people and their comments!


3 boys
Aug 17, 2009
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Arrrrghh..... it annoys me. I am having my 3rd and last baby and 3rd boy. Why do people feel its ok to make comments like 'aww thats a shame' 'will you try again for a girl?' ............. 'wow your house is going to be loud with 3 boys, i couldnt imagine that'.

Come on REALLY???? i have no control over what sex my baby is and why do people have this thing against boys? oh they are so loud, they make so much mess, they are dirty etc etc!

Just winds me up. I have actually avoided a coffee morning this morning just so i dont have to deal with these comments. Yes it would have been nice to have a girl this time but you dont need to make comments about my boys!!
Its bad enough that they wouldnt put the sex down in my folder as the cord was between the legs so she said she cant say 100% but she is pretty sure. Plus my in-laws have lost all interest in this pregnancy since finding out its another boy as this will be their 4th grandson.
Sometimes i would be quite happy to shut myself away as its other people that cause gender disappointment most of the time!

sorry just needed to vent!
Oh my gosh I was just thinking about this!
I found out today from my NIPT that we are expecting boy #2. I am super excited about the idea that they will have a brotherly bond... But I am dreading telling people. I don't want to have to deal with people's negative reactions saying "oh nooo it's not a girl, what a shame!" And "oh well you can always try for a third". It's frustrating. I know that it will happen because whenever I mentioned that I hoped baby was a boy, people would almost kind of argue with me and say that they are all hoping it is a girl and I should be hoping for a girl too. It is so frustrating.
I can sympathize. DH is one of 3 boys, so the joke in the family is that they can't make girls. So far it's true. I have one son, my bro-in-law and wife are expecting a boy in a few weeks, and we accidentally found out that we're having another boy. We're keeping it a secret until the birth partly because the ultrasound tech accidentally let it slip and we didn't actually want to know, but partly because I'm afraid that somehow my younger son will be less important to his extended family among all these boys. But I'm so excited to meet my little boy and watch my sons grow up together!
People fall into one of two camps - those that want to say something nice but can't think what and so end up saying cliches and those who are just plain weird and genuinely think people are desperate to have a girl!

DH is one of 3 boys, MIL actually wanted 3 boys but people have never believed her! I think boys are fantastic, they're kids, most of them are messy and loud regardless of sex. Next time they say something like that laugh and say gosh I hope you didn't mean to sound so rude.
I'm sure this will be my third boy.. not our last baby as I have a thing for even numbers 😂 But i'm sure we get all the comments.. one of the reasons we are team yellow this time is I dont want 20 weeks worth of comments once we've had the scan!
All I've had since we found out that we were having a girl is "oh that's wonderful! The gentleman's family! You don't need to have any more now!" This had even come from my own mother. I actually didn't and don't care what we have as long as baby is healthy and if it weren't for some physical issues in the pregnancy then we'd be happy to try again regardless. Some folk just can't mind their own business.
I'm currently carrying #2 and am already getting these comments. We don't know what the baby is yet and don't want to find out. I actually am wanting another boy as I just see myself with a family of boys And my husband.

My DH's mom and my mom have other plans it seems as "oh it's going to be a girl and your going to have the PERFECT family!" Or " if I'm going to have an even amount of grandchildren than I need 2 of each!".

Ummm who says we are done after 2? Also who says having one of each is the ideal family? Pfffftttt.

I'm going to love this baby no matter what.
People say annoying things about girls, too.

"Two girls?! Yowza! Good luck with all THAT drama!"

eye. roll.
wow who knew that so many people go through this. It really does annoy me. some people just dont think of how their comments affect us. I admit i was upset when i found out our last was another boy BUT after 2 days i was getting over it, its peoples comments that keep making me go back to that feeling!

This lil man will be so loved, already is and as long as he is healthy and the birth goes ok what more could anyone want? They are children not defined by what is between their legs :thumbup:
I think people just say weird, rude things no matter what. My BIL/SIL had three boys and then a girl, and my SIL said that when people found out her fourth was a girl, they would ask if she was disappointed. They thought she was hoping for "all boys." That really surprised me because usually people seem to assume you want whichever gender you don't already have. I'm pregnant with a second boy and I was terrified of all the negative comments, but so far, shockingly, I've been lucky and nobody has said anything negative! In fact I got more negative comments about my first boy than I have with the second one. There's really no rhyme or reason to it, people just speak without thinking and say awkward things, maybe to be funny, who knows.

