terrified lol Item wise, I am totally fact I can clothe like ten kids lol
Mo- good luck tomorrow! I can't wait to see pictures!

So turns out upon further examination looks like I have a septum that will need to be fixed with a hysteroscopy, or so they think. The doctor will do a 3-D ultrasound to confirm. My blood work all came back completely normal no clotting disorder, nothing. I'm in high hopes that after I have the septum repaired then everything will go beautifully and I'll have my take home baby! For the time being they have started me on birth control until I have the hysteroscopy.
CD - Im glad they have a plan!!! I hope this is the fix!!

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