P'd off about 6 week check up - rant


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
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Hi girls, had my 6 week check this morning, and now feel utter shite.

I have been told I am overweight and need to lose a few pounds. I'm tall(5'9") and weigh 14.6 now, before I was pregnant I weighed 13.5. I am size 10/12 top and 14 trousers :wacko: My doc said I should look at dieting! WTH?? Surely I ain't that bloody bad, and for god sake cut me some slack only gave birth 5min ago!! :growlmad:
Also got a huge lecture on breastfeeding, breast is best etc, I expressed a lot at the beginning(had trouble with LO latching + very hungry baby) but then I got very low as I suffer a lot with depression, constantly pumping and not seeming to spend much time with my daughter. Why do these docs keep pushing? It's stuff I already know, I'm sorry but I feel bad enough not being able to breastfeed and not succeeding at it and I am just feeling worse now that I am FF.
I also asked for advice about my saggy belly and stretch marks, and when I showed her my tum she said 'oh yes you do have a lot of stretch marks, they are very bad'
:growlmad: I know I have!! & I'm asking you what I can do about it not asking you to comment about them.

Grrr sorry but I just need to vent! I don't know why I bothered with this stupid check. Nothing was 'checked' anyway.
Oh God I have mine Thursday and I'm dreading it, everyone I hear from has had a bad experience either by being ignored/not checked or being treated like crap. Sod them hun, if you're happy with your weight sack it. I know I'm in for a lecture as I'm over a stone heavier than pre-pregnancy and even then I was barely in the healthy BMI range. As for the tummy, avoid situps apparently as they do more harm than good with your post-preg stomach muscles, have a google for postnatal toning exercises and the stretch marks just keep moisturising, don't waste your money on stuff like boi-oil, they'll fade eventually x
Oh God I have mine Thursday and I'm dreading it, everyone I hear from has had a bad experience either by being ignored/not checked or being treated like crap. Sod them hun, if you're happy with your weight sack it. I know I'm in for a lecture as I'm over a stone heavier than pre-pregnancy and even then I was barely in the healthy BMI range. As for the tummy, avoid situps apparently as they do more harm than good with your post-preg stomach muscles, have a google for postnatal toning exercises and the stretch marks just keep moisturising, don't waste your money on stuff like boi-oil, they'll fade eventually x

I wasted my money on that poxy bio oil all through my pregnancy and it did nothing so no won't be wasting anymore LOL!
Hope your check up goes okay, I just found it pointless. All docs are diff tho I guess!! x
god! thats awful!! I am 16 stone, I was 12 before I got PG and by the time I was 12 weeks I was almost 14 stone. They never said nowt. I was 18 when I had Emma. The HV and doctor have only said I look well and v healthy - they have never mentioned weight thank lord!
I did complain to the HV about my weight and she said that well, I had just had a baby, what did i expect. It took me over 9 months to put that weight on, so its going to take at least that to lose it so dont worry!

So lets say BAH to your doctor and a pox on them :) Your weight is fine :) I wish I was 14.6!
Hi girls, had my 6 week check this morning, and now feel utter shite.

I have been told I am overweight and need to lose a few pounds. I'm tall(5'9") and weigh 14.6 now, before I was pregnant I weighed 13.5. I am size 10/12 top and 14 trousers :wacko: My doc said I should look at dieting! WTH?? Surely I ain't that bloody bad, and for god sake cut me some slack only gave birth 5min ago!! :growlmad:
Also got a huge lecture on breastfeeding, breast is best etc, I expressed a lot at the beginning(had trouble with LO latching + very hungry baby) but then I got very low as I suffer a lot with depression, constantly pumping and not seeming to spend much time with my daughter. Why do these docs keep pushing? It's stuff I already know, I'm sorry but I feel bad enough not being able to breastfeed and not succeeding at it and I am just feeling worse now that I am FF.
I also asked for advice about my saggy belly and stretch marks, and when I showed her my tum she said 'oh yes you do have a lot of stretch marks, they are very bad'
:growlmad: I know I have!! & I'm asking you what I can do about it not asking you to comment about them.

Grrr sorry but I just need to vent! I don't know why I bothered with this stupid check. Nothing was 'checked' anyway.

Nooooo! That's so horrible. I would complain about that doctor.
I am only 5foot6 and a 12 top and 16 trousers, and don't consider myself fat at all, so I think you're absolutely fine!
As for the breast is best stuff that makes me so mad, you did your best for god's sake, I had the same problem as you and can't stand it when I get asked 'are you BF?' at every injection appointment with Ruby. It's irrelevant! It seems like they're just trying to make us feel bad.
Sorry I have hijacked your thread with a rant but it sounds like your doctor treated you appallingly and I just hope you can see that and not take her insensitive comments to heart.
i think there should be regulations for what they do at 6week check. mine i went in for two mins was asked am i feeding and hows bleeding that was it. i wasnt even checked and i had a csection. now ive got to have an operation as they think things havent gone back properly which could have been sorted earlier if they did checks properly.
i asked about my saggy belly as have an overhang from where scar is ...and the extra weight and he said well you got pregnant its a consequence what do you expect?!?!

i think doctors and the whole system needs looking into.
also dont feel bad for ff. you did your best with breast feeding and expressing...some people dont even give it a go, which is their choice, but you didnt give up when baby wouldnt latch you expressed. breast is best but so is a happy mummy.

i had really bad stretch marks they came on really fast and i hated them. i just use cocoa butter everyday and at 8months on now they are fading. i didnt believe they would when people told me they would but they do fade hun.
That's ridiculous! You're not fat at all - I'd complain! x x
Thats awful and the last thing you want to be hearing when you have just given birth and prone to suffering with baby blues

:grr: :gun: to the stupid doctor!! Put a complaint in....

You are not fat hun, dont listen :hugs:
Thanks ladies. :hugs:

Think I'm going to put a complaint in to be honest, I had a lot of stitches and they weren't checked or asked about(even though I know they are fine and healed), also lost 2 litres of blood at the birth and nothing was asked about that. Actually what was funny was she asked if it was a natural birth, don't they have the information?!
I had exactly the same - asked if it was a natural birth, asked if I was feeling ok and then talked about contraception.

I had a forceps delivery and had stitches - didn't get a mention, never mind checked!
I had fairly bad baby blues and still have low days - hardly took notice of this.
When I asked about the options for contraception as I've been on the pill since I was 16 (now 34) my gp quickly went over the options commented that my weight was obviously an issue (I wasn't weighed but I've just under 13st) and then said that the coil was recommended but she didn't do it!

All in all a total waste of time!
ffs thats terrible! you are certainly not fat!! and ff is fine honey :hugs: please don't feel bad! what a horrible horrible doctor :hugs: xxx

so sorry your check was so lousy. i still remember mine like it was yesterday (about a year ago!!!). it was terrible too. very similar - doctor waffled on about me being overweight (yes, i know - i am working on it), not breast feeding, not doing enough exercise etc. negative bunch of buggers aren't they.

don't worry hun, it gets easier (promise). i am not sure i am going to bother going with my next baby tbh. waste of time. :hugs:

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