I will say that before we found out the sex of this baby, I gt some weird comments from relatives about how they had a "feeling" it was a girl or how they wanted it to be a girl. I HATED the idea of people being disappointed on the day my son was born, so I purposefully found out the sex and told everyone to give them time to get used to it. Babies are exciting! Each kid has a different personality, different interests, etc. Gender doesn't really matter much in the end. I hope you find some people who are supportive and help you feel excited about your third son.
I get rude comments ALL THE TIME... and it drives me nuts! It was worse with my third but for a different reason. It was because we already had a boy and a girl so everyone thought we should stop. When I became pregnant again people would sneer "now that you have two girls and a boy you need to have another one and get another boy". Like are you serious?! I can't help what gender I get and it is amazing to me that I did end up with 2 of each. However, even if I hadn't, I wouldn't be disappointed. After all I have babies to have a family, not to have a gender. Why must people act like boys and girls are different species rather than humans with just different organs between their legs?

Just to add too my family also isn't excited about this baby either because it is my fourth. I'm having a hard time getting into this pregnancy because of how indifferent everyone is. It isn't fair. Every human is different. There shouldn't be more attention focused on the first baby just because it is "the first" than on subsequent babies, regardless of gender.
Personally i think 3 boys is amazing. Firstly they are your children. Male/female you will love them for who they are. Secondly a house full of boys will be great fun over the years too. People do your head in with stupid comments. My mum had 4 girls. My sister had a girl, other sister had a boy and other sister has a boy & girl and i have a girl. Most want me to have a boy this time. I had the pressure last time with my parents not wanting me to find out the sex and family not liking my names but suggesting there ideas! Its almost like they expect you to actually consider what they want! Its hard! This time i wont be telling anyone the sex until they are born. People really can put a downer on pregnancy.

You enjoy your pregnancy and just say no im happy thanks! Got boys stuff already and know what im doing with boys? We like a noisy home!!! Best thing to do is say that then they cant say anything. Xx
Oh this annoys me SO MUCH!!
When I found out the sex with Lucas all the female members of my family said "oh well, we'll love it whatever it is" :dohh:
Now I'm pregnant again it is sooo much worse. My family really haven't said anything but there hasn't been a girl in OH's family for a long time so they're all obsessed with me having a girl.
The worst though is a woman from work. She goes on and on every time she sees me, about how I definitely want a girl this time so I have "one of each". I explain each time that, while I'll be ecstatic either way, if I got to choose I'd have another boy. She freely tells me I'm wrong, that I actually want a girl. Honest to God :grr:

We're hoping to find out next week and if it's a boy I swear, if anyone tries passing their sad little disappointment to me I will let loose.
Thanks ladies. I am excited about my 3rd boy now i really cant wait to meet him. My other boys are so different, one is all my side one is all DH side so what will this one look/be like?? one had straight hair one had curly, this one? i cant wait.

I say to people that having another boy is easier for me, i do know what i am doing and i still have toys etc from my 2nd son that i just couldnt throw away. Be it brothers or sisters they will have a great bond and he will have 2 big brothers to look after him.

I also have the fun side of having no clothes left from my others so get to start again, going to hunt for some funky boys clothes so i am not buying the same boring rubbish. :) xx
I really allowed my parents and sisters opinions to upset me with dd. its quite sad really that im taking control this time and not telling anyone if its a girl or boy, because i am doing it to avoid stress rather than because its what i want. My mum already said u just need one neutral baby sleepsuit for hospital and thats all you need. It was her way of pushing me not to find out. You would think they would of learnt from last time to back off and respect how we do things. Ive also had 3 of my names dissed already. Oh loves Hannah and mum said i hate hannah dont call it hannah. My sister reacted badly to matilda. I had jax on my boys list and mum said it just doesn't sound right do t use that. Honestly it makes me want to shout at them that they are absolutely rude and shouldn't back us into a corner about name choices
Thanks ladies. I am excited about my 3rd boy now i really cant wait to meet him. My other boys are so different, one is all my side one is all DH side so what will this one look/be like?? one had straight hair one had curly, this one? i cant wait.

I say to people that having another boy is easier for me, i do know what i am doing and i still have toys etc from my 2nd son that i just couldnt throw away. Be it brothers or sisters they will have a great bond and he will have 2 big brothers to look after him.

I also have the fun side of having no clothes left from my others so get to start again, going to hunt for some funky boys clothes so i am not buying the same boring rubbish. :) xx

Good for you hun. That's exactly it. He will look different, act different, like different toys and foods. He is an exciting addition to the family. Its awful that people say such nonsense. A new baby is exciting full stop. Cx
I'm glad someone posted about this. However my RUDE comment I really feel takes the cake on rude comments and I'm still trying to figure out how to even react to it.

