People that understand...


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2013
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Hello everyone!

I'm new here and wanted to say hello since I know you are all in the same boat as me and desperately TTC again! I'm 33 and we have been trying to conceive #2 for 14 months now with no luck whatsoever. It took us 5 months to get pregnant with my son but I think the first couple of months our timing was out!

I've had initial blood tests done which were all fine and hubby is going for his semen analysis next week (finally!!). We have another dr's appt in 2 weeks to go over the results and discuss what we want to do next but our dr. wants to go slowly with us since he thinks it will happen naturally at some point.

For a long time I was ok with it not happening realising it doesn't always happen straight away but now as each month goes by I'm finding it harder and harder, especially since everyone else around me seems to be getting pregnant again without even trying!!

It's just nice to know we're not alone as it's hard to talk to people about it who fully understand.

Hi! We are on cycle 17, it has been 1 year. I have 2 kids and had a tubal reversal. We are now on injectables, Clomid, trigger, and progesterone with timed BDing.

I think I am having a CP this cycle. I had 3 BFPs over the weekend and AF started, but looked all odd on Saturday night. I did betas Monday and they were 20. I am now waiting to see what they are today.

I love having tons of people to talk to who are going through he same thing. It keeps me sane and OH sane because I am not driving him crazy with every single symptom! LOL

Good luck this cycle!!

It's so nice to talk to people who understand!! I've got my fingers crossed that your BFP sticks. I have been wondering if I had a CP last month as my cycle was definitely quite different from normal. That being said I didn't test as I got my period which was super heavy. This month I'm not even sure if I have ovulated as temperatures are rising very slowly.....again very different from every other month but maybe different is good!! :)
No I use Attain Fertility Planner. No idea how I found it(!!) - I think perhaps through TCOYF?! Not sure - I started charting 10 months ago after we had been trying for 6 months....

I'm on CD22 and my temp was 97.7 this morning which is what my cover line is...the last 3 days I've been 97.6 (I normally ovulate around day 16ish) Normally I'm a little higher by now and certainly would have seen a bigger rise/ clear shift above the cover line which is why I'm wondering if perhaps I didn't ovulate this month which is a first for me.....or I could just be over analyzing things and my cover line isn't accurate!!! (My temp on day 14 & 15 was 97.0 and 97.2 on day 16 so there has been a rise, just not above the cover line)

I really wish I could just try to "forget about it" and see what happens but when you have been trying for so long how do you do that!!??!!
I know we tried that for a few months and I still knew what Cd I was on and since I usually O around CD12, I was always stressing if we didn't BD then. You can't forget about it. Once baby gets on your mind, baby doesn't ever leave, I don't think.
Totally agree! I wish I could forget what day of my cycle it was but no chance!! lol
Impossible. I am getting more and more nervous by the minute. I will be going to my RE's office to get my results and we are leaving in 10 minutes.
I don't really know what that means but I'm guessing it's great news!!! Does that mean you have your BFP?!?!...

Ok googled it and it's your hCG levels?! If so that's amazing!!!
Not too bad thanks! Day 25 of cycle but not holding out much hope for this one... How are you feeling?! You must be so delighted :D
Ecstatic one minute, worried the next. LOL Nausea is off and on horrible then nothing, then somewhat.

FX for you this cycle! :hugs: Keep me posted.
Looks like I'm out for this cycle :( I just tested 30 minutes ago cause I foolishly started to think it might actually have happened this month.... I have had NO symptoms what-so-ever which is very unusual for me (I always get really sore breasts about a week before my period is due until my period arrives and quite often a sore back) and that's what happened when I was pregnant with my son (the no symptoms) but I just got a BFN :( So crappy....

My period isn't actually due until Friday but I thought I would test because of what I said above, but also cause my hubby is going for his semen analysis this week and I wanted to spare him having to go through it if I was pregnant!

I'm now wondering more than ever if I did in fact have a CP last month and didn't even ovulate this month....I have had a rise in temp which made me think I had O'd but it is slight and lower than it normally is (to the point the program I use hasn't even marked an ovulation day).....I don't know - have you ever heard of anyone getting a false negative with First Response 3 days before their period is due?

Guess it's on to 2014 for us?!? Feeling sad :(
Yes, I have heard of false negatives even after AF is late. There is a girl on here whose baby was just born. She had 10 negatives and didn't get a BFP until AF was almost 2 weeks late and that was with a FRER. You are not out until AF shows. My FRER was so faint, you could barely see it the day before FA was due.

BTW, I had a scan yesterday and we saw a sac! I posted it in my journal if you want to see it.

Amazing - I will have a look now! Such great's so exciting! :D

That's good to know.....sometimes I know I am just setting myself up for more disappointment but I really thought it might have happened this month!! I'll stay off the wine til AF shows though!! ;) I read some other stories on the internet about lots of ppl getting false negatives with FRER.... for some reason I thought they were a good brand!?!? Just goes to show.....

So delighted for you!!!
How do I find your journal?! Sorry I'm so new to this!!! I tried clicking on your profile but couldn't find it....

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