Im new to this section so first of all would just like to say hi x
Im 31 and I've been having irregular periods for about 4-5 years. 12 months ago my GP offered to refer me somewhere for further tests. At that time I was more concerned about my weight spiralling out of control. I strongly suspected I had a hormonal imbalance which my GP disagreed with. I asked for a private referral to an endocrinologist who after tests diagnosed me with mild PCOS {dispite being tested for this several times by my GP}. I was referred back onto NHS and am due to see him next week for a follow up.
The endo prescribed metformin & I started taking it in Nov last year. He also asked me about children but I explained getting my weight back under control was my first priority. I took the met & I lost about 20lbs quite quickly and discovered I was pregnant mid Dec. The pregnancy was a shock as we wasnt technically TTC at that point as we didnt think it would be possible so quickly due to the PCOS.
Sadly I miscarried just before the New Year & I was approx 5w. Since the m.c we have had sex several times but sadly despite supposedly being most fertile I never fell pregnant and got my first AF yesterday.
Having the m/c made us realise we would like to TTC straight away but my cycles prior to the m/c were irregular so we would like to try clomid or something similar as well to ensure I ovulate as often as possible.
I know clomid has to be prescribed and cant just be purchased but Im not sure whether a specialist will prescribe it for me now as I recently fell pregnant without it iykwim???
I willing to pay for it privately but assume its too late to arrange and start in time for this cycle. Does anyone have experience of having this drug prescribed privately and how quickly I could get the ball rolling??
Thanks xx
Im new to this section so first of all would just like to say hi x
Im 31 and I've been having irregular periods for about 4-5 years. 12 months ago my GP offered to refer me somewhere for further tests. At that time I was more concerned about my weight spiralling out of control. I strongly suspected I had a hormonal imbalance which my GP disagreed with. I asked for a private referral to an endocrinologist who after tests diagnosed me with mild PCOS {dispite being tested for this several times by my GP}. I was referred back onto NHS and am due to see him next week for a follow up.
The endo prescribed metformin & I started taking it in Nov last year. He also asked me about children but I explained getting my weight back under control was my first priority. I took the met & I lost about 20lbs quite quickly and discovered I was pregnant mid Dec. The pregnancy was a shock as we wasnt technically TTC at that point as we didnt think it would be possible so quickly due to the PCOS.
Sadly I miscarried just before the New Year & I was approx 5w. Since the m.c we have had sex several times but sadly despite supposedly being most fertile I never fell pregnant and got my first AF yesterday.
Having the m/c made us realise we would like to TTC straight away but my cycles prior to the m/c were irregular so we would like to try clomid or something similar as well to ensure I ovulate as often as possible.
I know clomid has to be prescribed and cant just be purchased but Im not sure whether a specialist will prescribe it for me now as I recently fell pregnant without it iykwim???
I willing to pay for it privately but assume its too late to arrange and start in time for this cycle. Does anyone have experience of having this drug prescribed privately and how quickly I could get the ball rolling??
Thanks xx