My 2 bestfreinds and I went out for lunch. Bestie1 has 2 little girls Bestie2 has no children. I am excepting my first and it's a boy. A couple months ago right before me and BF went to find out the sex of our baby Bestie1 wanted to go see a medium (sounded fun) So a few of us went. Bestie1 swears by him. I asked the medium if he knew the sex of my baby he says yep I'm 100% sure its a girl. I'm willing to get it in writing. Ok. So weeks later congrats its a boy. We have the gender reveal damn near my whole family guessed girl. So now here we are months later (2 days ago) We are having lunch Bestie1 says I want to go see the medium again. I said eh he was wrong on the sex of my baby so I'm ok with that. Bestie2 asks questions about it and what not. (Here it is) Bestie1 says. Well maybe he wasn't wrong. I look confused and say um 3 ultrasounds say its a boy. She says yeah right now. Me still confused I said so are you saying my child will be gay? (of course I'd love him no matter what not the point and not the worst of this conversation) She says no he wont be gay just don't get use to having a son. Now I practically yell are you trying to tell me you think my son is going to die and she says no. Bestie2 goes oh god I know what your saying and I'm like well can someone fill me in and Bestie1 goes think Catlyn Jenner :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: I damn near chocked. Who the hell says that about a child that's not even born yet!!!!! I didn't even know how to react to it and she said it like she was ordering a salad like it was no big deal. Me and Bestie1 have been friends for over 20 years I NEVER saw her telling me this and I don't even know how to handle it. Am I over reacting??!
I'm glad someone posted about this. However my RUDE comment I really feel takes the cake on rude comments and I'm still trying to figure out how to even react to it.

My 2 bestfreinds and I went out for lunch. Bestie1 has 2 little girls Bestie2 has no children. I am excepting my first and it's a boy. A couple months ago right before me and BF went to find out the sex of our baby Bestie1 wanted to go see a medium (sounded fun) So a few of us went. Bestie1 swears by him. I asked the medium if he knew the sex of my baby he says yep I'm 100% sure its a girl. I'm willing to get it in writing. Ok. So weeks later congrats its a boy. We have the gender reveal damn near my whole family guessed girl. So now here we are months later (2 days ago) We are having lunch Bestie1 says I want to go see the medium again. I said eh he was wrong on the sex of my baby so I'm ok with that. Bestie2 asks questions about it and what not. (Here it is) Bestie1 says. Well maybe he wasn't wrong. I look confused and say um 3 ultrasounds say its a boy. She says yeah right now. Me still confused I said so are you saying my child will be gay? (of course I'd love him no matter what not the point and not the worst of this conversation) She says no he wont be gay just don't get use to having a son. Now I practically yell are you trying to tell me you think my son is going to die and she says no. Bestie2 goes oh god I know what your saying and I'm like well can someone fill me in and Bestie1 goes think Catlyn Jenner :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: I damn near chocked. Who the hell says that about a child that's not even born yet!!!!! I didn't even know how to react to it and she said it like she was ordering a salad like it was no big deal. Me and Bestie1 have been friends for over 20 years I NEVER saw her telling me this and I don't even know how to handle it. Am I over reacting??!

Sounds like they are immature and trying to wind you up. It will be a boy if it showed a penis on the scan 3 times. As for psychics they only need to guess they have a 50 percent chance of being right! I had a reading done when i was pregnant with dd..... She saw a little girl born on 21/02/15 weighing 7lb 3oz and a 17 hour labour. I would need pain relief and she would look like me... I had a girl on the 21/02/15 and i had a 7 hour labour. She looked like her dad and weight 7lb 9oz

So there you go. They can tell you allsorts!!
i have been told to send my baby back as its not a girl, been told that my house will be so so loud and crazy, been told i will be alone when i am older as boys get a wife and piss off basically!!! been looked at with pity while the other person is holding their little girl in their hands :growlmad: seriously grrrrrrr
i have been told to send my baby back as its not a girl, been told that my house will be so so loud and crazy, been told i will be alone when i am older as boys get a wife and piss off basically!!! been looked at with pity while the other person is holding their little girl in their hands :growlmad: seriously grrrrrrr

Nah they are talking utter poo! I think you will have 3 lovely grown up sons one day who will all have different personalities and look after you. Plenty of boys still see there mums when they are men. It really is silly how peoples minds work.

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